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In honor of Russell Milton Savage 1901 - 1986


This website is dedicated to Thomas Savage “The Carpenter” and Ensign Thomas Savage of Virginia's Eastern Shore. The first successful English colonization of America, Jamestown. Covering the historical period from 1607 to 1655.

It was in July of 2005 that I put the site online and for these many years have kept it up to date with new finds. I am now 86 years old and it is time that a member of my family will take charge and rebuild SAVAGE ANCESTRY with up-dated software and continue to, as I have, provide help to those interested in finding their Savage roots. I have been chasing down these Savages for many years and it's time to pass the chase to younger explorers.

All material on this site, other than that which is cited from other sources, is protected through Copyright and is made available for private use only. Any commercial use or for-profit publication in any form is forbidden without the written consent of R. Blair Savage at 6622 Garde Rd., Boynton Beach, FL 33472.

The aim of this site is to:

1. Make available information on the continuing effort to prove the relationship of Thomas Savage the Carpenter, who first appears in Colonial Virginia records in 1632, and Ensign Thomas Savage who arrived in 1607/08 with the First Supply to Jamestown - and to determine their family histories.

2. Provide assistance to those who believe they may be descended from these two adventurers.


Caution: If you are new to genealogy research, you need to be aware that there is an extreme amount of rubbish information posted on the Internet. Before using any information found on-line one should make sure it is documented. In my own searching, of this most valuable medium, I have found scores of postings relating to the lives of Ensign Thomas Savage and Thomas Savage the Carpenter which are highly questionable and many that are just plain wrong.

After twenty-four years of searching, I have found no person, or source, on the Internet or anywhere else, who cites an actual record which identifies the parents of Ensign Thomas Savage, or the location in England from where he came.

If anyone has such hard evidence, I would sincerely appreciate your sharing it with those of us who have spent many years in search of it.


Web Design: John Zuccaro, Tracy Savage Zuccaro and R. Blair Savage

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