Monash University - one of the top universities in Australia

Web Name: Monash University - one of the top universities in Australia






Study at Monash University Our global reputation ensures you are recognised for your skills and talent - no matter where in the world you choose to pursue your dreams. Visit Study at Monash to learn more. Research We believe great research, properly applied can lead to lasting and positive change in people s lives. Our research focus has led to hundreds of discoveries and breakthroughs. Explore Research. Enterprise & partnerships If you're in industry or government and looking to access the technology, research or education expertise at Monash University, make us your first point of call. Visit Enterprise and partnerships for more. International Our international research and education footprint means we can respond to the issues and opportunities of both our region and the world.Find out more about our global impact. Our people Monash is brimming with gifted, talented, driven people. Find a researcher or PhD supervisor, search the Monash staff directory or explore our database of experts at People and places. News events Monash people are pioneering research, delivering outcomes and leading new initiatives that challenge the status quo. Visit Lens to read their stories. Alumni As a Monash graduate you are part of our global alumni community and the benefits of studying at Monash continue long after you graduate. Find out more about the Alumni community. RANKINGS SUCCESS We’ve climbed three places to rank 55th globally in the QS World University Rankings 2021. Make change. To the way you think. To the path you take.To the lives of people all over the world. For sixty years our work has changed the world.As our film shows, this is only the beginning. Hit 'pause' to see how we re helping. Then it's over to you.Because we re not asking you, we re telling you: IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. The rise in extremism is undeniable. Crying ignorance doesn t cut it. Our Global Terrorism Research Centre gives us a view, and our partnerships with the UN ensure a clear direction. Understanding the underlying causes are the first steps to eradicating terror. IF YOU DON T LIKE ANARCHISM AND EXTREMISM, CHANGE IT. We ve waged war on ending wars. Our Gender, Peace and Security Centre seeks out roadblocks to peace and demolishes them. We ve partnered with the Department of Foreign Affairs to help shape policies that work in Asia and beyond. IF YOU DON T LIKE WAR, CHANGEIT. When human rights are being trampled, we re on the front line. Across issues including LGBTIQ rights, racism, prisons and more, our Castan Centre for Human Rights Law is asking the right questions: What s getting better? What isn t? What needs to change? IF YOU DON T LIKE CENSORSHIP, CHANGEIT. When countries pit themselves against each other, all our lives are on the line. Our international law researchers are determined to put an end to the madness by identifying better ways to negotiate in high-stakes situations. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Our international relations researchers are working to create a generation of critical thinkers who proactively and positively challenge the status quo. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. The Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences is home to brain imaging research that s identifying why some humans can t help but agree even when the stakes are high. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. The war on drugs has failed. Current laws affect groups that are already marginalised. We re proud to be part of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, dedicated to developing drug policy reform that works, based on principles of public health and human rights. IF YOU DON T LIKE DRUGLAW, CHANGEIT. Society is hesitant to discuss high-cost, addictive behaviours such as gambling, problem drinking and misuse of drugs. Our Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences is identifying the fundamental brain processes behind addiction, and translating those findings into accessible treatment. IF YOU DON T LIKE ADDICTION, CHANGEIT. Humans are partly to blame for freak weather that destroys our economies and environment. We owe it to the Earth to fix this. In the meantime, our Centre for Excellence of Climate Extremes is improving weather predictions and developing strategies to reduce devastation. IF YOU DON T LIKE FREAKWEATHER, CHANGEIT. More than 2 billion people have inadequate access to clean water. Our Sustainable Development Institute is spearheading a transformative global project, working directly with the poorest communities to build safer, healthier systems. IF YOU DON T LIKE DIRTYWATER, CHANGEIT. Genocide is still a reality. The scale of human suffering is mind-numbing. Condemning isn t enough. Our Castan Centre for Human Rights Law as well as the Centre for Gender, Peace and Security are on the frontlines, safeguarding asylum seeker and refugee rights. IF YOU DON T LIKE HUMANITARIANCRISES, CHANGEIT. The cost of an environmental disaster is high. A single event can affect ecosystems, living standards and community health. Our Disaster Resilience Initiative is changing the way communities respond to natural disasters, limiting their severity and helping to prevent them from happening at all. IF YOU DON T LIKE ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER, CHANGEIT. It s actually not too late to save the planet. We re at the forefront of efforts to stop climate change and environmental devastation. Among UN delegations, international networks of leading scientists and even the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, our researchers are world-leading. IF YOU DON T LIKE GLOBALWARMING, CHANGEIT. Each week in Australia, at least one woman is killed by a man. In a domestic setting, one in four children sees male violence. It has to stop. Our Gender and Family Violence researchers are reforming prevention by training law enforcement and changing legal responses to better protect the vulnerable. IF YOU DON T LIKE DOMESTICVIOLENCE, CHANGEIT. Some situations are tinderboxes, instantly escalating from tense to violent. What ignites civil unrest? Our Radicalisation Project examines the establishing factors, then assists in forming policies to better pre-empt and prevent situations that lead to violence. IF YOU DON T LIKE STREETRIOTS, CHANGEIT. More than one billion children live in areas affected by combat. Our Educational and Developmental Psychology degree prepares counsellors to rise to the challenges presented by a volatile world and guide their students to a better future. IF YOU DON T LIKE BOMBINGKIDS, CHANGEIT. Soldier s heart, shell shock, combat disease. PTSD affects veterans and civilians everywhere. Our Healthy Sleep Clinic plays a critical role in improved treatment for insomnia and other traumatic stress-induced symptoms, providing a first step towards relief. IF YOU DON T LIKE PTSD, CHANGEIT. Why do we play global games of chicken? Our School of Psychological Sciences, applies principles of psychology to topical issues, digging to the root of controversy and current events to work out the why behind retaliation and other destructive behaviours. IF YOU DON T LIKE MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION, CHANGEIT. Our Biological Sciences researchers have collaborated with other scientists to create a process that could end ivory trade forever. By changing how countries debate the topic, their solution pairs emotional intelligence with science to help resolve the debate and save these species. IF YOU DON T LIKE POACHING, CHANGEIT. Across education, law, social science and politics we ve investigated the motivations behind the phenomena of populism in our documentary series A Different Lens. IF YOU DON T LIKE IT, CHANGEIT. The internet moves at lightning speed, and the law can t keep up. As cyberbullying and trolling become increasingly common, our Education faculty is focused on examining their impact and developing strategies to protect the vulnerable from being drowned out. IF YOU DON T LIKE HATE SPEECH, CHANGEIT. We need a revolution. So we re starting one. We kicked it off with our Net Zero initiative: by the year 2030, we ll be the first Australian university powered by 100 percent renewable energy, acting as a living lab to prove that a sustainable future is possible. IF YOU DON T LIKE OUR FUTURE GOING UP IN SMOKE, CHANGEIT. Conflict. Persecution. Eviction. We re seeing unprecedented numbers of displaced people denied access to the most basic right: safety. Our Border Crossing Observatory presents new insights on the topic, while in sharp relief, our Australian Border Deaths Database aims to prevent grave tragedies from becoming banal statistics. IF YOU DON T LIKE SOCIALINJUSTICE, CHANGEIT. Being safe in our own homes should be a right, not a privilege. Our Civil Engineering department serves as a leader in engineering for extremes, protecting society by making our infrastructure more resilient to the pressures of fire, flooding and attacks. IF YOU DON T LIKE UNSAFE HOUSING, CHANGEIT. Each year, more than 700,000 people die from diseases carried by blood-feeding insects. Eighty percent of the world s population is at risk. Our Institute of Vector-Borne Disease works to develop new treatments, saving hundreds of thousands of lives. IF YOU DON T LIKE DISEASE SPREADING, CHANGEIT. When it comes to eating disorders, anorexia is by far the biggest killer. We developed the Butterfly Eating Disorder Day Program, using evidence-based treatment with individuals as young as 12 to help them beat this debilitating condition. IF YOU DON T LIKE EATING DISORDERS, CHANGETHEM. By 2020, 75 percent of Australia s population will be overweight or obese, with serious health consequences. Our Centre for Obesity Research and Education is fighting back, identifying preventative strategies and safe management of the disease. IF YOU DON T LIKE OUR EATING HABITS, CHANGETHEM. We owe it to respect our elders. Our School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine prioritises this community, improving the practices and policies of elder care, helping to ensure their protection. IF YOU DON T LIKE MISTREATMENT, CHANGEIT. You can t predict the future, right? Wrong. Our Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, recognised worldwide for its expertise, uses data to predict everything from the outcome of elections to global energy use in decades to come. IF YOU DON T LIKE BOOM AND BUST, CHANGEIT. What is at the root of violent conflict? Can we fix relationships between groups that seem beyond repair? The Global Connections and Violence Focus Program is leveraging research to address challenging legacies. IF YOU DON T LIKE ARMED CONFLICT, CHANGEIT. It s become harder for journalists to hold governments to account, yet it remains critical that they do. News is drowned out by more and more noise, and organisations could do anything for a story. Our School of Media, Film and Journalism continually monitors the media and those who regulate it to stand up for the freedom of journalists worldwide. IF YOU DON T LIKE TRAMPLING OVER RIGHTS, CHANGEIT. At Monash, we ve been challenging the status quo since 1958. And we re looking for anyone who feels defiant, refuses to accept things as they are, and fundamentally wants things to improve for the better. We ve made lots of great discoveries, but our work is never done. The only question is how you re going to be a part of it. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Time s Up. Gender politics has gone from an undercurrent to a flood, and our Centre for Women s Studies and Gender Research is at its heart. By rejecting hyper-masculinity, family violence and binary understandings of gender and sexuality, we re marching forward. Are we comfortable talking about Australia s history? Our Indigenous Studies Centre s research is rooted in respect for the Traditional Owners of this Land. Among other projects, the centre is creating a visual histories project aimed at reconnecting photographs of Indigenous people with their descendants. IF YOU DON T LIKE AUSTRALIA DAY, CHANGEIT. Don t just sit there, do something. Activism is a proud part of the University s tradition. Our Creative Arts Education staff are leading the charge, examining the ways artists can embody ideas and galvanize movements. We encourage critical thinking, robust debate and activism with evidence and facts as their foundation.If you don t like keeping quiet, change it. We re determined to find methods to match the educational demands of the future while maintaining a diverse, thriving student body. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. What stops a bad guy with a gun? Understanding the contributing issues is a start. Our criminologists and econometricians are investigating the motivation behind gun ownership and through policy development, are taking the first step to wiping out gun violence altogether. IF YOU DON T LIKE EVEN MORE GUNS, CHANGEIT. At Monash, we ve been challenging the status quo since 1958. And we re looking for anyone who feels defiant, refuses to accept things as they are, and fundamentally wants things to improve for the better. We ve made lots of great discoveries, but our work is never done. The only question is how you re going to be a part of it. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Are there better ways to learn? How can technology improve the classroom? Pictured here in a dynamic learning environment in our Learning and Teaching Building, Faculty of Education Lecturer Michael Phillips is searching for answers. Through his work collaborating with researchers to change the way teachers integrate digital learning into classrooms we can better communicate with current and future students. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. The Ramaciotti Centre is home to Australia s first, hyper-advanced Titan Krios microscope, managed by Dr. Hari Venugopal. The facility was recently used to conduct research that could lead to cheaper, more effective drugs to treat rare blood diseases and sepsis. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Dr. Geraldine Burke is a Faculty of Education lecturer, focusing on and connecting generations through community-based art projects. Her work connects young students with their communities past, while training them to value a sustainable future. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Dr. Cecilia Blomstedt and other scientists use the Jock Marshall Reserve for a number of research projects. The reserve is a conservation area for native plants and plays a vital role in enhancing threatened species long-term survival. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Alumna Kathryn Browne argues in our new Moot Court a student-centered facility designed as a training resource for the David Derham School of Law. The court is equipped with the latest technology to help the latest generation learn to fight for what s right. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Thanks to virtual reality, advancement is at our fingertips. The landmark CAVE, housed in the Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform, is a research platform where engineering, IT, science and all our disciplines converge. The CAVE enables researchers like Dr. Stephen Dubsky to explore large scale data, environments and scenarios with a clarity that used to be impossible. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Lecturer Dr. Natalie Trevaskis leads a program focused on developing new drug delivery solutions, designed to treat obesity related diseases. These will replace current treatments that shorten lifespans and introduce toxicities. We see things a little differently. Dr. Trinh Vu s work reflects the relationship between art and technology. She uses 3D printers and other technology to create contemporary artwork that balances the natural world with today s tech. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Our Clayton campus is committed to being a living example of positive change. As the first Australian university to commit to an energy reduction target, we're proud to be a leader in taking action on climate change. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Monash Malaysia is committed to making a positive impact on society and improving the human condition. Scientists on our Malaysian campus work on global challenges in areas including tropical medicine, advanced engineering and brain research. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Our New Horizons Research Centre houses expertise that s helping to answer the tech challenges facing industry around the world. We re designing tomorrow s materials and processes that will affect generations to come. IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. For sixty years our work has changed the world.But this is only the beginning. Now it's over to you. Because we re not asking you, we re telling you: IF YOU DON T LIKEIT, CHANGEIT. Latest news Stay up-to-date with the latest news from inside the world of Monash. See how our research is creating change on a global scale at Monash Lens. Monash University has signed a multi-year research collaboration with Janssen Biotech, Inc., to advance the understanding ofCoeliac Disease. Truck drivers globally could soon have access to state-of-the-art temperature control in their cabins that reduces windscreen condensation and improves comfort. Monash University has climbed three places in the QS World University Rankings 2021 released today, ranking 55th among the 1604 institutions considered globally. Girls as young as four can harness their passion for STEM through an emphasis on play-based learning in the classroom, Monash research shows. Monash University researchers awarded $1.4 million for clinical trial, to be conducted from the Victorian Heart Hospital,due to open in 2022. Education's new frontier The next generation of school leaders will need certain key attributes to succeed in a radically reshaped world.

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