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Imperium et Regnum Curia de Draconis Summatus The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court of the Dragon Sovereignty

Navigation The Ancient and Sovereign DragonCourt and Order Dragon Alchemy Initiates of Khem Warrior Queens Children of the Grail The Matrix The Wyrd of Babalon Sovereign Prince Nicholas DeVere Nicholas DeVere Biography Avalon Descent Blackwood Descent Llewellyn Descent


The Sovereign Court and Order of the Ancient Dragon (Consilium Ordo Draconis Antiquitas) was commissioned and inauguerated on 23rd June in order to provide an online meeting place for erstwhile members of the late GrandMaster Martin Lunns 'SocietasDraconis' (The Dragon Society) and '' (originally founded specifically to display the writngs of the late Nicholas de Vere) ...

Our Kindred Gather-Ring is composed of a Spiritual Kinship of Peers, dedicated to the Re-Store-At-Ion of the Ancient Ways of the Old Ones and the Rediscovery and Implementations of their Archeonic Wisdoms and Lores ...

The Sovereign Court and Order of the Ancient Dragon operates as a Sovereign Autonomous Entity whose primary purpose is to benefit the direct progenitors of the Ancient DraconiGenae Verus and SanGraal Bloodlines ...

We are neither a commercial, religious, political or charitable institution nor are we a social club or membership subscription society ...
Accordingly, Membership is strictly by invitation only ...

PenDragon Portals ... Societas Draconis GuestBook Warping, Wefting and Wyrds Dragon Alchemy Initiates of Khem Warrior Queens Childen of the Grail The Matrix The Wyrd of Babalon Nicholas DeVere DeVere Biography

The Sovereign Court and Order of the Ancient Dragon

The DragonCourt encompasses both the occult and known teachings of the West, as well as the occult and known disciplines of the East ... drawing freely from all of the World's Wisdom Traditions.

It is vitally important to note that Occult means 'hidden'.
An 'occultist' therefore, is merely a 'seeker of the hidden knowledge ...

Beginning in the Middle Ages, this body of teachings was called the occult/hidden knowledge, and from that time, to bring such teachings out into the open would result in persecution , imprisonment and execution..
A Great Many 'Secrets' have been kept and still are, to a certain extent ...

Our Focus, therefore could be said to simply be 'esotericism' ...

Needless to say this also encompasses Ancestral teachings such as Shamanism, Celtic, Teutonic and Native American (to name a few) also have their place in our studies, as does World Mythology, Jungian thought and other liberating philosophies.

The Orders Deeper emphasis is on DeVine experience ...
The experiencing of your Spiritual S-Elf, directly.

The teachings are not merely intellectual ...
You will not be wading in shallow water but delving deeply into Spirituality.

It is Well Tyme to evolve upward!
We strongly believe that your own Genetic Memory will lead you to the teachings you need.
What you learn will then lead you to fulfilling whatever Task, Mission or Destiny the Divine Creatrix has deemed for you personally ...

If you are here, you are supposed to be here ... It is that Simple ...

K-Now ...
...There are Guardians and Guides - real entities behind symbols like the Rose and the Cross, the Dove and the Eagle, the East, Water, etc, etc ...
They communicate with (and through) students of the Occult.
They have done so down through the Ages.

If you are open-minded, yet discreet, and are actively seeking the Honored Ancestors, they will come to you and manifest through you ...
When the Guardians of the Knowledge wish to dispense the Ancient Wisdoms and Lores, they do so.

They do not care about lineage or who is famous, or who has a pedigree.
They care about who will use the teachings properly, positively, to actually get something done for Humanity.

The same knowledge studied at the Ancient Mystery schools and/or Secret Societies and Orders or in modern mystery schools today, can be given to an Initiate all in one night ...

This 'Initiation' (beginning) can come in the form of a Dream or a Vision, for example.

If the BloodLine needs 'reviving'/re-vivifying, the Guides will take it to any new students open enough to receive such a dispensation ...

A-Cord-In-G-Ley ...
It has been said ... 'Many are called, but Few are Chosen' ...

His-Story is full of examples of esoteric Mages who suddenly appear and start teaching without so-called Lineage, without a teacher. (Jacob Bohme, Meister Eckhart, Hildegarde of Bingen).
Some esotericists believe that 'Those Who have Gone Before' watch over and guide the living students.

When an Order is in contact with these Higher Beings/Forces/Entities/Archetypes/Guardians/ Guides, it is called 'active', or 'contacted' ...

Ancestors, Mystresses, Masters, Angels, Daemons .... by whatever name you choose to know them ... these Beings regularly make contact with Our Order ...

Consequently ...
All the Students/Members of such an Order are possible 'channels/conduits' for the contact information.

And So ...
Be Aware of this when joining Our Kin-D-Red Gather-Ring .... !
Negative forces, and they do exist, are kept out by Banishings and Protections, sometimes referred to as 'wardings'.

Those familiar with Ceremonial Magic will recognize these concepts.

Certain Orders and Lodges enjoy meddling exclusively with the so called negative/'dark' side of the Universe.

Such 'organizations' are well known ...
... They close their eyes to the positive forces in the Universe and choose to focus solely on the delberate use of energies for harmful purposes ...

We do not tolerate such behaviour within C.O.D.A ...
And We are extremely Diligent and Adept in keeping it out ...

In Any Case ...
'Evil' inevitably destroys those who deliberately choose to align with it, or allow themselves to be seduced by it.

This Be Nature's Way of dealing with cosmic 'evil' ...
Simply waiting for it to consume itself ...
... And it All Way-S does ...

Welcome to the Sovereign Court and Order of The Ancient Dragon.

This is not a Declaration of Our Existence, for We have Always Existed ...

Before the Dawn of Mankind We Existed ...

And when Mankind is but a dim memory We Will Still Exist ...

K-Now ...

Consilium Ordo Draconis Antiquitas is a Spiritual Kinship of Peers, dedicated to the reinstatement of the Ways of the Old Ones ... We consider the restoration of the Ancient Wisdoms, Lores, Teachings and Activities, to be Our Central Mission..

In order to further develop and explore 'Dragon Consciousness', we draw on the wealth of both the Eastern and Western Mystical and Magickal Traditions.

We welcome the Kinship of all who 'Seek the Grail', whatever the inclinations of their Path.

Also welcome areopen discussionsabout the Grail Quest, Multi-Dimensional Spirituality, and the Mystical aspects of Elven and DragonLore and how these things relate to contemporary consensus reality, culture and society.

The Ancestral Legacy and Lores of the Ancient Dragon/Grail Families form the foundation upon which this Court, (the Sovereign Court and Order of the Ancient Dragon) and all other legitimate Dragon Courts were originally based.

The Philosophy of Individual Sovereign Gnosis and Personal Sovereignty is embedded in the Core of Draconic Culture ... in the Heart of the Draconic Tradition It-S-Elf ... and is, in actual fact, entirely evident in all Manifestations of Life.

The Ancient Grail and Dragon/Serpent Traditions decree that we should be at One with the Earth, and that therefore, no individual or group of individuals can assume dominion over it, or for the sake of mundane profit, exploit or harm the Earth on which our lives depend.

Where perceived power can breed inequity and division in other international organisations whose agenda is social climbing and/or material gain through supporting establishments which in themselves breed division and inequity, Consilium Ordo Draconis Antiquitas promotes Unity and Equity.through the creation of a New Earth Order which is in Balance and Harmony with Nature.

Such a paradigm shift is essential for the continued survival of life on this planet. A New Earth paradigm will also provide fertile ground for original artistic and cultural expression to flourish and enable enhanced technological and scientific breakthroughs, far beyond our current imagining. It is only through inspired enlightened concepts and actions designed to promote nobility, equity and justice for All, that positive and enduring social change can be achieved and sustained.

This Website and Forum is created with the intent that it be of mutual benefit, service and support to its Members in discussions of relevant information as well as in the sharing of research and personal insights.

In 1203 CE, a series of Inquisitions began which violently and brutally suppressed, the Great Enlightenment of the Grail Code. Anything and everything vaguely connected with the Female Draconic Ethic was deliberately twisted, subverted, deemed 'heretical' and condemned as 'devil worship' and 'witchcraft'. The property and lands and other belongings of these accused 'heretics' was routinely seized and/or destroyed. All those who were found to be supporting, sympathising or even remotely connected to these 'witches' were regularly hunted down, and the husbands, offspring - even babies and pet animals were imprisoned, tortured and executed. Older Women, in particular, were singled out and victimised.

These perversions of the Truth can still be seen today, everywhere, even in rather unexpected places, such as 'contemporary' Wicca, where the dubious title 'The Old Crone' is substituted for the True and Original Title ... The Old Crown.

The Dragon/Serpent in one form or anther was known to the vast majority of world cultures in both the Old and New Worlds and was one of the very early symbols of the Great Mother Goddess of the Ancient Matriarchies.

Until the arrival of patriarchal societies, the Dragon was considered to be a sacred, benevolent creature. The Ancient Goddess religions were once a planetary phenomena and the Teachings were very similar all over the world.
Anima Mundi, the Feminine Principle or Mode of Being was historically considered the 'Soul of the World' ... the genius of human, animal and plant life.

Dragons, being traditionally teachers and protectors, symbolised the Great Mother Goddess, matriarchy, benevolence, divinity, royalty, transcendence, infinity, elemental magick and spiritual instruction.
Much of the patriarchal bible was written to steer people away from Goddess Worship and Matriarchy. It is important to note that the biblical phrase 'Father, Son, and Holy Spirit' was at one time 'Father, Son, and Holy Mother'. The 'Holy Sprit' was traditionally the 'Shekinah' or 'Sophia', the Feminine Princple, who embodied Divine Wisdom and it was the Serpent of Wisdom who first offered the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil for the Enlightenment of Mankind. Whether this be Egyptian, Akkadian or Gnostic, as Guardian of the Tree set in Heaven it was always the Wise Serpent, or Transcendent Sovereign Dragon, who was Keeper of the Treasures of Divine Astral Knowledge.

Prior to the deliberate distortions which have controlled and severely limited Concensus Reality and the Collective Unconscious, and which have brought such disastrous consequences to every being on Earth, the nature of 'Royalty' was definitely not as it is understood to be in today's world.

'Royalty' once embraced the ideal that all people were Children of the Earth, and that only the Earth bestowed Sovereignty upon those who, by word and deed supported and therefore embodied those ideals. Accordingly, the right to Royalty was primarily the province of the Female, since Mother Earth and Nature herself were deemed to be Female.

The main function of a Dragon Queen and her Consort was to continuously create and maintain a Spiritually Transcendent Awareness within the Realm which enabled the culture to function and thrive in a true Symbiotic Relationship with the surrounding environment. Power emanated from the Dragon Queen, and she, in turn, empowered the Grail King, her consort, who could not be a King without her

It is the knowledge and understanding of this Ancient Grail/Dragon Wisdom and the disemination and distribution of the Ancient Lores in today's unbalanced world that is the Primary Aim of this Site.

The 'Dragon Court' was established formally as a Pharaonic Institution by the Twelfth Dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru in Egypt c.1785 BC. Although it was first recorded and identified under the patronage of the Priest Prince Ankhfn Khonsu in 2170 BC, its Arcane Origins predate the history of mankind.

In Ancient Egypt the Temples were not associated with religion as we understand it today, but rather were primarily concerned with the preservation and teaching of the Old Wisdoms and Lores and the practical application of the Grail Code of Service and Guardianship

The primary duty of the Priestesses and Priests of the Ancient Temples was to maintain and preserve the Spiritual focus of the ruling caste, as well as to ensure the continuation of the Royal Bloodlines by preserving the integrity and purity of the line, which was passed through the Matrilinear Grail succession of the Dragon Queens.

We trust that the information available on this site this will help to expose both the current cultural and historical deceptions and outright fabrications which have damaged our world immeasurably and which have had such disastrous effects on the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Consilium Ordo Draonis Antiquitas does not condone or endorse the type of self-oriented blind materialism which thrives on manipulative and exploitative consumption of the world's natural resources based on authoritarian power and control.

We wish to alter the attitudes of the 'Many' who have been deceived and manipulated for the mundane gain of the 'Few' for hundreds, if not thousands of years to the detriment of All ...

All Weirdos, Witches, Mystics, Magicians ...

Every One under the Sun ...
Shamans, Pseudos, Seekers and Sage,

And every Anomalous One .....

Embrace Your Shadow and Shine upon it Light ......

Pass fearlessly through the Gate of the Unknown to the Other Side...

To the Outer Regions of Inner Space, which is called All of Existence ...

Outside the Limited Local Awareness of Consensus Reality.

For to Doubt and Inquire beyond the accepted answers, leads to Liberation in the Unknown Country of Self, the Wilderness of Spirit and the revel-at-ion of the 'Mystery of Mysteries' ...

The real-eyes-at-ion of the Wholly Graal of Immortality.

We are All of Existence and the Symbol for That which is Beyond All Existence ... the Portal between the Ultimate Reality and the manifestation of That Absolute into material duality.

We therefore have no fear to declare the Knowledge of the True Self (not the false human ego) as the Highest Knowable Truth, the True Will from Within, which Goes, Forever onward into the Unknown, and which Enters every Gate, Ever seeking the Secret Center of the Eternal .........

We Dare to Dance Across All Boundaries and Through all Gateways, to Forge the Forbidden and the Unknown into a New Reality ...

Coming Forth by Day and by Night,

As WorldBridgers to Witness the Revel-at-ions of the New Real-m that has been Disc-over-ed .........

All Ways in the Light of Love.'


(The Mantra of Peace)

Aum Saha Navavatu,

Saha Nau Bhunaktu,

Saha Viryam Karvavahe,

Tejaswi Navadhi Tamastu,

Ma Vidvishavahe ...

Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi ...

Hari Hi Aum !

Translation -

Om, May the One protect us,

May the One allow us to enjoy,

May we work together.

May our studies be thorough and faithful.

May we never misunderstand each other.

Om, Peace, Peace, Peace !

'Aum Mani Padme Hum'

Is everybody in?
... Is Everybody In?
..... Is Everybody .....

....... IN ? ......

The Ceremony is about to Begin ..........


Can you remember where it was .....
..... that this Dream stopped .....

..... !? .....

"The movie will begin in five moments ... " the Mindless Voice announced ...

... All those unseated will await the next Show ... "

We filed slowly, languidly into the Hall ...

... The auditorium was Vast ...

..... And Silent ...

.... As we seated and were darkened, the Voice continued ...

..."Therefore, this Evening is not new ...
... You've seen this entertainment through ...and through ...
... You've seen your birth, your life ... and death,
... You might recall all of the Rest ...
... Did you have a good world when you died ... ?

... Enough to base a movie on ?"

"I'm getting out of here ..."

..."Where are you going?"

....."To the other side of morning ..."

....... "Please don't chase the clouds ..."

... Awake ...

Shake Dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my Sweet One ...
Choose the Day
And Choose The Sign of your Day ...

The Day's Divinity...

... First thing you see ...

A Vast Radiant Beach ...

... And a Cool Jewelled Moon ...

Couples, naked, race down by its quiet side ...

... And we Laugh ...
..... Like soft, mad children,
....... Snug in the woolly cotton brains of infancy

......... The Music and Vioces are all around us .........

Choose, they Croon, the Ancient Ones,
...The Time has Come Again ...
..... Choose Now, they Croon,
....... Beneath the Moon,.
......... Beside an Ancient Lake ...
....... Enter again the Sweet Forest ...
..... Enter the Lost Dream,
... Come with Us ...
Everything is Broken up and Dances ...

- Jim Morrison,


The Awe-Inspiring Multi-Verse of Magick ...

There are no atoms ...
Only Waves and Motions All Around ...

... Here ...
You must discard all belief in barriers to Understanding ...
... You needs must be put aside Understanding Itself. ...

Such Multi-Verses cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be detected in any way by fixed perceptions ...

The Magickal Real-M is the Ultimate Void where no preordained 'screens' occur upon which forms may be projected ...

You have only One Awareness here ...
... the 'screen' of the Magi ...

..... I-Magi-Nation ...

... Imagine-At-Ion ...

Here, you Will Learn what it is to be Derkesthai/Dragon ...

You are a Creator of Order and Forms,
Of Beautiful Shapes and Sensuous Systems,

... And ...
A Conscious Conductor
In the Theatre
Of the Orchestra of Chaos ...

Copyright 1995 - 2020 TaurAlpheus All Rights Reserved


This site may contain some copyrighted material which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here that is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication is offered with the caveat that the reader ought always to research on their own. We invite the reader to share in our Seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage 'devotee-ism' nor 'True Belief'. We DO encourage the Seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner

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