Randomly Speaking

Web Name: Randomly Speaking

WebSite: http://www.authorym.blogspot.com





Randomly Speaking

Thursday, July 4, 2013 Happy 4th!!! Maybe???Well it is that time of the year! Fireworks! Parades! Drinks! Laughs! Family and Friends! Happy Independence day!! I think.....

For me I am starting to build my empire, put in my leg work to be everything that I want to be. But it comes at a cost. I have to spend scattered time with my family and friends today!And of course there is some backlash! Hopefully they understand! We make time for who we want to make time for and trust I am going to make my time count!!

What about you? How is your fourth?
Eating good? Drinking up? Well enjoy!!!

Ways to enjoy your fourth! First of all be happy! Choice to be happy no matter what happens! This is a day that we are suppose to celebrate Indenpendence! So YOUR choice should beforYOU to be INDEPENDENTLY HAPPY! Yes that has more meaning in it than you know but let it just settle there for right now!

This post is just for you to enjoy your day! So to all my readers Happy 4th of July!!!

No comments: Thursday, June 13, 2013 Single and In Love?(please excuse any typos in this post, i did something and lost my spell checker)

So single and in love....Is it possible? I think its possible...

My opinion about love it is a choice. Yes I think it is but at first no lie I didn't but I have realized over the years that love comes with effort and we choose who we put our effort into. We choose to let down our guards and get close to someone and let them love us or better yet allow ourselves to love.

Most of the time, me as a female, speaking from experience, we (I) love first. I give without expecting anything back, well not anything. I want love, respect, and honesty...everythingelse is a bonus. And when I do this I do have intentions of the single, unexclusive dating turning into something more. Well not at first. Sometimes I think I am not emotionally stable enough to just be single. I have been doing well though almost a year in October (there is some debate there)!

With this being said being single and in love isn't the worst but it isn't the safest thing because it is easy to get hurt. Giving someone your time and effort even with no titles while having fun is great but eventually that changes. You evolve relationship tendencies without the title.

Single with relationship tendency causes for confusion and unhappiness. It can be fun and exciting and motivating but eventually it evolves into more and you don't want to stay at the same level. You don't want to be 5 months in to something new and fun and stillbe at the same place you were at 2 weeks into whatever it is you are doing.What does that get you? Are you cheating yourself? Is it what you really want?

Lately I have been into Rob Hill Sr. (be sure to follow him on instagram @robhillsr and twitter) and I agree with him saying find someone to increase you and always be ready to build yourself! And I just feel staying at the same place doing the same thing for a long period of time isn't building.

So is being single and in love settling? I guess it isn't if it is what you want but it has to be what you want. You cant do it to please the person you are being single and inlove withbecause even though it isnt a relationship with the title, you are still apart of some type of relationship, you are a factor and your feelings do matter. It isnt wrong to voice that you want more or to leave what you were doing to go and find someone who wants the same thing that you want.

Then there is this side...being single and in love is the greatest feeling. You get to laugh and play and learn each other without the pressures of that title. It isnt forced it is just there. It isnt the movies or tv shows its real. Its what you and that person has agreed to do.

Then of course there comes the "it's so good I want more". I have a problem with this. You know just letting things be. I always feel there is a need for growth but then I have to realize you don't control the growth it just happens.

So when it comes to being single and in love.. I think it is very possible...I say do what makes you happy but be careful that you arent stuck somewhere you dont want to be or trying to force something that can be so simple.

Please feel free to get a discussion on this post going! I would love some feedback! Make sure you sign into an account to leave a post!

Thank you for the support!

Follow me on IG and Twitter : beau2fulyhonestNo comments: Monday, June 10, 2013 Missed Me?Okay I have 9 minutes left of work and decided to show my face! Well my words!

I have started a lot of new journeys since I last blogged!

I am at a new job and that is another story!

I have a new book coming out! YES!! Not Mine to Keep will be my second self published novel and I am excited about it.

I also have a ghostwriting project I worked on called the Perfect Storm look out for that I am not sure when it will be released but it is coming!!!! Shout out to Storyteller AKG

Okay enough about me! How have my readers been? Lol I speak as if I have so many but I do know that I have a few! Which I am most definitely happy to have!

Well this was just a blog to let you know I am back!

Oh yeah I have an emailing list I am compiling for free short stories if you would like to be apart of them please leave a comment with your email address!

Until my next blog! Which will be very soon have a great day!!

Be sure to follow me on IG and twitter: beau2fulyhonest No comments: Friday, June 22, 2012 HEATING IT UPIt is officially summer and the HEAT has kicked in!
I mean literally! Yesterday, the Miami Heat took the NBA championship! Today it is a beautiful 92 degrees (if not hotter)! And my next door NIGERIAN neighbor has her big pot over an open flame. It also sounds like my neighbor 3 houses down has a dog in HEAT!
So when I say the HEAT has kicked in I mean in all AREAS!!!


With it being summer I think a lot of fashions are going to SHOW that they are the HOTTEST TREND! But I say startyour own trend. It is 2012 and you may never know who you will inspire!!
Relationships are going to end and flings are going to begin! Just everyone be safe and wrap it up! You don't want to get a BURNING sensation!
For those who love movies! There are a lot of good movies coming out this summer! And for the ones that have came out, sorry I have yet to see them! :) I am however, looking forward to the new ICE AGE coming out July 13, 2012! It has Drake (yes a very HOT rapper) doing one of the new voices!
For food lovers! PLEASE TRY SOMETHING NEW this summer! SPICE it up and introduce your taste buds to something different!! Don't be afraid!!!
Now for my book lovers or those who just love to read anything! Start your own blog! Post your HOT TOPIC opinions about the different things you have read! Tell about the culture or anything else that may interest someone!
With that being said! I have officialy finished 50 shades of Grey, 50 shades Darker, and 50 shades Freed!

Yes they were amazing reads! Kept my interest until the very end! But I did have disappointing moments. First, I think E.L James is a very detailed author and I loved what she did with all of her characters! But there were times were I felt she got bored or tired and just gave up on several scenes. I felt as if you have already wrote 1500 pages plus! Why are you trying to CHEAT ME OUT OF YOUR GENIUS MIND! GIVE ME MORE!

I do recommend that everyone reads this trilogy and also tell me some of what you are reading this summer.

Have an amazing summer!No comments: Thursday, March 29, 2012 All the Worrying...It is hard starting over. It is hard beginning again. It is like you stopped breathing and you forgot how to breathe, so now you are learning how to breathe all over again. Then you realize you were never taught to breathe, you have just always been breathing...

I am trying breathe. I self published my first novel a month and two weeks ago. I have sold 70 books, some royalty based and some on my own. But for some reason I feel the need to try to teach myself how to breathe through all this. I am guess I am impatient. I just thought differently.

And all of the connects that I had none of them are really falling through. All I have right are words from people. People I thought to be trustworthy and loyal and actions over words. But clearly that is not true.

I spoke to an old friend and they asked me...what are you going to do once you have exhausted all of your friends and family. What then?

Then I asked myself what if all those people say no, and everyone says no? What am I going to do? How do I not give up?

I am looking up people like Zane and Fiona Zedde to see their journey from self publishing to becoming a known author. But there is my problem......IT IS THEIR JOURNEY.

I am trying to breathe....if I could just teach myself how to breathe.....if I could just remember how to breathe...I could do this...

It is sad say that I don't think I have finished any of the goals I have set for myself. I have started them and not finished them. I don't want this to be another goal I set and not finished.

With all the worrying I keep trying to teach myself how to breathe....

No comments: Thursday, February 23, 2012 Nympho or Not?This is what I received:

I am newly out and my girlfriend wants to have sex but I don't. I am not ready and she said she has needs that she is a nympho and I can't be mad if she cheats because she needs to have sex. What should I do?

My response:

Being this is my first question and my first response I must warn you that I am blunt and please do not take my bluntness as judgement. Because I am no one to be a "judger".This is simply my opinion and thoughts that come to mind after reading your question. Nothing is fact. With that being said....

How old are you and your girlfriend? And have you asked her what determines her to be a nympho? TheBIGGEST question is, why be with someone who can JUSTIFY CHEATING on you?

My response would be, if I was in your shoes, "bitch you better masturbate! because if you cheat on me there is no coming back from that." or something along those lines.

BUTbeing serious if you aren't ready to have sex with someone DON'T. There are emotional ties you will have to deal with if you have sex just because someone threatens (pressures) you into doing it. As your girlfriend she should be understanding of your new "outness" and try to show you that your relationship has meaning and is not just about sex. Because that is what it sounds like!

Now I am assuming that this is your first relationship with a person of the same sex because you said you are newly out. Don't rush, its okay to take risk but rushing knowing that you are still uncomfortable with that decisionwill have you battling yourself in the end! How long have you guys been together? Don't let someone take advantage of you. Hold your own ground!!

And I think that's all I can say. I hope that helps!

Author YM....

had to come and add this in...after reading that question i have to ask...WHAT CLASSIFIES A NYMPHO AS SUCH? its funny because that is how my novel starts out. A group of women in a meeting talking about how to manage being a nympho and have a successful career without "boning" everyone that walks into your office! YEP I think that if you want to bone someone every second of the day then you are nypmho!

What do you think? No comments: What I want to say...I have a novel out. It is called The L Words: Love Lies Lust Law Loyalty Lesbians. It has been out for about week, self-publishedand I have sold 17 copies. I have those who say they are going to buy it and others who say congrats. How do I feel about this? I DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW TO FEEL! I mean it would be GREAT to have everyone I know and anyone in the LGBT community to support but its still life. I am still dealing with HOMOSAPIENS. I have some who see the link and because of something in the past they won't click on it...which allows me to switch the subject right here ------------- LET GO OF THE PAST trust me it isn't going to allow you to go too far!! I have learned that holding onto the past hinders your present and definitely doesn't guarantee your future!! Besides you never know who can help you along that staircase to your future! Back to what I was saying ------------- Then there are those who do not own a credit card or debit card for whatever reason which I can understand because I don't trust banks and I do not want to pay a prepaid vendor to have my money on some card!There are also the payday problems or just not having access to the Internet--which not to sound rude but its 2012 there are places with WIFI access! And there is your cell phone! Okay maybe I feel a little irritated and disappointed. Damn those expectations but if you don't have expectations then what are you standards? With that vent being let out!

I do think that my book has an amazing storyline and not just for the LGBT community but anyone who likes a great thriller and amazing sex!!! Yes amazing sex! Girl on girl and some good penis and vagina scenes also! Very descriptive! I am just saying! check out the link here! www.thelwordbyym.com*SMILES* No comments: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)About MeAuthorYMHello!For those who know me you know my real name! Shout out to you and being a part of my life because if you dont know it, even if only for a second, good or bad, you are the reason why I am where I am today.I am doing this to finally live!View my complete profileBlog Archive 2013(3) July(1)Happy 4th!!! Maybe??? June(2) 2012(5) June(1) March(1) February(3)
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