Will Falk Will Falks life-centered writing.

Web Name: Will Falk Will Falks life-centered writing.

WebSite: http://willfalk.org





This is an interview I did with Kollibri terre Sonnenblume for his Voices for Nature Peace Podcast. We talked Viral Poetry for the coronavirus and all those affected Sometimes Life speaks through poets. Sometimes Life speaks through dreams, through Thanks to the Deep Green Resistance News Service where this piece first appeared. On Tuesday, January 28, at 10 AM, I wrote this with Sean Butler. Rights of nature advocates often repeat the words, “The structure of the legal system Originally published in Canary Literary Magazine. I want to give up. Each morning the headlines are heavier and my heart By: Will Falk Sean Butler It should be clear to anyone following the events surrounding attempts by the citizens It was my pleasure to be interviewed by Kevin Sandbloom for his Youtube channel Black Bear News. A short interview about how American law makes sustainability illegal and what we should do about it. Jeffry Fawcett interviewed my good friend Max Wilbert and me about creating a life-centered resistance movement by any means necessary A windmill blade knocks the head off a Cooper’s hawk interrupting the late afternoon peace in Spring Valley. The blade I am an environmental activist. I have depression. To be an activist with depression places me squarely in an irreconcilable “I am suicidal.” Three words only but, the three most difficult words I’ve ever had to say. I did The fading roar of an ATV engine leaves silence in its wake. Birds, offended by the intrusion, refuse to sing. If fear is the mind killer, guilt is the heart killer. Experiencing guilt creates a wound. The wound is healed Note: The first Rights of Nature lawsuit in the US was filed on September 25, 2017, in Denver, Colorado.  The Special Thanks to Whole Terrain where this piece first appeared. I was broke for Christmas. In September, I helped to So many indigenous people have told me that the levels of sustainability their traditional cultures achieved prior to the arrival A Note to My Readers: It has not been easy to write this essay and I am scared to see

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