Spatial Agency: About

Web Name: Spatial Agency: About






Spatial Agency is a project that presents a new way oflooking at how buildings and space can be produced. Moving awayfrom architecture's traditional focus on the look and making ofbuildings, Spatial Agency proposes a much more expansivefield of opportunities in which architects and non-architects canoperate. It suggests other ways of doing architecture.In the spirit of Cedric Price the project started with thebelief that a building is not necessarily the best solution to aspatial problem. The project attempts to uncover a second historyof architecture, one that moves sharply away from the figure of thearchitect as individual hero, and replaces it with a much morecollaborative approach in which agents act with, and on behalf of,others.In all the examples on this website, there is a transformativeintent to make the status quo better, but the means are veryvaried, from activism to pedagogy, publications to networking,making stuff to making policy - all done in the name of empoweringothers. In Bruno Latour's terms, critical attention is shifted fromarchitecture as a matter of fact to architecture as a matter ofconcern. As matters of fact, buildings can be subjected to rulesand methods, and they can be treated as objects on their own terms.As matters of concern, they enter into socially embedded networks,in which the consequences of architecture are of much moresignificance than the objects of architecture.Although Spatial Agency started out as a critique ofthe conservative tendencies of mainstream practice, it ended up asa celebration of the bravery, canniness and optimism of aninspiring group of historical and contemporary figures. We do notexpect everyone to agree with our selection (the whole point oflists is not to agree with them but wrangle with them and in thatform your own interpretation of the subject) but if you feel thatanyone in particular has been left out, then please docontact us via the form provided or bywriting directly to us.We also welcome any feedback, comments, or suggestions on thewebsite itself and the projects featured.For more a detailed reading of Spatial Agency see anarticle by Tatjana Schneider and Jeremy Till published inFOOTPRINT.In an article for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN,written byTatjana Schneider and Jeremy Till, we detail thecall for aredefinition of the architect away from the professional who isostensibly involved in adding ‘more stuff to the world’.For a discussion of the concept of Spatial Agency andArchitecture as a quietly revolutionary practice see theinterview with Tatjana Schneider published on CLUSTER.Spatial Agency has just been published by CHINA ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDINGPRESSin Chinese (02/2016).PROJECT TEAMTatjana Schneider is a seniorlecturer at the School of Architecture, University of Sheffield,where she teaches design studio, history and theory.Jeremy Till is an architectand educator. He is Head of Central Saint Martins and ProVice-Chancellor at the University of Arts, London. Previously, hewas Dean of Architecture and the Built Environment at theUniversity of Westminster, London.Nishat Awan was a research associate at the School of Architecture,University of Sheffield, on this project.And with huge thanks to all the people featured on this website,many of whom have been very generous in their time and support,especially in the provision of images and correction of detail. Theproject was funded by a grant from the Arts and Humanities ResearchCouncil.SPATIAL AGENCY: BookSpatial Agency: Other Ways of DoingArchitecturepublished by Routledge, co-authored byNishat Awan, Tatjana Schneider, and Jeremy Till is nowavailablehere.The book has aselection of the examples on this website, introduced by fourextended essays that explain the what, why, where and how ofSpatial Agency, providing a theoretical and practical grounding tothe subject, and giving pointers as to how to enact Spatial Agency.It is the first time that such a collection of alternativeapproaches to architectural production have been brought togetherin one place. The book is intended as a useful and inspiring roadmap for anyone looking for other ways to deploy architecturalintelligence.WWW.SPATIALAGENCY.NETThis website is an extendable repository of examples of SpatialAgency. The database is sortable into broadthematic areas that group the motivations (why?), locations(where?) and means (how?) of Spatial Agency. Each entry has a linkto its own website in the title bar, and then references and linksto associated groups and subjects at the bottom, opening up to aninternational network of spatial agents. Even before any form oflaunch, the website attracted over 1,000,000 visitors from allpoints of the compass, suggesting a need for suchdocumentation.The website would not have been possible without theextraordinary contribution of its designer, Dorian Fraser MooreofThe Useful Arts Organisation.

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