Tasmanian Government Directory

Web Name: Tasmanian Government Directory

WebSite: http://soer.justice.tas.gov.au





the service you are trying to locate (eg. palliative care), in the Service field and select the Search button. If you know which Government Department provides this service you can enter the department name in the "Department or Section" field to narrow your search. the name or section of the Department that you are trying to locate (eg. Premier and Cabinet), in the "Department or Section" field and select the Search button. the family name and given name in the Family Name and Given Name fields respectively. If you know which department the person works for you can also enter the Department name in the "Department or Section" field to narrow your search. Contact | Top | Home The Government Directory Service (GDS) is provided as a component of the Government's Networking Tasmania service and is managed by DSS. The organisations contributing to GDS comprise Tasmanian Government Agencies, numerous Government Business Enterprises and Statutory Authorities and also both Networking Tasmania and Telephony customers. You are directed to a disclaimer and copyright notice governing the information provided by this site.If you have problems using this web page or would like more information please call Service Tasmania on 1300 135 513 or use the feedback formby following the Contact Us link.

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