Exceljet | Work faster in Excel

Web Name: Exceljet | Work faster in Excel

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Quick, clean, and to the point. Join more than 100,000 people who get weekly tips from us. Max value on given weekday To find the maximum value on a given weekday (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) you can use a simple array formula based on the MAX, IF, and TEXT functions. In the example shown, the formula in cell F5 is: = MAX ( IF ( TEXT ( dates , "ddd" ) = F4 , values )) Where dates (B5:B15) and...Read more If cell contains If you want to copy cells that contain certain text, you can use a formula that uses the IF function together with the SEARCH and ISNUMBER functions. Once you find a value you're looking for you can copy it to another location, or display a message, or perform some other calculation. Too...Read more Highlight values greater than Note: Excel contains built-in "presets" for highlighting values above / below / equal to certain values, but if you want more flexibility you can apply conditional formatting with your own formula as explained in this article. If you want to highlight cells that are "greater than X" with...Read more Sort by random To sort a list or table in random order, you can use the SORTBY function with the RANDARRAY function . In the example shown, the formula in D5 is: = SORTBY ( data , RANDARRAY ( COUNTA ( data ))) where "data" is the named range B5:B14. The result is a new random sort order whenever the worksheet is...Read more Count cells that contain numbers To count the number of cells that are not blank, use the COUNT function. In the generic form of the formula (above) rng represents a range of cells. In the example, the active cell contains this formula: = COUNT ( B4:B8 ) How this formula works The COUNT function is fully automatic. It counts the...Read more What is an array formula? In this video, we ll answer the question: What is an array formula? The term array formula is probably responsible for more confusion than just about any other concept in... Run time: 2:53 What is an array formula? In the world of Excel formulas, the term array formula is probably responsible for more confusion than just about any other concept. This is because the definition of an array formula has become mixed up with the requirement to enter some array formulas in a special way, with control + shift + enter. Excel s RACON functions There are eight functions in Excel that work differently than you might realize. The same features that were supposed to make them easier to use, can actually make them harder to use :) Download Coronavirus data to Excel This article provides examples of public Coronavirus data you can download to Excel with Power Query. Each example has a link, a screenshot to show what the data looks like in Excel after being imported, and an Excel workbook. Tracking COVID-19 with Excel A quick example of how to track testing for COVID-19 using Excel and publicly available data. In this project, the data is fetched and shaped with Power Query, then dropped back into Excel, where it can be refreshed with a single click. Alternatives to Dynamic Array Functions Dynamic Excel offers 6 brand new functions that solve hard problems in Excel like sorting, filtering, and working with unique values. For those not using Office 365, this page provides some alternative formulas that work in older versions of Excel. Thanks so much for access to your wonderful site – I have found it extremely useful. -Ingrid I have tried several other Excel training programs, and yours has been the best by far. -Pete Since I started working 6 months ago, I ve been using Excel extensively. And I cannot put in words how grateful I am. You ve been helping me alot with your blog posts! Thanks! -Fabricio

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