E-Journal IAIN Tulungagung

Web Name: E-Journal IAIN Tulungagung

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E-Journal IAIN Tulungagung
Journals Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman
ISSN:2502-3705 (online) | 1907-7491 (print)

DOI Prefix:10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Syaifudin ZuhriPublisher:State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:Semi-Annual (June and December Edition)Type:Peer-reviewedCitation Analysis:

Sinta |Google Scholar|Garuda|Moraref |DOAJ |Index Islamicus

Ta'allum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam ISSN:2303-1891 (Online) | 2549-2926 (Cetak)Awalan DOI:Awalan 10.21274 oleh CrossrefPemimpin Redaksi:Mochamad Arif FaizinPenerbit:Fakultas Pendidikan dan Keguruan (FTIK), IAIN Tulungagungfrekuensi:2 masalah per tahunAnalisis Kutipan:Sinta | Google Cendekia | Garuda | Lebih lanjut

Dinamika Penelitian: Media Komunikasi Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan
ISSN:1412-2669 (Online) | 2549-4244 (Cetak)Awalan DOI:Awalan 10.21274 oleh CrossrefPemimpin Redaksi:Ngainun NaimPenerbit:Departemen Penelitian dan Penjangkauan Masyarakat (LP2M), IAIN TulungagungFrekuensi:2 masalah per tahun Analisis Kutipan:DOAJ | Google Cendekia | Garuda | Moraref

Ahkam: Jurnal Hukum Islam
ISSN:2549-1075(Online) |2303-1905(Print)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Kutbuddin AibakPublisher:Faculty of Sharia and Law (FASIH),State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:2 issues per year Citation Analysis:Sinta | Google Scholar | Garuda | Moraref

Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin
ISSN:2580-6866(Online)|2338-6169(Print)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Akhmad Rizqon KhamamiPublisher:Theology Faculty of Adab and Dakwah, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:2 issues per year Citation Analysis:Crossref | Google Scholar | Garuda | Moraref

Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia
ISSN:2549-4228 (online) | 2086-1753 (print)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Arina ShofiyaPublisher:Center for Language Development of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:2 issues per year Citation Analysis:Sinta | DOAJ |Google Scholar | Garuda | Moraref| More

An-Nisbah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
ISSN:2549-5712 (online) | 2406-8276 (print)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Dr. Agus Eko Sujianto, S.E., M.MPublisher:Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business (FEBI) of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:2 issues per year Citation Analysis:Sinta| Google Scholar | Garuda | Moraref

An-Nisbah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah (P-ISSN:2406-8276, E-ISSN:2549-5712)is a scientific journal contains original works from lecturers, researchers, students and other concerned parties who have not been published or are not on the publication in the form of articles on the research and conceptual ideas on the subject of sharia economy. This journal publishes twice in a year on April and October, which spread throughout Indonesia and South East Asia in printed and online. Since April in 2020, The Indonesia Ministry for Research and Technology (Kemenristek RI) has granted TheAn-Nisbahas one of referred publication (accredited with Sinta 3) on sharia economy (SK Dirjen Ristek Dikti No. B/804/E5/E5.2.1/2019). This official recognition will be valid until 2025.

Al-Tadris: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
ISSN:2549-855X (Online)| 2303-2871(Print)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Muhamad Mustofa LudfiPublisher:Faculty of Education and Teachers Training of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:2 issues per year Citation Analysis:Sinta| Google Scholar | Garuda | Moraref

Al-Tadris: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab is an OJS-based language journal (Open Journal System) containing of high quality articles publishedby the Arabic Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, IAIN Tulungagung in June and December each year.Al-Tadris: Journal Of Arabic Education which has a printed ISSN 2303-2871 and an online ISSN 2549-855X contains an analytical-critical study of Arabic education.

Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak
ISSN:2581-0472 (Online) | 2581-2076(Cetak)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274 by CrossrefEditor in Chief:SulistyoriniPublisher:Center for Gender and Child Studies (Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak)LP2M, Institut Agama Islam Negeri TulungagungFrequency:Semi-Annual (June and December Edition)Citation Analysis:Neliti | Crossref|Sinta | Google Schoolar| Moraref|Garuda | Scilit | One Search | Reasearchgate |Dimension | Base|

Jurnal Tadris Matematika ISSN:2621-4008 (online) | 2621-3990 (print)DOI Prefix:10.21274 by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Beni AsyharPublisher:Department of Mathematics Education of Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung in Colaboration with ADMAPETA-PTKIN, Indonesia Frequency:2 issues per year (June and November)Citation Analysis:Sinta | Google Scholar | DOAJ | Garuda | Moraref BALANCE: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC ACCOUNTING

ISSN:2774-7603 (Online)DOI Prefix:10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Dedi Suselo, S.E., M.MPublisher:Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business (FEBI) of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:2 issues per year Citation Analysis:|Google Scholar| Moraref |

MARDIBASA: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
ISSN:2747-2701 (Online)2774-485X (Print)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Erna IftantiPublisher:Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Indonesia, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) TulungagungFrequency:2 kali per tahun (Maret dan September)Citation Analysis:Google Scholar

Episentrum : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
ISSN:DOI Prefix:Editor in Chief:HENDRA PRATAMAPublisher:Jurusan Tadris IPS Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, IAIN TulungagungFrequency:2 ISSUES PER YER YEARCitation Analysis:

Episentrum: Jurnal Tadris IPS adalah publikasi ilmiah di bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran IPS. Jurnal ini memuat karya tulis berupa hasil kajian literatur dan penelitian yang belum pernah dipublikasikan di media lain. Fokus utama jurnal ini adalah: 1) Pemikiran analitis IPS yang terintegrasi dengan sejarah, ekonomi, sosiologi, geografi, dan politik; 2) Pengembangan model, media dan bahan ajar IPS; 3) Pengembangan konten pedagogis IPS; 4) Hasil penelitian murni atau pendidikan yang terintegrasi dengan sejarah, ekonomi, sosiologi, geografi, dan politik; 5) Kajian teori dan praktek pembelajaran IPS; 6) Evaluasi pembelajaran IPS.

Juornal of Economy and Policy Studies ISSN:2775-7897 (online)DOI Prefix:Prefix 10.21274 by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Qomarul HudaPublisher:UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah TulungagungFrequency:two issues per yearsCitation Analysis:Moraref, Google Scholar

Legacy: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundang-Undangan
ISSN:-DOI Prefix:10.21274by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Ahmad Gelora MahardikaPublisher:Department of Constitutional Law IAIN TulungagungFrequency:Semi-Annual (March and September Edition)Type:Perr-reviewedCitation Analysis:Crozzref Moraref Google Scholar

Ar Rehla: Journal of Islamic Tourism, Halal Food, Islamic Traveling, and Creative Economy ISSN:2776-7434 (Online)DOI Prefix:10.21274 by CrossrefEditor in Chief:Dr. H. Dede Nurohman, M.Ag.Publisher:Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business of Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah TulungagungFrequency:Semi-Annual (May and November Edition)Type:Peer Reviewed Open Access JournalCitation Analysis:

Reinforce: Journal of Sharia Management

Reinforce: Journal of Sharia Management is a scientific journal contains original works from lecturers, researchers, students and other concerned parties who have not been published or are not on the publication in the form of artrcles on the research and conceptual ideas on the subject of sharia management including but not limited to sharia business management, Islamic financial management, dan zakat and waqf management.

SOSEBI: Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Ilmu Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Bisnis Islam

SOSEBI: Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Ilmu Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Bisnis Islam

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TAGS:Journal IAIN Tulungagung 

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