EditMyEnglish - Professional Proofreading Services for Students

Web Name: EditMyEnglish - Professional Proofreading Services for Students

WebSite: http://editmyenglish.com





Suzanne M. grew up in New York and graduated with a Master's degree in Writing and Graphic Design in 2006 from St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas (honors: 4.0 GPA). She has ten years of content management and editorial experience and has edited for Sony, Yahoo, Dell, HP, and World Vision, among many others. She was the Managing Editor of The Perfect Vision magazine and has published numerous magazine articles. She has also taught in Thailand, China, Myanmar, and at a women's college in Honduras and has traveled and volunteered throughout New Zealand and Asia. Matt T. has worked for EditMyEnglish since the summer of 2013 and edited various newspapers, literary journals, academicmanuscripts, student papers, ESL test materials, and web content since 2002. He holds an M.A and B.A. in English literature fromPurdue University and Ohio University, respectively, and minors in Spanish and history. While earning his B.A., he also studiedat the University of Southern Denmark. He has taught English composition courses at Purdue, as well as developed curricula for,taught, and tutored English as a second language at various schools in Taiwan. Nevertheless, above all, he prefers to edit. Hispreferred style is Chicago, his favorite font Garamond, and his most beloved prose writer James Baldwin.Elaine A. earned a BA in English and minored in education at the University of Massachusetts, later adding graduate courses inESL. After teaching students of all ages, including second-language learners, for 25 years, she loves working as a freelance writer,editor, and copy editor. She's a contributing editor to Remedies and Taste for Life magazines and copy edits six New Englandlifestyle magazines. She is an avid reader, gardener, and hiker.Rachel A. graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Indiana University where she focused her studies in languages. As astudent, she served as a tutor in the university Writing Center, a staff writer for the campus newspaper, and a co-founder ofthe newsletter, The Vision. She also worked for a small business as an editor of the Associated Press news headlines. Followinggraduation with her second major in education, Rachel focused her career on teaching both elementary and secondary grades invarious places in the United States and the Dominican Republic. Meanwhile, she continued to nurture her excitement for Englishboth in her teaching and personal writing. In June 2010, she left her teaching career to begin professionally editing. Her pastimesinclude outdoor recreation, nature photography, and writing poetry. Essays, Reports, Research Papers, Case Studies, Reflective Papers, and other Assignments. Learn More Since our staff members are available virtually 24/7, we can offer 4 and 8 hour turnaround times in addition to our more traditional options. These extremely fast turnaround times are not available at most other editing companies, but we are proud to support your critical deadlines while never compromising on quality. Rest assured that you can rely on EditMyEnglish when you need your paper back quickly. Learn more about turnaround options. All our editors are native English speakers with degrees from US universities and are passionate about fixing and improving our clients' papers. As one of the world-wide leaders in English editing, We have edited over 400,000 pages. You can trust us to perfect your next paper. We stand behind our work with a 100% money back guarantee. Learn more about our staff. We strive to keep our overhead low so that we can offer some of the best prices in the industry. Feel free to compare our prices to others - we are confident you will find that our rates are a great value. We also offer instant quotes so that you always know how much your project will cost before submission. We would be happy to provide a free sample of our editing in order to allow you to try our editing system before submitting your full project. Simply submit a one page excerpt of your paper, and our expert editors will return an error free, improved text to you. We are confident that you will be pleased with our work. Learn more about our free samples. Over 125 Million Words Edited Since 2004. Over 9000 Customers Served from 125 Countries. I was very happy with this service. Each comment gave me a reason for the changes that were made. If the information was not clear she stated that " If this is what your trying to say then this is a better way of writing it" My editor did exactly what was needed, the content was there but the paper was wordy and jumbled. Through her corrections my paper sounded more concise and flowed better. Thank you Elaine!! EditMyEnglish er rask, presis og god språkvask. Nettsiden der du laster opp artiklene er brukervennlig og enkel å forstå. Tilbakemeldingene kommer presis til den tiden du har betalt for. Jeg liker spesielt godt at de ikke bare endrer teksten, men også tar bryet med å sette inn kommentarer, der de forklarer hvorfor de har gjort endringen - for eksempel om det er "for clarity" eller " this is more academic language". Jeg anbefaler EditMyEnglish til alle som holder på med akademisk skriving. Buen servicio, son rápidos y concienzudos. Además, se ofrecen diferentes opciones que se pueden adecuar a necesidades de tiempo o dinero. Tôi thực sự rất thích sử dụng Editmyenglish. Tôi đã được giới thiệu thông qua một người bạn mà đã sử dụng dịch vụ này trước đó. Dự án đầu tiên của tôi là một bài báo khoa học và người hiệu đính bài là Kristen M. Cô ấy thật tuyệt vời, do đó, từ giờ trở đi bất cứ lúc nào tôi có nhu cầu chỉnh sửa các tài liệu, tôi sẽ lựa chọn dịch vụ này. Cảm ơn Editmyenglish, Nam" Soy profesora de Universidad en España y estoy encantada con el servicio que presta EditMyEnglish, lo utilizo a menudo para revisar los artículos que envío a revistas de investigación de gran prestigio internacional, son muy rápidos y eficientes y lo hacen genial!!!Totalmente recomendable!!!Natalia (España) EditMyEnglish is a very good editing service. To be frank,it is the best I have seen so far. It has really helped me in most of my projects and I would ensure my friends use this editing service too. Thanks so much. Good customer service. Not a scam. I used the Premium Plus service and choose Elaine A. She did a nice job of editing an essay assignment I had for school.Josh Elaine è stata bravissima. Non solo ha corretto i miei errori grammaticali e la struttura delle frasi in inglese, ma mi ha anche spiegato nei commenti la motivazione delle modifiche fatte. Penso che sia molto utile, perchè mi aiuta a capire i miei errori e ovviamente a cercare di non ripeterli. Gestisco un blog online in inglese e mi affiderò sicuramente a Edit My English per i miei prossimi articoli. I just want to say this website is a great resource for those of us who have less than perfect grammar. EditMyEnglish is also more affordable than comparable website such as Scribendi. Every time I have started a project it is finished way before the deadline that is given to me.Omar Have been using this website for my school papers needing some edits before submission. The editors always complete my projects before the due dates which I really appreciate. Pricing is also very reasonable compared to other editing websites out there. I've been using this service for me and my colleagues technical papers for 5 years. I've been extremely pleased with the quality and efficiency of the editors. There are less expensive sites, but the value (quality and price) with editmyenglish.com is worth every penny! Już dwukrotnie skorzystałem z serwisu EditMyEnglish i w każdym przypadku mój artykuł został opublikowany beż żadnych dodatkowych poprawek językowych:-) Polecam tą usługę każdemu, kto chciałby w swojej pracy skoncentrować się na istocie opisywanego zagadnienia, nie zaś na zawiłościach obcego mu języka. I have been a Royal customer of EditMyEnglish for almost ten years. I always have EditMyEnglish proofread my academic papers before I submit. They provide high-quality editing, reasonable prices, and fast turnaround, and I would definitely invite my friend to use this service. Thank you, EditMyEnglish! 这个网站实在是太好用了,尤其适合我们这些非母语者,我用了这个网站来编辑我的博士申请文书,真心好用并且价格公道,推荐大家都来用! I been looking through many site to get help. I was skipitical at first because I was not sure if it was a scam. I am so glade I gave EditMyEnglish a try. They did such a wonderful job with my paper. I did not expect how great my paper turn out. It was still my work, my writing except they made my essay, clear, smooth and grammar free to read. I recommend this site to all the college student who need help. I love this site and I will be using it to help me with my writing throughout college. The editing services provided by Editmyenglish are superior to that of other editing services I have tried. They have a quick turnaround time when I submit my class papers for editing. And if you had an editor in the past that you particularly liked, you have the option of choosing that editor again in the future.Cheers Altamente recomendado! Excelente serviço com a rapidez e a qualidade que você precisa. 感觉超级好用啊,我的英文写作一般,但是在这修改了以后,在一个顶刊SSCI上发表了书评,超级棒,推荐大家也来用 Great editing service. I submitted a project for editing and received my paper one day sooner than expected. My editor even left comments regarding the topic of my essay. Thanks for the fast service.Claudia V. Bir kitap için yazdığım bölümü düzeltme okuması için EditMyEnglish'e gönderdim. Tam zamanında bana geri geri gönderilen düzeltilmiş metnin editör (Kristen) tarafından çok dikkatlice okunduğunu ve metnin dilinin anlamlı bir şekilde geliştirildiğini gördüm. Editör ayrıca çok faydalı önerilerde de bulunmuş.Ödediğim paranın karşılığını aldığıma inanıyorum; başka bir alternatif aramadan bundan sonraki çalışmalarımı da EditMyEnglish'e göndermeyi planlıyorum. Hi, today I starting using EditMyEnglish.com for some school work. I had a total of three documents edited and I was very impressed with Mat T. He did a good job of revising my papers for fluency and consistency.Thank youM. FramesThe editing was done very well; I will recommend this to anyone. I am trying to convince our company to use this a an editing service for our books and legal documents.RegardsReubenToday I used EditMyEnglish.com for the first time to edit a school document. I was a little skeptical at first but after I received my edited essay from Susan M. I was very pleased with her work. I recommend Susan M. and EditMyEnglish.com for your document editing needs. Oh and your first editing project is free.Thank you I just started using EditMyEnglish and I think I did the right decision!Wonderful editor I can reply on now , and will be using his help again in the near future. Thank you much!! Primera vez usando esta compañía para editar documentos académicos. El precio es bastante económico y son rápidos. Estoy muy satisfecho.Gracias,Miguel Been using EditMyEnglish since June, 2019. I had several school documents edited and have been very satisfied so far. I recommend requesting Elaine A as your editor she is one of the best.Natalie I have been using Edit my English (EME) for ten years now. EME is my secret weapon in regards to writing. EME has helped edit papers at bachelors thru masters level of college and has also assisted me with work projects, wedding proposal, and other special life events. They edit my grammar, spelling, punctuation, awkward phrasing, redundancy, and consistency in tone and tense. I look forward to another ten years of using EME and welcome everyone to try it out.Today I tried Editmyenglish.com for an academic document I needed checked for spelling and grammar. They did a great job and the document reads fluent and professional. I will use them again in the future. Cheers,Tim EditMyEnglish 'i hem ödevlerimin hem de tezimin redaksiyonu için kullandım. Çok memnum kaldım. Editörlerden özellikle Elaine'i seçerseniz, çok detaylı bir feedback alabilirsiniz. I consulted EditMyEnglish in mid 2019 for two of my manuscripts. Overall, I would say the editing quality of EditMyEnglish copyediting is very satisfactory. The pricing and turnout rate are also above the average among many of other counterparts. merhabalaristediğim kalitede yazılar çok hızlı bir şekilde hazırlanmasını çok beğeniyorum. kesinlikle edit my english i tüm meslektaşlarıma öneririm Toujours très satisfait du travail de révision offert. Facile de discuter avec les réviseurs. Service rapide. personal statement 작성을 위해 도움을 받았는데, detail한 측면까지 꼼꼼하게 수정해 주셨고,이런 부분이 어떻게 받아들여질 수 있는지도 친절하게 잘 설명해 주셔서 큰 도움이 되었습니다.앞으로도 수정 받을 일이 많은데 믿고 맡길 수 있는 곳을 찾아 기분이 좋습니다. Base on what I have experienced before with this online site, it is the most recommendable site to proofread your articles. It will help you a lot to make your work to be in a good grammar and misspelled-free manuscripts. Recomendo o serviço de edição de texto em inglês do Edit My English. O serviço é de alta qualidade, é rápido e simples. O prazo de entrega é respeitado e durante o processo de revisão você pode se comunicar com o pessoal. Today was my first time using this editing service and I am very satisfied with the service and price. My editor was Elaine A. she did a great job and provided comments on her overall impression of my paper. Im already starting my second project and will use Editmyenglish when I need my paper edited for corrections. I really love using Editmyenglish, they are legit and they offer a great service for a reasonable price. My first project with them was an essay I had to write for class and my editor was Elaine A. she was great and from now on anytime I have some type of document that needs editing I'm requesting her. And the best part is you can try their services for free. The first document you edit is on the house.Scott I have to say that Editmyenglish.com has helped me out tremendously. I was referred to them by a friend who has been using them for sometime. As an ESL student I can always count on them to help me out editing my assignments. Always high quality work for a reasonable price.Thanks,Mike Hoy envié una parte de un paper que me encuentro realizando. La corrección llegó antes de las 8 horas que indicaban. Me ayudó mucho en la redacción, puntuación y terminología. Definitivamente volveré a utilizar este medio para futuros trabajos. Very pleased with the quality of work. Good and usable feedback. Highly recommend! Ich habe Edit My English für einige meiner Essays genutzt. Der Service ist wunderbar und eine große Hilfe für nicht-Muttersprachler. Die schnelle Bearbeitungszeit ist ein Traum für jeden, der immer knapp an der Deadline arbeitet! Ich bin immer sehr zufrieden! Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Uneingeschränkte Empfehlung! Kullanım kolaylığı, hızlı ve güzel düzeltmeler nedeniyle makalelerimi güvenle gönderiyorum ve hiçbirinden dil yönünden olumsuz geri dönüşe rastlamadım. Kullanmayı düşünenlere tavsiye ederim.. Makalem dil açısından dergi tarafından begenildi. Makalem için zamanında dönüş yapmanızdan ve sorularıma cevap vermenizden dolayı teşşekür ederim. Yeni makkalelerimide size göndercegim. Sizi arkadaşlarıma tavsiye edecegim.Saygılarımla 신속한 서비스, 많은 타임 옵션 (4시간 등), 그리고 좋은 가성비가 강점인 업체 입니다. 중요한 문서 작성을 할 때 오탈자가 없도록 하는 데에 많은 도움을 받았습니다. 빠르고 정확한 영어 교정 서비스를 원하는 분들에게 추천합니다. Edit My English has been a great resource. The editors are wonderful, efficient and courteous. I love it. EditMyEnglish is awesome. I have been using them for about three years now for school and work related documents. They usually finish reviewing my documents sooner then expected and I appreciate the comments by the editors. I would definitely refer them to family and friends. Great work. My project was reviewed and edited faster than anticipated. Will use EditMyEnglish for all my document editing needs. 인터뷰를 준비하는 과정에서 좀 더 brief한 문장들을 만들어야했고, SOP를 쓸 때는 보다 명료한 문장을 사용해야했습니다. 친절한 staff들은 저를 위해 세심한 배려를 해주었고, 그 덕분에 만족스러운 결과를 얻을 수 있었습니다. 감사합니다. Nama saya: Romy Budhi Widodo dari Indonesia. Terima kasih atas jasa-jasa Editmyenglish.com yang membantu saya dalam karir sebagai dosen dan peneliti, pada saat mem-publikasikan karya-karya penelitian sejak 2016.Pelayanannya memuaskan, tepat waktu, dan kita dapat berkomunikasi jika ada hasil yang masih perlu klarifikasi.Beberapa jurnal telah berhasil terbit, diantaranya di Journal of Sensors dan Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, selain itu beberapa prosiding Internasional juga lolos dengan baik. Dalam penulisan selain konten tentu saja Bahasa Inggris yang benar menjadi faktor penerimaan paper tersebut. Sekali lagi terima kasih kepada tim EditmyEnglish. Sukses selalu. Lo he usado 5 veces y la verdad es que estoy muy satisfecha, son rápidos y lo hacen muy bien. I've used Edit My English on several occasions for both academic and professional needs. Each time, I've found them to be fast, courteous, and professional. I'd recommend their services to anyone seeking an excellent proofreading service on a deadline. Делают все очень быстро и каественно, кроме того адекватная цена за работу. Tive uma excelente experiência ao utilizar o EditMyEnglih. As correções foram muito pertinentes e meu texto ficou melhor estruturado. Me senti mais confiante em submeter o meu artigo para uma revista com Qualis A2. Já recomendei o site para vários colegas. Sono molto contenta del servizio di correzione e revisione offerto da Editmyenglish; sono accurati, rispettano i tempi di consegna (cosa per me importantissima!) e offrono anche la possibilità di scambiare messaggi direttamente con l'editor che si occupa del tuo progetto, cosa di cui mi sono servita in due occasioni per chiedere consiglio sulla migliore formulazione di una frase, e mi è stato utilissimo. Mi trovo spesso a dover scrivere documenti in lingua inglese, che per me è una seconda lingua, e ormai sono diventata un'affezionata di questo sito visto che voglio essere sicura che suonino naturali al 100%. Inoltre hanno dei prezzi davvero buonissimi, soprattutto comparati con quelli degli altri servizi in rete (che a volte hanno prezzi stratosferici!), e sono davvero eccezionali considerando la qualità del lavoro svolto. Lo consiglio di cuore! The first edit I made was published in a very high-circulation journal and the language correction did not come. Thank you. Jeg har brugt EditMyIngelis igennem mange år og altid med stor tilfredshed. Kvaliteten er meget høj og de færdige artikler bliver vel modtaget hos tidsskrifterne. Jeg kan varmt anbefale Edit MyEnglish til alle der udfører videnskabelig forskning og artikelskrivning baseret herpå. EditMyEnglish'i essay tarzı ödevlerimin redaksiyonu için kullandım. Her seferinde çok detaylı geri bildirimler aldım. Düzeltmeleri yaparken hem akademik İngilizceye önem veriyorlar hem de paragraf bütünlüğünü bozmuyorlar. Anadiliniz İngilizce olmadığında, asla yazdığınız yazının doğruluğundan yüzde yüz emin olamıyorsunuz. Bu açıdan buradaki editörlerin yaptıkları düzeltmeler benim için çok faydalı oldu. Editmyenglish는 너무나 든든한 지원군이었습니다. 문법적 오류를 깔끔하게 처리해주었고, native 문체로 자연스럽게 고쳐주었습니다. 석사 이후 박사 공부를 하면서도 많은 도움을 받게 될 것 같습니다. It is a good editing service. For a good journal publication, standard English writing is must. If you can't write standard English just submit your copy here. Ich nutze Edit My English sowohl für meine Vortragsmanuskripte und Publikationen als auch für englischsprachige Gutachten. Der Service - vor allem die Möglichkeit, Texte sehr kurzfristig redigieren zu lassen - und der Preis sind wirklich gut. Absolute Empfehlung! Christiane, Deutschland Vi er glade for at have nogle hurtige og dygtige sprogfolk til at rette vores tekster til. Ofte forbedres vores tunge tekniske sprog mere end vi selv kunne have gjort.Jørgen Burchardt, National Museum of Science and Technology, DenmarkI have been using edit my English over 5 years and it always gives me a self check before submitting my work. They have never failed me and I would recommend them to anyone looking for assistance. 15405 SE 37th St Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98006 EditMyEnglish is a division of Grammar Labs. Grammar Labs is dedicated to creating innovative services and products for the world s 600 million non-native English speakers. LEARN MORE

TAGS:Proofreading Professional EditMyEnglish 

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