A donor retention tool for fundraisers who want to raise more.

Fundraising KIT is a simple plug-in to your CRM. It shows you how to best engage with every donor in your database so they stay and grow with your organization.

Nonprofit organizations using Fundraising KIT’s technology see an annual revenue increase of 46% in their first year.

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How Fundraising KIT Works

Fundraising KIT syncs directly with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. Our toolkit plugs right into your existing database where our suite of tools identifies supporters that are ready to give, easily segments your donors for targeted communications, and helps you track fundraising progress, all while saving time and resources in the quest to increase revenue.

Find out more about Fundraising KIT’s features.

Fundraising KIT plugs into Leading CRMs:

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Find the Major Donors Hidden in Your Database

Fundraising KIT will identify your next major donor quickly and easily based on their giving history, wealth data and demographic information so your nonprofit knows how and when to contact donors for the greatest chance of securing the next big gift.

Identify Your Next Generation of Monthly Donors

Fundraising KIT will identify your next major donor quickly and easily based on their giving history, wealth data and demographic information so your nonprofit knows how and when to contact donors for the greatest chance of securing the next big gift.

Re-Engage Lapsed Donors

Not only does Fundraising KIT show you which of your lapsed donors are most likely to come back, but it will also alert you to donors in your database that are in danger of becoming lapsed. This allows your team to re-engage your highest potential lapsed donors and steward those on the verge of lapsing.

Segment Your Contacts With Ease

Segment your donors based on profile details or Fundraising KIT’s insights and predictions. Make a prioritized list of donors who are most likely to respond to direct mail, are ready to give within the next month, or are ready to give a major gift.

Download Presentation-Ready Reports in Seconds

Let Fundraising KIT do the prep work for your next meeting! Fundraising KIT’s presentation-ready reports summarize your fundraising success making it quick and easy to share impact with your donors, colleagues, and board members.

Track Your Key Fundraising Metrics

With Fundraising KIT’s customizable Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboards, you can measure your most important fundraising metrics and compare to industry benchmarks to see how you measure up.

Download Fundraising KIT’s FREE Tools andResources

2022 Fundraising Salaries Guide

Get access to a comprehensive breakdown of fundraisers’ salaries in the United States and Canada.

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Major Donor Profile Template

Use this template to track essential major donor information like wealth indicators and giving histories

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5 Email Templates to Boost Recurring Donations

Use these templates to encourage more donors to join your recurring monthly giving program.

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