




April 2019 Behind Haftar's offensive It was clear that setting a negotiating table between Khalifa Haftar and Fayez al Sarraj in Abu Dhabi, a country... Kidnappings: the activities of a 007 The case of the kidnapping of the Italian aid-worker Silvia Costanza Romano, which took place in Kenya... The reactions of a threatened Iran On 25 February 2019, taking by surprise those who are interested in Iranian affairs, Foreign Minister... Issue #81 - March 2019 The death of the Arab Spring in Egypt The times when we applauded the so-called Arab Spring – because we considered it a fresh breath of democracy... War: business and technology Every war brings with it two important aspects: the testing of new weapons and the sale of arms... Gaddafi's son's conspiracies In Libya only the military feats of Khalifa Haftar, the political weakness of Fayez al Sarraj, the militias of Misurata... Issue #80 - January 2019 Khashoggi murder: the direct consequences for the Saudi kingdom Saudi Arabia is governed by an absolute monarchy... The Khashoggi murder: the mistakes of the conspirators After reading of poisonings by Russian agents, as in the recent Sergej Skripal case... The Khashoggi murder: the international consequences The horrible murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is now marginal if compared to its consequences... Issue #79 - October 2018 Is the ISIS really defeated? The military defeats of the ISIS must have induced many to think that Islamic terror like Al Baghdadi... The dirty game in Libya The latest developments in Libya, that range from the fighting in the streets of Tripoli... The US approach to the Palestinian issue The issue relating to Palestine is one of the many problems affecting the Middle East.... Issue #78 - August 2018 Israel's Iranian syndrome The development of the Iranian nuclear program has Israel and its political leader... The role of the Shabiha in Syria Syria’s battlefield has seen the continuous fighting between regular armies, militias and terrorist groups... French wishes and aims in Libya Libya continues to be a non-State. The internationally recognized President Fayez al Sarraj does not control Tripoli... June 2018 The Mafia and the Migrants On landing, migrants arriving in Italy are funneled straight into a network of over 7,000 mostly privately-run emergency reception centres - some housing just a dozen people, some giving sanctuary to hundreds. Large or small, these shelters are jointly funded by Italy and the European Union and operate under contracts issued by prefectures, the regional offices of the Italian Ministry of Interior. Invisible Dog investigates how the Mafia profits from the thousands of needy migrants that land in Italy... Issue #76 - May 2018 A glimmer of hope in Ethiopia? News from Africa are often similar-sounding: dictators abusing power, manipulating the constitution... Gaddafi's downfall August 2003. The Libyan envoy to the United Nations, Ahmed Own, delivers the following letter to... The U.S. choices that inflame the Middle East The US Administration’s fresh approach to the Middle East, as directed by President Donald Trump... Issue #75 - April 2018 The Egyptian farce There were no doubts that the Egyptian presidential elections of March 26 would have confirmed the victory... A Saudi atomic bomb? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action signed between Iran on one hand and the five Permanent Members of UN... Syria's dirty war The US-led coalition’s attack on three military sites with links to chemical weapons in Syria on the night of April 13... Issue #74 - March 2017 Iraq's paramilitary forces Iraqi PM Haider al Abadi has recently signed a decree that grants the inclusion of the Iraqi paramilitary militias... Niger's dangerous Islam Out of a population of roughly 21 million, Niger's Muslims represent about 80%... The war of spies Whatever the reason, the physical elimination of the enemies of the State is a practice that countries use... Issue #73 - February 2017 The Syrian solution depends on Afrin Inevitably, with the military defeat of the ISIS, there arise contradictions of a situation where interests... Rising doubts on Italy's mission in Niger On January 17, 2018, the Italian Parliament approved the deployment of a military contingent to Niger... Technological vs Classical spying The search for information, normally known as espionage, is made of two concurrent and competing approaches... Issue #72 - January 2017 Islamic terror and the Italian question Many analysts and experts of Islamic terror are asking themselves the following question: why, out of all... Donald Trump and Jerusalem Jerusalem isn’t only a key issue in a lengthy and often fruitless negotiation. When dealing with the partition... Kuwait's security structure Kuwait is a small country that has always faced two major threats. The first one being its neighbors... Issue #71 - December 2017 ISIS: next stop Sinai ISIS has taken foothold mainly in the north of the Sinai peninsula, around El Arish, where they control... Saudi intelligence agencies In all Arab countries, intelligence agencies play a key role. Their importance is directly proportional... Compartmentalization in the secret services: the Italian case Intelligence activity is regulated by rules that are applied... Issue #70 - November 2017 The perils of the Saudi destabilization policy There are essentially two centers of power in Saudi Arabia: the royal family and the Wahabi clergy... Zimbabwe, the same old African story In Africa, more than anywhere else across the world, events tend to turn into a farce. In Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe... Pragmatic China and the Middle East China is probably the only superpower capable of keeping a low political profile while, at the same time... Issue #69 - October 2017 The Italian initiative on illegal immigration 181.405 migrants have landed in Italy from Libya in 2016. 18% more than the year before... The social life of a secret agent We are all led into thinking that, while abroad, a secret agent spends his days in lavish high society parties... The failed role of the woman in the Middle East In the Muslim world, where religion often legitimizes dictatorships and regimes, the Islamic law... Issue #68 - September 2017 Uncontrollable Afghanistan Unfortunately, history seldom teaches us anything. Sometimes this is due to ignorance... The Uighur and China The ISIS is now an international brand that can be spent anywhere a Muslim community is... On the prevention of terrorism and the Barcelona attack It was inevitable that, following the collapse of the caliphate in Syria... Issue #67 - August 2017 Macron's Libya and its consequences One wonders whether the July 25 meeting in France between president Serraj and general Haftar... The secret history of the Middle East The official history of the Middle East, at least the one written on history books or newspapers... The mercenaries that uphold monarchies in the Persian Gulf King Salman’s Saudi Arabia is a country that, after... Issue #66 - July 2017 Why the Qatar - Saudi crisis To understand what goes on in the Persian Gulf we must take the latest... Iraq's security services under Saddam Hussein December 30, 2016, was the tenth anniversary of the death of Saddam Hussein... The silent genocide of the Rohingya Some genocides occur while the media’s attention is focusing somewhere else... Issue #65 - June 2017 Syria: human rights when needed In 2014, a man called “Caesar” goes to Washington and meets the Republican senator John McCain... Kosovo and the Balcans: a fertile ground for Islamic terrorism We are often inclined to think that Islamic terrorism... Global economy: its evolution, its contradictions Our globalized society lives in a world where information travels at the speed of light... Issue #64 - May 2017 Intelligence and the NGOs of the Mediterranean There is a heated debate in Italy about some NGO’s which, according to the prosecutor of Catania... The Middle East and its sandy borders One of the outstanding issues for the future of the Middle East is whether the present-day configuration... The never-ending war between Israel and the Hezbollah Both parties know it. It’s only a matter of time. Sooner or later, war will break out again... Issue #63 - April 2017 The importance of Iranian elections On the coming 19th of May Iran will hold presidential elections... A case history of European terrorists Over the past few years, several international analysts have dedicated time and resources to profiling terrorists... Russia's peace initiative in Astana and the future of Syria The talks that opened on January 23, 2017 in Astana, in Kazakhstan, reflect the current... Issue #62 - March 2017 Gheddafi's ghost In Libya today there is much talk about an agreement between the various armed and political factions... Russia's hands on the Middle East Russia is the only superpower currently capable of influencing events in the Middle East... The next stop in the fight between Sunni and Shia: Bahrain The struggle for hegemony between Iran and Saudi Arabia is fueled by the Sunni-Shia divide... Issue #61 - February 2017 Gambia's case, an ordinary African story In a continent like Africa, the fact that Gambia’s President refuses to relinquish power after 22 years despite losing... Dirty game in Libya On December 17, 2015, in Skhirat, Morocco, a peace deal was signed to pacify Libya. It was hailed by UN’s... How the leadership of ISIS is eliminated The best way to defeat ISIS is through the systematic elimination of its leaders... Issue #60 - January 2017 The future of the Middle East and the Kurdish issue There is an elephant in the room in the Middle East that will resurface once the conflicts in Syria and Iraq are over... The nonexistent Palestinian State. A new Intifada? Israel is a militarily strong country, the strongest in the Middle East... The metamorphosis of the Mujahedin-e-khalq If we were to look for a movement that sums up all the volatility, inconsistency and unpredictability... Issue #59 - December 2016 The world through Turkey's eyes It is presently difficult to decipher Turkey’s contradictory, disorderly... Algeria, a new president in sight Algeria is a silent country. No one talks about it. But rather than silent, the country is still... Is there a solution to Morocco's Saharawi problem? For the past 40 years, Moroccan foreign policy has been conditioned... Issue #58 - November 2016 Treason precedes the fall of the ISIS When the leaders of an armed or revolutionary group are systematically killed it is generally due to the... Middle East: friends and foes In the Middle East’s quagmire it is hard to distinguish friends from foes. With ever evolving crisis... The role of the tribes in the Iraq war In the Middle East, as in Africa, ethnic or tribal factors play a key role in politics and society... Issue #57 - October 2016 Q A about ISIS Given the amount of forces on the ground, there is no doubt that a military defeat is inevitable... Yemen: a forgotten conflict Over ten thousand victims, 32 thousand wounded, three million IDPs and an impressive series of systematic human... Illegal immigration, security and the search for solutions Immigration is a business where the bargaining chip, the product of the transaction or the client is a human being... Issue #56 - August 2016 The reasons for a US air strike in Libya The US air strike against Sirte was triggered by motivations that reach well beyond the mere military aspects... The ISIS and Bangladesh Through its misfits and propaganda, the ISIS has fueled Islamic terrorism not only in the Middle East... Brexit and security International public opinion has debated on the political consequences of the Brexit and its impact... Issue #55 - July 2016 The enemy within: Islamic terrorism in Europe The attractiveness of the ISIS is in the subliminal and messianic message... Justice in the time of the ISIS For the Islamic State it all boils down to the Sharia... Jordan: a country in the front line In the beginning of March, for the very first time, Jordan was faced with the aggression of a terrorist cell... Issue #54 - June 2016 Israel: the new target of the ISIS? Amid the tumult of the Mid-East we can find civil wars, the restoration of military regimes... Lybia: no solution without Haftar General Khalifa Haftar has a key role in the troubled post-Gaddafi history of Libya. Boko Haram and African terrorism Abu Bakr Shekau is a terrorist with nine lives. Although he has been declared dead on several occasions... Issue #53 - May 2016 Iraq: the weak link in the war against the ISIS The war against the ISIS is being fought both in Syria and Iraq... Islam and ISIS The ISIS is basically engaged on two fronts: one against the apostates... Africa: a continent fit for ISIS If there is one continent where the conditions are ideal for the expansion of Islamic terrorism... Issue #52 - April 2016 Lebanon: the next crisis zone? In March 2015, General Martin Dempsey, then-US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, stated that the ISIS... An evaluation of the war on ISIS The military situation on the ground in the war against the ISIS... A European intelligence agency The latest attacks in Paris and Brussels have raised, once again, the issue of the cooperation between the intelligence... Issue #51 - March 2016 Syria: the Saudi gamble The Syrian battleground is so crowded that it is difficult to understand who is fighting who... The cyber-war in the Middle East: Israel, Iran and others There is a war being fought in the Middle East which is seldom spoken about... Espionage knows neither friend nor foe It is certainly wrong to perceive as foul play the intelligence activity carried out by an Agency against a friendly... Issue #50 - February 2016 The ISIS and women There is a widespread social drama that strikes the populations of the Middle East... Libya: two potential solutions and several issues There aren't that many options left to solve the Libyan crisis... What the peace conference on Syria is really about The peace conference on Syria that was held in the past weeks between Vienna and Geneva... Issue #49 - January 2016 Where goes the dispute between Iran and Saudi Arabia? There are currently two main wars being fought in the Middle East: the one against the ISIS and... The propagandist apparatus of the ISIS The ISIS is an organization that craves international recognition; the publication of its feats is... What is the purpose of the Islamic "NATO"? The Saudi initiative, launched on December 14, 2015, to create a joint military force that will include... Issue #48 - December 2015 ISIS: The problem of succession and religious legitimization One of the main strengths (or weaknesses) of the ISIS... ISIS: next stop in Libya It is a hard fact that terrorism thrives and develops every time areas of social instability are created... Libya, social rebranding and a nearly impossible peace deal If you were to find a meaning to what is currently... Issue #47 - November 2015 The difficult coexistence in Egypt between the regime and the Muslim Brothers At the birth of the Confraternity in 1928... The Vatican and the long road towards a Palestinian state There are two prevailing souls in the Palestinian world... Sultan Qaboos' silent diplomacy There is only one country in the entire Middle East that is not involved in conspiring or fighting... Issue #45/46 - September-October 2015 The middle eastern gamble A civil war in Syria with no solution in sight and that has recently... Behind the nuclear deal: great Satan or rogue nation? Any negotiation generally seeks a compromise that will satisfy all parties... How the ISIS tells its Syrian story: propaganda and mysticism Among the myriad of publications that the ISIS circulates... Issue #44 - August 2015 The ISIS currency Could there exist a nation, which claims to be such, without its own state structure, flag, anthem or currency? Syria: a never ending war without solutions In the midst of a war that has been ongoing for over four years, where no prisoners are taken... Libya: justice that feels like revenge Any justice handed after a war is a victor's justice... Issue #43 - July 2015 Why the ISIS continues to win The military victories that the ISIS continues to reap are the fruit of a number of different circumstances... The wannabe Jihadist's handbook - part I It is universally recognized that the ISIS has been capable of putting in place an efficient media campaign... The wannabe Jihadist's handbook - part II An entire chapter is dedicated to the trip, or the hijrah, to Syria undertaken by women, here referred to as “sisters”... Issue #42 - June 2015 The dilemmas faced by US foreign policy in the Middle East The Middle East is a geographical entity in perennial... Jordan's fear of the ISIS There are two countries that fear more than others the spread of the ISIS... The counternegotiations on Iran's nuclear progam: threats and race to arms While on one hand international diplomacy debates over... Issue #41 - May 2015 A solution to the Palestinian problem: the next Intifada? To evaluate the Palestinian problem, its possible developments and solutions... The world's caliphates The birth of a caliphate, as proposed by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, is a piece of the history of Islam... A pan-arab force to defeat the ISIS? Despite US air strikes, Iraqi military offensives or the use of “improper” weapons by the Syrian regime... Issue #40 - April 2015 Birth of the ISIS It all began on March 19, 2003, the day the United States decided to attack Saddam Hussein's Iraq... Yemen: a proxy war As was easily predictable, Yemen has become the nth piece of the puzzle of the instability... Iran, nuclear discord There is always a certain degree of hypocrisy each time we debate about nuclear weapons... Issue #39 - March 2015 Who's going to carry out the dirty work in Libya? Between 250 to 300 armed militias, two governments – one in Tobruk and one in Tripoli... The Saudi gerontocracy in a country without Spring In Saudi Arabia power is a synonym for stability. The issue arises solely when a ruler dies... The silent war between Israel and Hezbollah Because of the latest happenings in Iraq and Syria, the birth of the ISIS, the chaos in Libya and... Issue #38 - February 2015 The weak spots of the ISIS The ISIS, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, is definitely a rising force in the Middle Eastern landscape... Where is Turkey's foreign policy heading to? After the end of World War II, Turkey developed a foreign policy aimed at obtaining a prestigious international role... Is there no end to Ukraine's crisis? The crisis in Ukraine (a de facto armed conflict) started on November 21, 2013, and went through several truces... Issue #37 - January 2015 United States: tortures and lies On September 17, 2001, six days after the attack on the Twin Towers, US president George W Bush... The CIA confuses interrogation techniques with torture The CIA, employing a rather scholastic appellation, used to call them "enhanced interrogation techniques... The AISE, sovereignty and interference The designation, in April 2014, of Alberto Manenti as Director of the AISE has passed nearly unnoticed... Issue #36 - December 2014 Tunisia, the only true Arab spring The so-called Arab Spring began in Tunisia on December 17, 2010, when an illegal vegetable vendor... The case for shutting down the International Criminal Court The ICC in the Hague failed in its primary objective... The labyrinth of interests in the Middle East In the Middle East there exist no certainties, but a continuously evolving situation... Issue #35 - November 2014 The ISIS and its military tactics On June 10, 2014 Mosul, a city of 1.8 million poeple 400 km north-west of Baghdad... The walls dividing the world The Berlin wall was built by East Germany as an "anti-fascist" protection... The tunnel war against Israel The recent military confrontation between Israel and Hamas has unveiled a new form of warfare... Issue #34 - October 2014 The strength of ISIS, money, organization, terror The real strength of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi's ISIS is not just in the weapons... The next crisis zone: Yemen and the Houthis struggle There is a war no one is talking about. A conflict that has been ongoing for years, causing several casualties... Abdel Fattah al Sisi, the new kingmaker of the Middle East In Egypt, the Arab Spring begins on January 25, 2011 with protests and local rallies that spread... Issue #33 - September 2014 Musa Kusa and the price of betrayal During the golden days of his reign as chief of the Libyan External Security Service... Italy and the Snowden affair There are a number of countries that are responsible for wiretapping... The CIA, Germany and the duties of a station chief The crisis between Germany and the US, sparked by the discovery... Issue #32 - August 2014 The downfall of the Muslim Brothers It seemed as if the Arab springs had awoken the Middle East and North Africa from a long political lethargy.... Gaza, history repeating itself The plight of the population of Gaza can be summarized in a few geographical details... Islamic non-governmental organizations and the spread of terrorism =Islam doesn't have a Pope, a command structure... Issue #31 - July 2014 Libya: the military option, US interests and democracy that does not pay Democracy is not an option in the ideological... The origins of Iraqi chaos On May 1, 2003, while on board the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, the then-president of the United... A future brimming with drones Today we live in a world where war becomes technology, thus overcoming the classical clash between men... Issue #30 - June 2014 Ansar al Sharia and its ramifications Investigating the genesis and presence of the various "Ansar al Sharia" ramifications... The franchising of Islamic terror and the case of Ansar al Sharia The radical Muslim world is populated with acronyms... Terrorism and its financing There are two main factors that define the operational quotient... Issue #29 - May 2014 Nigeria, a giant with no future Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries in the world... Islamic extremism in Nigeria: a long history Nigeria stands on the border between the Islamic influence, whose expansion came from the continent's... Israel: techniques for targeted killings On April 16, 1988, Israel decided to eliminate the individual who was considered to be the main responsible... Issue #28 - April 2014 Kelong Kings: the author's note In the summer of 2012, Invisible Dog produced an investigative report entitle "The Fix"... Read the foreword to Kelong Kings You will never be quite the same if you read this book through to the end... Read the first chapter of Kelong Kings (pdf) CHAPTER 1 - KAMPONG BOY Issue #27 - March 2014 Ukraine: from the uprising in Maidan square to Crimea To express unconditional estimates or final anticipations is nearly impossible... Putin's agenda The recovery of the sovereignty over its territory and the "imperial" goals of a policy that looks at the past... A new cold war? Can we consider the policies of Vladimir Putin as a new Cold War?... Issue #26 - February 2014 Southern Libya: Another no-man's land Libya is currently undergoing a progressive collapse of its social and institutional fabric... Libya's uncertain future Unlike in other countries in the Maghreb and in the Middle East, the success of the Libyan revolution... Libya and the return of Khadafi's loyalists Libya is still split between those who supported Muammar Khadafi and those who fought him... Issue #25 - January 2014 The role of Islam in Central African Republic's crisis Revenge, rapes, violence, banditism, mass arrests, killings covered by impunity... Oman and the secret of diversity In the Arabic peninsula, Oman is a case apart. It is not involved in the feud between Shiites and Sunni... The rules of the Arab world In the Muslim and Arab world there are a number of recurring circumstances that constantly keep repeating... Issue #24 - December 2013 Sinai, no man's land 61.000 square km, a population of 6 or 7 thousand bedouins divided into a dozen nomad tribes... The problems with USA intelligence The US intelligence community is one of the most widespread and articulated in the world... Beyond the deal on Iran's nuclear program: concerns and realpolitik The deal over Iran's nuclear program sealed in Geneva... Issue #23 - November 2013 Libya after Khadafi There are over 250 different militias roaming in Libya today... The conflict between Italian intelligence agencies Following the revelations of the so-called Datagate scandal... Equatorial Guinea and the silence of the many The history of Equatorial Guinea is emblematic of what is recurrent in the rest of Africa... Issue #22 - October 2013 Illegal immigration. A problem without a solution The shipwreck disaster on October 3rd, 2013 - that saw the sinking a few miles off Lampedusa of a boat with over 500... Terrorism without a cause Recent events in Kenya have highlighted once again how senseless and aimless Islamic terrorism has become... Datagate scandal. Much ado about nothing After about 3 years, we are witnessing the second "psycho-drama" involving the intelligence services of the USA... Issue #21 - September 2013 The middle east changes but foreign policy does not follow The Arab Spring has forced several countries to face an... Why the Nigergate The curious episode that world media have tagged Nigergate... A forgotten country: the Comoros The Comoros Islands belong to that part of the globe no one really worries about... Issue #20 - August 2013 Saudi Arabia. The pillars of power In Saudi Arabia power is based on three essential elements... The Saudi world: Wahabism and Salafism Saudi Arabia is unknown to many. Hardly any news coming from Riyadh... Saudi Arabia and the politics of religion Saudi Arabia's role in defending Sunni orthodoxy has led the country... Issue #19 - July 2013 Datagate "Scandal": intelligence and lack of ethics There are no limits or ethics that can condition the workings of the world of intelligence... United State's Syria enigma US President Barack Obama had traced a "Red Line" forbidding the use of chemical weapons... Factsheet: the "stan countries" and the supply of energy sources The so-called "stan countries" are the following... Issue #18 - June 2013 The paralysis of US foreign policy inthe Middle East The US have failed this far in finding a common direction in foreign policy... The structure of power in Syria: the security apparatus The ongoing civil war in Syria leads us to inquire how the Bashar Al Assad regime... The system of power in Syria: the armed forces The armed forces are the second crucial pillar of Bashar Al Assad's regime... Issue #17 - May 2013 The wreck and the offense: give Mali back to Malians by Aminata D. Traore' "Who should we hand the keys back to?"... Niger between the secular state and the Islamic drift One could safely say that the imposition of western secularism in the Islamic world... Senegal between Islamic confraternities and the Islamist drift The roots of Sufism go back to the first centuries... Issue #16 - April 2013 The uncertainty of the Palestinian Islamic jihad The Palestinian Islamic Jihad is one of those groups that's hardly ever mentioned in the media... The Water War between Palestinians and Israelis Many think that the controversy between Israelis and Palestinians is limited to... Iraq: the scourge of a useless war The second Gulf war began on a the night of March 19, 2003... Issue #15 - March 2013 The Siryan chemical agent scare The lack of international controls over the chemical weapons owned by Syria... What happened to Libya's chemical weapons stockpiles? There is another arsenal of chemical weapons... Khadafi's Libya and the Anglo-American renditions In Autumn 1995 a new terrorist group steps on the stage in North Africa... Issue #14 - February 2013 Democracy in Egypt: a Pyrrhic victory The Egyptian revolution begins on January 25, 2011, over a month after the demonstrations in Tunisia... The role of Jordan in Middle East's storm Jordan hardly ever appears in the Middle East's war bulletins... War in Mali: terrorism, criminality, independentist claims, neo-colonialism and revenge Issue #13 - January 2013 The system of power in the Iranian theocracy If we were to spell out the names of the two major powers in Iran... The security structure that upholds Iranian theocracy If we count and analyze all of the security structures... The many souls of the Hezbollah Hezbollah's role in Lebanon and the Middle East is born out of the 1943 political-religious allocation system... Issue #12 - December 2012 The Gaza issue and the Iranian policy of destabilization When dealing with the latest crisis between Israel and the Gaza Strip... The Kurds: a problem within a problem The Kurdish problem has continued without political solutions for many years... Polisario's ugly metamorphosis The history of the POLISARIO front is one of those African tales... Issue #11 - November 2012 The Arab Spring's domino effect: analisys and evaluation of events The series of events known as the Arab Spring spread... Khadafi's Libya and today's Libya After the coup d'etat of September 1969... Tunisia: analisys of a good example The Tunisian uprising came about by chance on December 17 2010... Issue #10 - October 2012 The destiny of Africa between Sufism and Salafism Sufism and Salafism have been the ingredients that, in different doses... How a source is recruited Information gathering is essential for any intelligence service... Tuareg: legitimate claims or terrorism? There is a high risk that the Sahel issue will become an international problem... Issue #09 - September 2012 The question now is: when will Israel attack Iran? With the passing of time and without a negotiated solution in sight... Russia - The Putin - Medvedev changeover The changeover in the presidency of the Russian federation... Libya: big game hunting for Khadafi's men The network of Khadafi's most trusted collaborators has scattered across the world... Issue #08 - August 2012 Obama nearing the end of his first mandate Is the president of the United States, Barack Obama, a lame duck?... The journey of an illegal immigrant (part 2) The second and last part of our analisys of the routes... Options on Syria The crisis in Syria continues to demand its toll, while the world decides what to be done... Issue #07 - July 2012 Interview with the Kelong King Wilson Raj Perumal From his prison cell in Budapest Wilson has started a daily correspondence with us... The Fix: match-fixing Singapore style An international crime syndicate is manipulating football games worldwide... Issue #06 - June 2012 Iran and the secret war Iran scares many countries... The journey of an illegal immigrant (part 1) The routes used by illegal immigrants coming from Africa... Afghanistan and the "Spring Offensive" On April 15th the Talibans have struck the Afghan capital Kabul with multiple simultaneous attacks... Issue #05 - May 2012 Is Islam the solution? The Arab Spring has paved the way for an "islamic winter", as the Israeli press states?... Iran and the green wave (part 2) The years 2010-2011 were not only characterized by an intestine clash in Iran's leadership... AISE, Who are the secret services serving? The Italian Agency for Information and External Security has shown its limits... Issue #04 - April 2012 Africa does not exist For over 60 years we've thought that the African states founded after independence struggles were real States... Iran and the green wave (part 1) Iran from the Green Wave to the parliamentary elections of 2012... What will become of Abdallah Senussi? On November 20th 2011 Libyan authorities had announced the capture of Gaddafi's brother-in-law... Issue #03 - March 2012 Italy's deportation policy On May 7, 2009, a boat traveling from Libya to Italy... Turkey's Ottoman empire nostalgia Under the leadership of Recep Erdogan... The "Gas Wars" Gas reserves all over the world are the object of a non-declared new phase of the Cold War... Issue #02 - February 2012 Hamas and the struggle against Israel Hamas went from an Israeli counter-PLO tool to weaken Yasser Arafat to a terrorist organization... The Italy - Libya deals Since the year 2000 Italy has signed a series of treaties with Libya... Terrorism in the Maghreb Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is Al Qaeda's spin off in the African Sahel... Issue #01 - January 2012 Libya's nuclear program Despite recent declarations by the Libyan PM Mahmoud Jibril... Why isn't anyone helping the Arab Spring in Syria? The question is legitimate... Who will be the next Libyan ambassador in Italy? Within the system of security structures that Khadafi...


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