medical assisstant

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Reflection On the Blog ( What I enjoyed while doing this project)After completing this project, I learned numerous of things about medical assistant. It takes a lot of work to fulfill the job of a medical assistant. I'm so happy that Mr. Shakur gave us a chance to do a blog, instead of doing a 5-7 page research paper. I never did a blog before so it gave me a chance to learn how to do one. Doing this project also gave me more time to really learn more about being a medical assistant. This project gave me a chance to learn about other people's topics also that I didn't know much about. I focused on mainly my topic, thats what I'm so proud about. I wasn't jumping from subject to subject. I stayed on my particular topic. I actually had a little fun while doing this project. Picking different pictures for each topic I was talking about. I think that made my post look more interesting to my viewers. I also got to look at diffferent people opinions on my blog. That helped me see what I had to change or what I did a good job on. I can't wait to go to college because it won't be as hard because I know a lot of things about being a medical assistant. I'm very anxious to start my hands-on experience in college. Thanks for allowing me to show my information about medical assistant.2 comments: Current Events- Part 2

Medical Assistants is becoming one of the fastest growing professions today. A lot of individuals are taking are taking that particular occupation as a career.
There are myriad reasons for you to focus your efforts towards building a career as a medical assistant. Although the medical assistant profession can be very challenging, involving a lot of dedication and responsibility, it also brings many financial and personal satisfactions. Undoubtedly, medical assistants have always been considered to be major components of the healthcare industry, fulfilling a set of vital roles in the medical offices. As a medical assistant, you have the opportunity to offer a very important service to the community, by participating actively in the ongoing process of patients care and by channeling your efforts towards improving the patients health. Unlike other professions in the medical field, the medical assistant profession involves a lot of interaction and communication, both with the monitored patients and with other members of the medical staff. Besides being the main healthcare provider for patients, as a medical assistant you also have the opportunity to offer patients a lot of moral support. Due to its eclectic nature and the pronounced level of interaction with people, the medical assistant profession is considered to be a very demanding profession, requiring a wide range of practical and theoretical skills, good decision making abilities, good communication skills and nevertheless, a lot of talent. Although a career as a medical assistant can be very challenging, it also brings a lot of satisfaction. Apart from the noble and altruistic nature of the profession which allows practitioners to offer an important service to the community, ensuring the well-being of patients, the medical assistant profession is also very lucrative and financially stable. While an inexperienced medical assistant may at first earn an annual $20,000 salary, fully qualified medical assistants may eventually earn more than $40, 000 a year. Due to the ongoing development and expansion of the healthcare industry, the request for medical assistants is very acute in present and it is expected to further grow in the coming years, thus rendering the medical assistant career stable and secure on professional level. In addition, well-trained medical assistants have very good prospects for promotion in the medical field, being able to qualify for various administrative occupations or become medical technology professionals.5 comments: Friday, May 8, 2009 Current Events

There has been many things that meical assistants has done for our society today. The Lions Community Hearing Bank and the Hearing Research Institute are dedicated to promoting awareness. The groups provide free ear health care along with hearing aids, when appropriate, to indigent children and elderly needy adults. Dr. Robert E. Pickard, medical director of the institute, and Mark Glickman, president of the Hearing Bank, worked with Dr. Jack Michel of Larkin Hospital at this year's Calle Ocho Festival to also provide free diabetes screenings and blood pressure readings. Dr. Michel sent medical assistants to help process the many people who wanted to have their blood pressure checked while several Lions members checked blood sugars. Pickard also recently returned from his annual visit to Tallahassee where he supervised the institute's Hearing Awareness Days at the Capitol. Free screenings are offered to legislators, staff and visitors. As Doctor for the Day at the House, and at the Senate another day, Pickard worked at the Capitol Clinic with nurses Michelle Fijman and Carole Beckman. Rep. Julio Robaina sponsors Pickard in the House and Sen. Alex Diaz de la Portilla sponsors him in the Senate. Dr. Juliann Woods, Florida State University chairman in the Department of Communication Disorders, works with Pickard and the institute, along with Lisa Myrick of the Tallahassee Audiology Associates on the screening project. 1 comment: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 HistoryIn 1954, the late J. Raymond Knighton answered a call in his tiny office at the Christian Medical Society on Dearborn Street in Chicago. As the director of an organization that coordinated fellowships among Christian medical students and doctors, Ray had a reputation for knowing every medical missionary in the world. So when an executive at a major East Coast pharmaceutical company wanted to donate $25,000 in surplus medicines, he knew just whom to call. He and his secretary spent the next three months distributing the 11 tons of medicines where they were most needed overseas. So began the new ministry providing essential medicines for mission clinics and hospitals. Since that day, MAP would deliver more than $2.6 billion in medicines and other essential supplies to poor communities around the world. In its early years, MAP's moniker Serving the Servants, reflected its mission toward providing for the medical needs of missions. Today, with Health and Hope for A Hurting World, MAP has expanded its focus to promote community health development and prevention of disease. Millions of families have been impacted by that single call. Ray Knightons thriving legacy impacts millions of people throughout the world each year. In the changing role of paramedics in relation to globalized scenario and paradigm shift, from provider focus to client focus, Medical Assistants need to change to fulfill the client expectation in delivering curative, promotive, preventive and rehabilitative aspects.

J. Raymond Knighton Jr., the founder of an organization that has provided medicine to millions of poor people worldwide for nearly 50 years, died here on Aug. 30. He was 81 and lived on St. Simons Island, on the southern Georgia coast.
The cause was congestive heart failure, his family said.
A Chicago native, Mr. Knighton was executive director of the Christian Medical Society in 1954 when he started a branch called Medical Assistance Programs. The branch became an independent agency in 1965 and Mr. Knighton served as president until 1980.
The organization, MAP International, based in Brunswick, Ga., has about 125 employees and provides $150 million worth of medicine and medical supplies annually to hospitals, clinics and refugee centers. No comments: Monday, March 23, 2009 Credible and Non- Credible Sources for Medical Assistant

#1 Credible-
I know this is a credible source because:

1. The author has a real name.

2. The website has ".org" so that mean it's a non-profit website.

3. The website is well-detailed and explained letting me know where the author has gotten all her information from.


I know this is a credible source because:

1. The website has ".gov" at the end which means it is a government organization can also be acepptable.

2. It has a description and heading that indicates the website is focused on my topic.

3. It doesn't have any ads on it's page.

No comments: Personal Reflection

This reason why I picked this particular subject because I want to be a medical assistant. Medical assistance seems so interesting to do. It just catches my attention everytime I see it on television. I never thought I'd want to be a medical assistant. I always wanted to become a runway model. After I saw the advertisement about going to school to be a medical assistant, it instantly caught my attention. I wouldn't just be going to school to make my family happy, I'd be going for the enjoyment of training to be a medical assistant. I learned more about medical assistant since I chose that as my subject to study in college. I like helping people anyway, so that's another reason why I want to be a medical assistant. Rather I'd be going for nine monthes or four years, I'd be getting the training I need to be the most successful medical assistant I need to be. Another reason why I chose this subject because I wanted tell more people what a medical assistant does and why it plays a important part in people live's today. When I think of being a medical assistant it makes me excited to know that one day in the future I would be helping someone whether it's a baby or a elderly person with there health problems. I want to be that individual that cares about people. I want people to be happy to come to the doctor knowing they're going to get the help they need to feel healthy.It's been my goal to become a medical assistant since the beginning if my junior year in high school. When I get out of high school I plan to go straight to college, so that I can start goal of being a medical assistant.No comments: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 What I know/What I want to know
I know that medical assistant handle administrative and clinical duties. They help the nurse with health care like patient's blood and taking exams. They make doctor appointment for the patients. The first thing I knew about my subject (medical assisstant) was that they check the patient's weight and blood pressure. I know you may need to have a certification or training. Doctor's office rely on medical assisstant to perform basic task like taking blood test and ultrasounds. I know a huge amount of things about being a medical assisstant. I have been wanting to be an medical assisstant for a long time now. There are so many things tou can learn being a medical assistant. For example, when you talk to people about their health problems, you're learning about that person and their health. Medical assisstant plays important parts in people's lives today. 1 comment: HomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)medical assisstant

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