Concretewave Magazine |

Web Name: Concretewave Magazine |






What do you think is one of the most significant parts of skateboarding? It’s the wheels. These allow you to roll in the street and parks in whatever acceleration you desire. On the other hand, Read moreThe Best Skateboard Wheels for Concrete Parks Are you amazed at skateboarders who are speeding off to the maximum on roads or in skateparks? Do you want to make your skateboard elevate its speed too? Rolling at a great speed is an Read moreHow to Make Your Skateboard Faster? Skateboard decks are indeed attractive with their many designs. Besides, some are colorful. You can buy them at skateboard stores and simply pick your preference. But, would you like to customize the skateboard deck that Read moreHow to Paint a Skateboard Deck? Do you want to have a great turn and smooth carve? Why not loosen your longboard trucks. Also, loose trucks will make your ride comfortable, resulting in a cool and safe ride. If you do Read moreHow to Loosen Longboard Trucks? It s worth getting the best skateboard tool, whether you ve been skating for quite a long time or just starting. Even a brand-spanking-new longboard out of the crate needs a condition to alter to a great Read moreThe Best Skateboard Tools Skateboard decks are attractive and appealing, especially those with graphic designs. If you are a professional skateboarder, you might have acquired several skateboards decks. Isn’t it good to organize and display them on the wall? Read moreHow To Hang Skateboard On Wall? You know that feeling: the adrenaline rush of momentary flight, the feeling of time slowing down as you focus on your footwork and the tickle in your gut when landing back to solid ground. Whether Read moreThe Best Skateboard Ramps If you are new to skateboarding, you may feel that purchasing a skateboard is all you require. Notwithstanding, if you need your board to last and that you want to be able to do all Read moreThe Best Skateboard Waxes  Skateboarding has been with us since the 1950s when surfers used smaller surfboards, wheels out of metal, without bearings to transfer the experience in the ocean to the streets, giving them the moniker “asphalt surfers”. Read moreThe Best Skateboard Hardwares Losing your momentum with the dreaded wheel bite—that sudden stop that can cause an awful wipeout for you and unnecessary damage to your precious skateboard? The good news is, wheel bites can be avoided with Read moreThe Best Skateboard Risers

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