A Closer Look On Syria

Web Name: A Closer Look On Syria

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25 Nov. Israeli airforce dropped leaflets in southern Syria warning not to collaborate with Hezbollah. 18 Nov. Israel strikes Iranian, Syrian targets in Syria. 16 Nov. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem dies at the age of 79.9 Nov. "Text of the statement by Putin, Pashinyan and Aliyev to end the war in Karabakh has been published"It is reported that a new ceasefire agreement is reached on Nagornyi Karabach, which apparently includes withdrawal of Armenian forces, Azerbaijan keeping recently captured territory including Shusha city, and a Russian peacekeeping force. Azerbaijan forces shot down with MANPADS Russian MI-24 helicopter over Armenia near the border with Azerbaijan "by mistake". The American Herald Tribune seized by FBI and the DoJ4 Nov. The US DoJ shuts down and seizes the domain name of the pro-Trump, pro-Syria news and opinion web site American Herald Tribune.23 Oct. With Russia not explicitly backing either side in Nagornyi Karabakh, Trump is "aiming to help Armenia" (and Bellingcat, too). It is reported that Russian air force performed strikes on illegal oil installations in Turkish zone of responsibility near Jarablus, Syria 17 Oct. Another major flare-up in Azerbaijan-Armenia violence, with rocket strikes on population centers, Azerbaijan claim of a strike on Armenian S-300 site, etc. Followed by announcement of a ceasefire (of uncertain duration). 10 Oct. It is said (sources) that fighters from Syrian pro-Turkish Hamza division (Wikipedia; logo) or Sultan Murad division are fighting in Nagornyi Karabakh on Azerbaijani side.4 Oct. Russian sources report on a Syrian program which pays $100 to $300 for providing information "about HTS objects in Idlib", and for some reason publish details on several identified targets. (Confusingly, report itself talks about training camps for mercenaries prepared for Karabach).3 Oct. "Today's Armenian is not a wanderer on the Deir ez-Zor [Syria] road" - Pashinyan's appeal to the Armenian people.2 Oct. Joint appeal by Russia, USA, France to Azerbaijan and Armenia to stop warfare and start diplomacy is backed by Armenia but de-facto rejected by Erdogan who supports Azerbaijan actions. On the ground, Azerbaijan fired on Karabakh capital city Stepanaert and a bridge connecting Armenia and Karabakh. Russia stays neutral, so far. Some talk of possible involvement of Iran (who may be on Armenian side, in continuation of an old rivalry in the Caucuses) 29 Sep. Guardian: Syrian rebel fighters prepare to deploy to Azerbaijan in sign of Turkey's ambition. On 28 Sep., Armenia reported another major attack by Azerbaijan and claimed Azerbaijan losses of 22 tanks, 10 other armored vehicles and 370 soldiers "liquidated". Other reports include larger totals of vehicles destroyed, and 26 killed in additional Armenian losses. 27 Sep. A serious escalation of Nagornyi Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. It is said that Turkey-backed militants are recruited to participate on Azerbaijan side in Afrin, Syria, and possibly diverted from Libya (1, 2). Pro-Armenian sources and media sources in Greece claim that Turkish F-16 planes are taking part from Azerbaijan airbases, 1, 2 (unconfirmed), while some Greek sources say that Turkey-made Bayraktar drones armed with MAM-L missiles participate in bombing (1, 2). 22 Sep. Andre Vltchek is found dead in Istanbul. Cause unknown, he was there on holiday with his wife and had recently been ill. His most recent article - The time has come for the West to sit down, shut up and listen to the rest of the world20 Sep. Russian MoD warned that HTS militants in Idlib assisted by White Helmets are preparing provocations with toxic substances.It is said that on 9, 15, and 20 Sep. Russian air force performed strikes on militants' camps in Idlib, "correcting mistakes and ineffectiveness" by Turkey (published 29 Sep.)26 Aug. Some traffic matter (videos) between US and Russian patrols, Russian choppers overhead, some reports of US troops "concussion", and some generals' call after that.18 Aug. A mine explosion near the At-Taym oil field south of Deir Ez-Zor killed a Russian Major General Vyacheslav Gladkikh and the commander of the national defense of the city of Al-Meyadin, Muhammad Taysar Az-Zahir, with four subordinates, three more were wounded.17 Aug. SANA: a Syrian soldier is killed, two injured after US warplane targeted an army checkpoint in Tal al-Zahab southeast of Qamishli. Unnamed "military source" to Rusvesna: the checkpoint was targeted by AH-64 Apache helicopter after US patrol was not let through. An Iraqi site has a similar claim. Photos on Twitter. Map. Small arms fire exchange (video, showing small fire exchange on the ground and a helicopter above) took place earlier. (Also on ANNA news , 2nd part of video). Coalition confirmed fire exchange but stated that "coalition troops returned fire in self-defense", and that "the Coalition did not conduct an airstrike". Photos and video report of a protest rally in Kamyshlia near state cultural center and at a place of soldiers' death.4 Aug. A massive blast rips through Beirut leading to allegations about “external actors” (talk).18 Jul. US-Russia roadside movies: Russian policeman, 5-fingured gestures, translator: This is the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. The Russian Armed Forces are here at the invitation of President Bashar al-Assad. On what basis are you here? (It is said that American patrol was following the Russian one. Russian patrol stopped and approached the Americans prior to the exchange, which ends with the Russian military policeman passing a message "to your (US) general" urging to stop chasing them). 16 Jul. Russian military policemen are lightly wounded in Derbasia city, Hasekah province. It is said that they arrived, together with some YPG members, to investigate an explosion when a second explosion occurred. 14 Jul. IED attack on a joint Russian-Turkish patrol is reported (video 1, 2), initially blamed on HTS. Light injuries only are reported. Kataib Khattab Ash-Shishani (battalion of Khattab the Chechen) later claimed responsibility, posted some photos. (Noted, Khattab - same name but probably unrelated to a jihadist leader ibn-Khattab, a Saudi who fought and was killed in Chechnya). See also [ANNA news).13-14 Jul. Attacks and counter-strikes are reported in the old-running border conflict between ex-Soviet Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagornyi Karabakh. Armenia is backed by ex-Soviet SNG mutual defense treaty which includes Russia; Turkey is backing (1, 2) Azerbaijan. Turkey and Russia are also facing off in Syria, Libya, etc, while having economic and some military cooperation and are involved in joint diplomacy attempts.11 Jul. US military convoy burned in Iraq -reports 1, 2.5 Jun. The SDF, the "international coalition" and the Iraqi army have started a "Deterrence of Terrorism" campaign to root out ISIS cells along the northern Iraqi border desert region who recently have shown increasing terror activities.25 May. According to SOHR, the number of Syrian mercenaries/"rebels" sent to Libya by Turkey has risen to over 10,000.13 May. SANA reports new US-allied forces reinforcements heading towards oil/gas locations in Hasaka province (as described by the source).4 May. Russian sources report significant tensions with US troops near Kamyshly, after Russian military police blocked US patrol on May 2 (1, 2). It is said that thereafter Americans established several positions outside of their agreed zone of responsibility and without notifying Russian troops, and tried to prevent Russians patrolling on May 4. Report goes on to say that "due to high professionalism of Russian forces a serious incident was avoided"30 Apr. Germany bans Israel Hezbollah, raids suspected members.Noted: Germany, and the European Union as a whole, had previously classed Hezbollah’s military wing as a terrorist group. But it had previously not applied the designation to the wider organization, which has seats in both Parliament and the cabinet in Lebanon. Noted: "The final solution" failed in 1945, ended by the Soviet Red Army. Israel is an independent state since the end of the British mandate, 14 (15) May 1948, and cannot be "banned", as much as any other state, as that would be nonsensical.28 Apr. "Dozens killed in truck bomb attack at Afrin market" - BBC , SANA. Turkey blames YPG. SANA does not assign blame.22 Apr. kcna.kp publishes a letter addressed from Kim Jong Un to the president of Syria, in response to his letter on Kim Il Sung anniversary (at the end here)29 Mar. Russia is bailing out Venezuela.22 Mar. Assad issues the annual decree on amnesty for prisoners, going further than the previous years.The health ministry reports the first case of COVID-19 in Syria, a "man in his twenties coming from abroad".Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan appeals to Trump that the US should lift the sanctions on Iran until the COVID-19 crisis is over.19 Mar. According to Iraqi military sources, the US-led "coalition" has left several smaller bases in Iraq and the infamous Al-Qa'im base on the Syrian side of the border.11 Mar. It is reported that 2 Americans and 1 British citizen are killed in rocket attack on base in Iraq, apparently using a DIY launcher mounted on a light truck, later abandoned (1, 2). Counter-strikes reported 1, 2. A Russian soldier died in a road accident in Syria.9 Mar. Oil prices crash overnight nearly 30% after OPEC+ agreement (apparently) collapsed; ruble is down vs Western currencies; media reports Saudi-led oil price war.8 Mar. While combing through recently conquered territory west of Aleppo, the SAA finds a fortified underground compound with a large tunnel network near the village of Anjara, which on further exploration turns out to have been the HQ of Al-Qaeda in Syria/Nusra Front/HTS-Leader Al-Jolani (video). Southern front of Idlib pocket6 Mar. According to SANA, "calmness prevails" in Idlib half a day into the new ceasefire. Later, some violations were reported including a drone attack on a team of ANNA News in which nobody was injured.Putin and Assad have a phone call (SANA,Kremlin).5 Mar. After a six-hour meeting in Moscow, Putin and Erdogan present a plan for Idlib that includes a ceasefire starting at midnight and the formation of a security corridor along the M4 highway that will be jointly patrolled starting March 15. (Additional protocol).Assad gives an interview to Russian TV (English transcript).Syrian Mig-29 with ADS Talisman under the wings is videoed4 Mar. Erdogan and Putin are to meet tomorrow in Moscow, with Idlib crisis on the agenda.A major strike by LNA forces on targets at Mitiga airport in Tripoli, Libya is reported. Syrian SU-22 reportedly escaped an air-to-air missile strike from a Turkish F-16. Russian military at the reconciliation center reports "a work accident" with rebels exposing themselves to (unspecified) chemical weapons material while trying to set out a provocation; further details are promised later.3 Mar. Assad issues a decree setting the date of parliamentary elections to April 13th.A Turkish convoy with heavy equipment including ATILGAN air defense systems is spotted on the way to the Idlib front.It is reported that Turkey (or aligned forces) shot down Syrian L-39 plane. The pilots (2?) bailed out. One pilot landed on a territory controlled by the rebels; videos posted on social media indicate that a pilot was killed. Another video linked to the report suggests that another pilot was rescued. 2 Mar. The SAA's Tiger Forces reportedly re-gain control over Saraqib while some of the villages lost yesterday in the south-west are also recovered with help of intensive Russian airstrikes. Erdogan claims that the Turkish goal is nothing more than a lasting ceasefire and assures Russia and Iran that "we have no problems with you in Syria". Russia deploys military police units to Saraqib.ANNA news posts a report from Saraqib and a brief video from a location on the M5 highway in Saraqib1 Mar. The Turkish Defense Minister reveals the name of his army's illegal activities in Idlib as "Operation Spring Shield". Several villages in the south-west of the pocket that were conquered by the SAA in recent days are taken over by the Turkish-backed Islamists again.29 Feb. In the morning, Erdogan tells his audience in Istanbul that he told Putin to "get out of our way" and leave them "one on one" with the Syrian "regime". He also boasts about "thousands" of Syrian soldiers dead in revenge strikes for the 33 allegedly killed Turkish soldiers and about a number of 18,000 "migrants" already waiting at the borders to the EU that will raise to 30,000 today. Meanwhile, Greece reportedly vetos a NATO declaration in support of Turkey, insisting on a condemnation of their "opening the gates" threats, and closes the land border completely, sending the navy to protect the sea borders. Erdogan's often threatened "deadline" for the SAA to retreat from the territory it has taken from Al Qaeda ends after today - while the SAA is further advancing in the south-west of the pocket. Turkish TV tweets instructions for migrants to reach EU28 Feb. Turkey is to start NATO consultations after 33 of its soldiers are said to be killed in a strike in Idlib attributed to SAA. This occurred while Turkish-backed rebels were making advances on Saraqib. Media reports suggest that Turkey will allow "irregular migrants" to cross into Europe again, likely in an attempt to pressure NATO.Turkey claims that in its revenge strikes 200 SAA targets including "five helicopters, 23 tanks, 23 artillery pieces, one SA-17 ("Buk M2") and one SA-22 ("Pantsir'") were destroyed and "309 regime soldiers neutralized"; releases a video claiming to show some successful strikes. (However, a similar-looking video was sign-posted as from Libya) Putin - Erdogan phone call; some preparations for a possible summit in Moscow in early March reported. 27 Feb. Turkish-supported Al-Qaeda re-enters the strategic town of Saraqib, forcing the SAA to retreat. Heavy clashes are going on around the highway crossing of M4/M5.Iranian Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar is diagnosed with coronavirus after at least 26 people have died from an outbreak in the holy city of Qom. No link with the outbreak and China has been found leading to speculation that the virus was intentionally planted.23 Feb. Video (1,2): "Militants' APC ACV-15 / M113 drives past the tank of the Syrian army. When they noticed each other, the APC began to ride around it and ram the tank, apparently so that it could not aim. In the end, both parted" (video ends at this point).22 Feb. It is said that US military blocked Russian convoy on M4 highway near Amuda. Video appears to show US armored vehicles stationed on access roads. More videos 20 Feb. It is said (SANA; Rus. sources 1, 2, 3, 4) that rebels supported by Turkey launched an offensive on An Nayrab, supported by artillery and armored vehicles; that SAA requested Russian help; that Russian SU -24 planes, as well as Syrian forces, performed strikes on rebel positions, which helped SAA to repel the attack. (SANA: Syrian Arab Army's air force directed several precise strikes against the mechanisms and armored vehicles of the terrorists on the axes of the attack, especially from the direction and destruction of the town of Sarmin, and failed their progress). Several Syrian soldiers are wounded, and Turkish casualties are reported 1, 2, 3. Turkey did not show up for regular joint patrol with the Russians. A video emerged claiming to show a Russian SU-24 escaping a MANPADS missile. More visuals and commentary here (1, 2, 3): "2. In figure No. 2 and No. 3 we see how people in uniforms similar to the Turkish military launch the ROKETSAN FIM-92 MANPADS (analogue of the Stinger FIM-92, assembled in Turkey under a US license)." (as per the source).Lenta: The culprit for the death of two Turkish troops during an airstrike in Idlib is the Syrian Air Force. This was stated by the head of the communications department of the Turkish Presidential Administration Recep Tayyip Erdogan Fahrettin Altun, CNN Turk reports.16 Feb. SAA made significant gains west of Aleppo, on the eve of the Russian-Turkish negotiations in Moscow.14 Feb. The SAA continues to advance at the eastern front of the Idlib pocket, west of Aleppo city, virtually without resistance as the "rebels" retreat.Turkey continues to threaten with direct involvement not bound by the agreements. 12 Feb. A clash occurred between US military patrol and residents of Harbat-Hamo settlement in Hasakah province in which a 14 year old boy Faisal Khalid Muhammad was killed and another resident wounded. Shots were then fired by residents (apparently Kurdish) in the direction of the patrol. It is said that the US patrol was rescued by (an unnamed) Russian general who arrived with the Russian patrol and provided personal guarantees. (more videos) 11 Feb. Danny Makki summarizes the "hectic" day as follows:Syrian Helicopter shot down-all crew killed (video)SAA effectively secure Aleppo-Damascus Highway after lightning-quick advances around AleppoSAA attack on Turkish position in QaminasRussian jets hitting Idlib cityMilitant offensive around Nayrab10 Feb. Early in the day, al Qaeda starts a large counter-offensive west of Saraqib which "rebel" sources claim is directly supported by Turkish soldiers and artillery. Later, with no apparent gains, it is reported that several Turkish soldiers were killed when the SAA targeted the sources of Turkish artillery fire near Taftanaz airbase. Turkish government sources claim that the strikes were an unprovoked, "heinous attack" and were retaliated against. In the evening the Turkish ministry of defense releases a statement claiming that they hit 115 SAA targets and "neutralized" 101 soldiers, 3 tanks, 2 atrillery positions and a helicopter. Al Masdar cites an SAA source saying the Turkish claim is "untrue". Meanwhile the SAA continues to liberate villages along the M5 highway in direction of Aleppo.9 Feb. Large Turkish military convoy enters Idlib (TASS Rus., Eng.; Sky News Arabia).8 Feb. The SAA captures Al-Eis.6 Feb. The SAA captures Saraqib.In a statement, the Russian foreign ministry declares that the actions by the SAA on their own soil are fully justified in the fight against terrorism, which has increased in recent months not least because of the changed balance in Idlib due to Turkish proxies being sent to Libya, leaving HTS in charge of the place and unchecked. Both Turkish and Russian "military experts" have died in these terrorist attacks, the statement reads, and reminds Turkey of its obligations in the Astana agreements.5 Feb. Erdogan, after a phone call with Putin, says that Turkey may start a military operation if Assad does not withdraw troops from the border following deescalation zone agreement3 Feb. The SAA breaks through from the M5 to the M4 highway and stands west of Saraqib. According to Russian reports, the Turks have not shown up to a joint Russian-Turkish patrol scheduled for today in Rojava.2 Feb. Turkish military reinforcements try to stop the SAA from advancing on the M5 towards Saraqib. Several Turkish forces die in the ensuing artillery fire (background). 1 Feb. While the SAA continues to advance at the southern Idlib front and has cleared the M5 between Khan Sheikhoun and Maarat al-Numan, Al-Qaeda with several thousand fighters under personal leadership of Al-Jolani starts a surprise attack on Aleppo city.Four Russian FSB officers (forming two sniper pairs) were killed by artillery and mortar cross fire during rebels advance near Aleppo 30 Jan. Erdogan: As of now, unfortunately, Russia is not loyal to Astana or Sochi. Our friends are talking with their interlocutors. In these meetings, they said to them, “In Idlib, you have stopped these bombings and so on, if you do not stop, we are running out of patience. We will do whatever it takes from now on. ” (CNN Turk, Reuters, Vershinin).28 Jan. After further advances in recent days at the Idlib front, the SAA announces that it has liberated Ma'arat al Nu'man. The strategic city at the M5 highway has been in "rebel" hands since 2012.23 Jan. US Special Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey is quoted to say: “There were problems with preventing land incidents in Manbij that began about 14 months ago ... At some point, we intercepted a Russian major general who was driving towards the city of Manbij. But it was decided through military channels ". (question from the full briefing). 21 Jan. In north-eastern Hasakah province, US military forces block two Russian military convoys from crossing their checkpoints on the M4 highway. This follows similar incidents last week. Sisi, Putin, Merkel, and Macron discus the peace plan. Erdogan and Pompeo left early.19 Jan. A peace conference in Berlin agrees on an arms embargo for Libya. 13 Jan. Haftar leaves Moscow without signing the Libyan ceasefire agreement12 Jan. A new strike, apparently unguided MLRS/Katiusha on a US base near Baghdad is reported 1, 2, 3, apparently by proxy militia It is reported that Aleppo city was hit by rebels' mortar fire, killing several civilians and wounding 12 civilians 11 Jan. Protests started in Iran after the admission of Ukrainian Boeing shootdown.Trump interview: Souleimani, Syrian oil, Iran, Iraq, Korea.9 Jan. After exchange of strikes with Iran, Trump offered to negotiate, which (in the public space) was rejected. 8 Jan. Two missile explosions reported by media in Baghdad's "green zone"Trump statement.Iran fires ballistic missiles on US Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq, a large airbase of about 5 km in diameter. (Rusvena, RT). In the initial assessment, US casualties have not been reported, and there was no evening update in the USA. This happened after Zarif stated that Iran will retaliate, and not via proxies. Trump on Twitter here.7 Jan. Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov meet Assad on a surprise visit to Damascus. Situation in Libya on January 7, 20206 Jan. Libyan National Army (LNA) liberates Muammar Gaddafi's hometown Sirte. Syrian mercenaries flown in by Turkey are seen fleeing toward Misrata.5 Jan. Report: High ranking jihadist commanders (Abu Yousef Al-Jazrawi, a Saudi, and a "Chechen commander from HTS") are assassinated in Idlib.4 Jan. "Airstrike" and explosions are reported in Deir-iz-Zor province, Syria, near Iraq border, on the Imam Ali base of pro-Iranian Harakat al-Nujab group which is part of PMU (report and video, location, map).ANNA News: on 2/3 Jan. SAA 25th division repelled HTS attack in southern IdlibReuters: Two Katyusha rockets fell inside Iraq's Balad air base, 80 km north of Baghdad, which houses US forces but caused no casualties. Other reports say that rockets landed inside the Green Zone in Baghdad 1, 2.3/4 Jan. OIR spokesman: Coalition did NOT conduct airstrikes near Camp Taji (north of Baghdad) in recent days Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon takes responsibility for his assassination3 Jan. Iraqi State television said Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iranian "Quds (=Jerusalem) Force", and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (= father of Mahdi, engineer), leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah and Iraqi PMU deputy head, were among a number of people killed in a strike near Baghdad's airport ( AP, Mil. Times; BBC; Cassad). PressTV carries Iraqi media report, then updates to confirm.BBC: The Revolutionary Guards confirmed Soleimani's death, Iran state television reported. Pentagon confirmed.2 Jan. Turkey’s parliament has approved sending troops to Libya1 Jan. On New Year's Eve, the Russian military base Hmeimim in Syrian Latakia was bombarded by rocket launchers from pro-Turkish militants. All 6 rockets were intercepted by "Pantsir-C1" , and launch positions (said to be near Turkish observation posts) were bombed by Russian airforce; the latter may start before all the launches, according to "a military source" of RusvesnaProtests at the US embassy in Baghdad continued for the second day, followed by a report that protesters retreat: The retreat was instigated by the Popular Mobilization Forces, an umbrella body for dozens of militia groups including factions aligned with Iran. The PMF said protesters demanding the expulsion of American troops from Iraq had delivered their message to the U.S. (WSJ). Many photos, including aerial, hereCassad: "Turkey built a runway right in Tripoli...It is assumed that it will be used for take-off attack and reconnaissance drones, and light attack aircraft. Regular Turkish troops expected to arrive in Libya in the coming month"A running theme in Syria news is claims about the use of chemical weapons and the red lines they would cross, if confirmed. Our category on this topic covers most reported incidents, especially all high-profile ones like the one that almost started a world war. In 2013, the allegations mostly involved the use of the nerve agent sarin. Since Syria surrendered its stocks to avert war, the allegations from 2014 to present shifted to use of chlorine gas. In both phases, ACLOS has discovered many problems with the accusation of government CW use, as well as much evidence that opposition forces are the ones actually guilty for many incidents. This trend continued when in early April 2017 the topic hit big news again, just to return once more a full year later.Aleppo Aid Convoy Attack (September 19, 2016)Main article: Attack on Red Crescent convoy in Urm al-KubraAround 20 or perhaps 30 civilians are killed in in an attack on an aid convoy near Aleppo, destroying more than a dozen trucks hauling medical aid. This is another disputed incident; the West and its sponsored activists alleges a Russian or Syrian air attack is to blame, while Russia and Syria don't seem to know exactly what happened. ACLOS investigates. And not to be distracted: this came just two days after the US airstrike on SAA in Deir ez-Zor that killed at least 60 Syrian soldiers in a well-known position of theirs, in a rather implausible "accident." Houla (May 25, 2012)Main article: The Houla massacreThe initial ACLOS investigation. The murder of around 108 civilians, among them up to 49 children, in the town of Taldou belonging to Houla in Homs province, is maybe the most famous event that happened in Syria in 2012. It was immediately blamed on the government and led to several countries expelling their Syrian ambassadors. Initially attributed to the use of heavy weapons, it quickly turned out that most of the victims were killed by short-distance violence. This led to the blaming of Alawite "Shabiha" militias loyal to Assad. While the UNHRC closed their investigation in mid August stating to be reasonably certain that indeed government loyalists were the perpetrators, a lot of the conflicting evidence collected in our research was either washed away or not considered at all, while contradictions in the testimonies of witnesses backing their conclusion were denied. A central question is who was in control over the area at the time - our attempt to answer this based on all collected evidence can be found here.Homs Massacres (2011-present)Main article: Homs MassacresAlthough relatively secure by now, the city districts and rural surroundings of Homs were home to some of the most shocking massacres of the Syrian war, especially in early 2012 when rebels had control over most of the city (that was following a short-lived Syrian military withdrawal brokered by the U.N. and Arab Laague). The ongoing ACLOS effort to list and analyze as many massacres as possible, so far includes more than 40, accounting for at least 1,400-1,900 deaths of almost strictly civilians victims. Alleged details are compared with common family names, district demographics, and the usual ACLOS techniques, to establish useable insights. Consider the Khalidiya Massacre of February, 2012, with 138 people killed, rebels said, as family homes were shelled. But the victims were 100% male and 94% adult, pre-segregated just like the prisoners of rebels the other side claimed the victims were. And this one's no fluke; strangely similar patterns repeat over and over in what makes for chilling reading.FEATURE: 2019 Coup in BoliviaUkraine News31 Dec. DPR. In yet another display of sick perversion, Ukrainian forces reporteadly fired 12 incendiary and 37 conventional 120 mm mortar shells on Leninskoe and Kominternovo, from positions too close to residential area for fire to be returned (report, video). 21 Dec. Minepit 6/7 settlement in Gorlovka is shelled by Ukrainian forces for the third day, 20 mortar shells said to be fired today. 20 Dec. By now daily reports are coming of Ukrainian forces performing engineering improvements of their forward positions, and reports of shelling by Ukrainian forces, in multiple locations.18 Dec. Two DPR soldiers are killed by Ukrainian mortar shelling of Dzerzhinskoe and Lenisnkoe. Ten 203-mm Ukrainian "Pion" self-propelled heavy artillery guns discovered in Krasnoarmeisk30 Nov. Shelling by Ukrainian forces is back with new incidents reported almost daily. In addition, both sides apparently make some ajustments following results of the war in Nagornyi Karabach.First thing in the news on the pro-Western, US and Moldova educated Moldovan president Maia Sandu is that she wants pro-Russian forces withdrawn from Transnister, where things have been reasonably quiet after events in the 90's but without a shared border with Russia. The New York Times is turning into a juicy collection of false narratives.20 Nov. The New York Times is hiring a Russia Correspondent to cover Putin's agression on Ukraine.13 Nov. DPR. Ukrainian forces shelled Trudovskaya minepit area (video report).11 Nov. DPR. Shelling by Ukrainian forces is reported in multiple locations (report and video). DPR: Ukrainian forces fired 5 PTUR 's , Donetsk airport and Veseloe (video report).7 Nov. Opolchenie: during the evening and night, the ukry was not fired intensively: Dolomitnoe, Kashtanovoe, Mineralnoe, Kominternovo (SPG, VOG, small arms). Yesterday morning, the first victim: Pavel N. Chepelev, born 1977. According to available information, he died from sniper fire, bullet through the chest6 Nov. Opolchenie: Ukrainian forces shelled DPR positions near Avdeevka with SPG, BMP-2 and small arms fire (video) One DPR soldier and a battalion commander, Pankin Andrey Andreevich, DOB 21.10.1987, were killed by a sniper when he took part in trying to evacuate the soldier body. 25 Oct. Renewed reports of Ukrainian shelling. Opolchenie and Khodakovsky are reporting Ukrainian heavy weapons and personnel moves to Donbass, and doubt this is just troop rotation. "Turkey will produce Bayraktar assault UAVs in Ukraine". (Those caused major problems in Armenia before getting downed).16 Oct. Ukrainian forces for several days are shelling Yakovlevka, mortars, large caliber guns, small fireamrs are used. Lenisnskoe was alse fired on. Drone use by Ukrainian forces is noted. 192 Ukrainian violations since the start of the additional ceasefire measures are recorded. 14 Oct. US social media censored after New York Post receives 40,000 emails from Hunter Biden's laptop exposing the Biden's family's corrupt dealings in Ukraine (following Biden's well-established and admitted by himself role in overthrowing Yanukovich, and the heavy share of responsibility for the susequent unfolding of the Ukrainian catastrophy) .30 Sep. Deputy head of the Ukrainian delegation at the Minsk talks Vitold Fokin was dismissed, after he said that so far he sees no evidence of a hot war between Ukraine and Russia, although Russia supports pro-Russian militants in Donbas, and voiced his support for a special status, amnesty, and elections --all included in Minsk agreements. Boris Gryzlov, the plenipotentiary representative of Russia in the Contact Group, stated that latest political decisions of Kiev are also aimed at continuing the aggression against Donbass. The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada on local elections, which violates the Minsk agreements, has not been corrected He drew attention to the message on Zelenskyy website that the main goal of the Kiev delegation at the talks is "the return exclusively on Ukrainian terms of all temporarily occupied territories." “This fundamentally contradicts the very basis of the Minsk agreements.23 Sep. Increased number of reports of sporadic fire, use of armed drones, mortar shots, and similar episodes, usually at low intensity and apparently often no targeted. However, DPR soldier is wounded today near Dzerhinskoe as a result of a sniper shot; and a concealed river crossing into LPR-controlled territory built for Ukrainian military use is discovered near Shastie, LPR.Lukashenko assumed office as President of Belarus (ceremony was not pre-announced). 19 Sep. In memory of Stephen F. Cohen: The Ukrainian Crisis - It's not All Putin's Fault (2015).18 Sep. Blogger Donetskii: By relics is the ointment (about de-facto hybrid war by the West, and perceived weakness of the Russian response). 9 Sep. Belarus: Maria Kolesnikova and Maxim Znak were detained.8 Sep. BelTA: "Anton Rodnenkov, Ivan Kravtsov and Maria Kolesnikova passed border control at the Aleksandrovka checkpoint (Belarus-Ukraine border) at around 4:00," said Anton Bychkovsky, an official representative of Belarus State Border Committee. (Other reports suggests that Kolesnikova was detained at the border). 7 Sep. Report: Belarus police began searching for missing Maria Kolesnikova. ("Alleged kidnapping video of a Belarus opposition leading lady: a car with Ukrainian license plates followed the minibus", -here).6 Sep. LPR. It is reported that a Ukrainian soldier is killed. Ukraine blamed LPR. According to LPR, over the past day, our observers recorded a shootout at the positions of the 8th company of the 3rd battalion of the 14th brigade in the area of the settlement of Prichepilovka. In order to exclude charges, within the framework of the coordination mechanism, the Ukrainian side in the JCCC was notified of these facts. According to the operational data of our sources, as a result of the exchange of fire, two servicemen received gunshot wounds, one of whom was killed, the other is in serious condition.2 Sep. DPR. Opolchenie: Artemenko Danil Sergeevich is killed by a landmine explosion.30 Aug. It is said by opolchenie that more is killed and wounded this month on their side as a result of Ukrainian actions than in the previous month, despite the supposedly enhanced ceasefire. Names of 5 soldiers killed in DPR appeared here. 27 Aug. Putin: at (Belarus president) Lukashenko's request, Russia created a law enforcement reserve, to be used (only) if situation is out of control. 26 Aug. DPR. Opolchenie: military medic Olga Yaroslavtseva is killed while trying to evacuate soldiers wounded by a landmine explosion (Ukrainian mines, as per the report). 23 Aug. Opolchenie: in the last several days, Ukrainian forces maintain unusual radio silence in Donbass20 Aug. It is announced (1, 2) that Russian services prevented Ukrainian services attempts to kidnap "one of the leaders of opolchenie" on the Russian territory. Russian citizens were arrested, and organizers are Ukrainians. Some details of the attempted kidnapping appeared (which, if accurate, suggests Russian services failed to prevent it in advance).It is announced that Navalnyi is hospitalized in intensive care unit and is placed on ventilator. Reports suggests that he was poisoned. (His press secretary), (Guardian), (TASS). Navalnyi is said to loose consiousness on the plane; however video with medics boarding the plane (with source identified) records some screams; Montyan suggests it is anesthetic-type drug. A video claims to show that the cup of tea is brought to Navalnyi by his associate (photo of Navalnyi drinking tea here).16 Aug. Lukashenko-Putin phone call. Foreign interference discussed. The Russian side reaffirmed its readiness to render the necessary assistance to resolve the challenges facing Belarus based on the principles of the Treaty on the Creation of a Union State, as well as through the Collective Security Treaty Organization, if necessary.Lukashenko: "today we need to think not with iPhones, phones, but with brains. "Bad president" kept extra work force, in order not to through workers out to the street, in response to (some) workers announcing a strike. (Noted, arrival/departure by helicopter; negative press coverage by selective clipping, by European-based and Russian opposition media resources; genuine protest feelings of some of the workers--and those calls amplified by media), Videos (fuller 8:08 here) of Lukashenko addressing a crowd outside of MZTK plant, booing when he played intercepted call with protest handlers (one with a foreign accent), and again when he claimed that some detainees attacked police while in detention. Only booing is in typical opposition coverage, but not those claims they were reacting to. Follow-up conversation where he explained that they intercepted handlers call instructing to spread rumors that workers to meet Lukashenko are selected to be loyal, and instructing to shout him down/confront at once, go away, and that's all. When Lukashenko was leaving, a man shouted him to "kill himself" from a crowd. Lukashenko abruptly approached the group with his guards and told him "don't worry, I'll not beat you up, it is not in my interests, If any one of you will stage a provocation, we will deal with it harshly...be a man , there are many of you and I am alone"; ending with angry "put down the phone!" to somebody in the crowd.15 Aug. LPR soldier is killed by Ukrainian sniper fire. Despite the 2.5 weeks old ceasefire. 31 Jul. LPR: Ukrainian military used quadrucopters to drop 3 grenades on LPR positions, lightly wounding two soldiers. LPR launched a formal complaint. David Zhvania recorded on 28 Jul. a video in which he claims that Poroshenko went to Turkey not for a sea vacation, but to meet with reps of Turkish-Ukrainian company producing military drones. The company is allegedly controlled by Poroshenko and Gladkovsky-Svinarchuk, while the director is "an American". Those drones, according to Zhvania, took part in past special operations in Syria and Nagornyi Karabach. They are operated by Ukrainian operators who do not have to report to Ukrainian military, and (allegedly) the plan is to use those drones to prevent the latest ceasefire from succeeding. Zhvania recorded several other videos in which he says that he was a part of the criminal group, also involving Poroshenko, who staged an illegal coup, aka Maidan 2014. He gives details including external funding. One of the channels allegedly was via the embassy of Lithuania supplying money and weapons; he says that he has documented evidence. He repeats accusations of allegedly 5 mln euro bribe given by Klimkin via embassy channels to a "high ranking Euro bureaucrat" in Germany (and whose name is not Merkel, but otherwise not named), to support Poroshenko's presidency; asks the authorities to investigate and call him as a witness or a suspect; and laments that despite his admissions he was never called to testify. David Zhvania about Poroshenko's criminal gang, which is striving for power again30 Jul. First Ukrainian president Leonid Kravchuk is appointed the new head of the Ukrainian delegation at Donbass contact group. Leonid Kuchma stepped down from that role, shortly after the latest ceasefire agreement was negotiated. 29 Jul. Opolchenie. LPR. Zavgorodniy Vitaly Evgenievich, 01/26/1986 - 07/28/2020, was killed yesterday in Bakhmutka (despite the new ceasefire?).DPR: "After 03:00, UAF shelling was recorded in the direction: 09:40 - Avdeevka - Yakovlevka, small arms are used.Belarus news agency reports that 33 Russian citizens have been detained. More in talk.27 Jul. "For the first time, ceasefire control measures entered into force in Donbass" -DAN. "21st time-unlimited truce begins in Donbass" -Lenta.26 Jul. JCCC (DAN): Ukrainian forces fired fifteen 120-mm mortar shells on Yakovlevka village, north of Donetsk, prior to the supposed start of the "breakthrough" ceasefire. 22, 23 Jul. Contact group announced a new "breakthrough" agreement on strengthening ceasefire and control measures with no expiration until "comprehensive" agreement is reached (followed by reports that after proceeding to the political part they hit a snag). Zelenskii then announced that the new deal is to be signed by the Normandy 4, which will "increase the status of those agreements." (However, it is unclear whether signing more papers will make a difference when it is himself as the commander-in-chief who in practice cannot control his military or nationalistic thugs who shell rebel republics on a daily basis, for 6 years by now, despite being elected on promises to bring about peace). Observers note that in the past Russian posture was not to be considered part of the conflict, only an observer of an internal conflict; and announced signing by the Normandy 4 appears to be not assured; this may be in fact tactics of Zelenskii to shift the blame from his inability to implement the agreements already approved to Russian allegedly non-cooperation or non-compliance.21 Jul. Zelenskii agreed to demands of a terrorist who captured a bus in Lutsk to record a brief video appeal where he says: "Earthlings" (Zemliane) movie, filmed in 2005: everybody (should) watch. The movie is about cruelty to animals. Most hostages were releases; footage of storming of the bus by security services appeared (photos/videos). Apparently another footage shows perpetrator calmly waiting to be arrested outside of the bus. 16 Jul. Two civilians, a man (1987 DOB) and a woman (1961 DOB) are wounded by Ukrainian shelling of Trudovskaya minepit, western Donetsk.14 Jul. DPR: two civilians, a man (2001 DOB) and a woman (1979 DOB) are wounded by Ukrainian shelling of Alexandrovka.12 Jul. Opolchenie: "While officials congratulate the inhabitants of the LPR on a" fisherman's day "(a very "important " holiday!), shelling of Stakhanov, Kirovsk, the villages of Donetsk and Frunze continues. The shelling began around 4:40, the Ukrainian forces use heavy artillery. At least a hundred ( exaggerated?) 152 mm caliber shells were fired at Stakhanov . Such shelling has been going on for the second day - yesterday there was a similar situation. The LPR's JCCC, as usual, pretends to not see or hear anything, is a society of the blind and deaf, not otherwise ... " On the videos is the day and morning of July 12, 2020.11 Jul. First Russian military engineers convoy arrived to Crimea to build water pipeline connecting Simpheropol reservoir to Taiganskoe reservoir, also in Crimea, some 60 km away. Water supply, for consumption and agriculture, is a problem in Crimea, as Ukraine is blocking water supply from the continent since 2014 events. (Blocking water supplies in on the war crimes list...)."Exactly 6 years ago, on Jul. 11, 2014, Ukrainian armored vehicles advanced to block the border of the Lugansk region with Russia and were destroyed near Zelenopolie"10 Jul. DPR ombudsman: in the past week, 3 DPR soldiers were wounded. Since Jan.1, 27 soldiers and 5 civilians were killed, 70 people were wounded (42 soldiers and 28 civilians, including 6 children and 9 civilian women). Noted, 69 wounded stated in the report.9 Jul. Latest installment of Derkach tapes includes --apart from (allegedly) Biden telling Poroshenko that Ukrainian sabotage operation in Crimea is unhelpful and complicates his task and plays towards France and Germany leaning towards more pro-Russian stand--alleged recording of Poroshenko's very friendly conversation with Putin on 30 April, 2015, several months after cauldron in Debaltsevo. Derkach (also Sharii and co, etc), are highly critical (or dismissive) of Poroshenko; Poroshenko's team denies; Anton Gerashenko FWIW thinks that tapes were made by Poroshenko administration to keep a record of those conversations and promises made, then leaked; Peskov is "not familiar" (and a friend of Strelkov "will officially deny, but think it is real"). Putin's part of audio, well, unclear. Taping is clearly coming from Poroshenko's side of the line, may be it contributes to kind of washed out Putin's voice. But who knows. Western reaction --is there any?Also at this press conference: a claim of Ukrainian government corruption, 40 bln $, which got something to do with Yanukovich money; 1.6 bln of that recovered; prosecutors team dismissed. Towards the end, video testimony about corruption at Ukrainian railroads, involving noncompetitive dealings between some oligarchs and the government. 4 Jul. Ukrainian Telegram channel: Our source in the PA (presidential administration) said that Ukraine refused to discuss the track of the special status of Donbass without an upgrade of the Minsk agreements. Russia tried to deliver an ultimatum to our delegation, to which Andrei Yermak announced Ukraine’s readiness to withdraw from the negotiation process and move on to plan B for the Donbass case. The head of the Presidential Office demanded a new meeting of the Normandy-format Leaders, at which they should adopt a roadmap and upgrade obsolete Minsk agreements.3 Jul. Civilian woman, 1940 DOB, is killed by Ukrainian mortar shelling of Zaitsevo, near Gorlovka. Earlier, it was reported that DPR suppressed Ukrainian fire and shot down a Ukrainian drone.1 July. Opolchenie published names of 12 soldiers killed in Donbass in June (noting that the list may be not complete).22 Jun. DPR. Civilian man, 1975 is killed by Ukrainian AGS shelling of Alexandrovka. His body and 2 other civilians are evacuated after long negotiations; shelling resumed after the evacuation. DPR militia said that as a result of their "adequate response" one Ukrainian soldier is killed and 2 wounded. Derkach has another press conference, releasing more tapes. There is a typed transcript version in Russian here. It does show, if not obvious, that many important decisions on Ukraine, such as oil/gas, banking policies are made outside of Ukraine, with Derkach presentation showing Poroshenko's role in all this in very unfavorable light. It also shows that decisions such as prosecutor general Shokhin replacement, his office reform, dealing with whistleblower and Poroshenko's opponent Onishenko, are closely discussed, and in the latter case US services are involved, with the conclusion that "Onishenko has nothing". It is also clear that financial aid is used throughout as a tool to achieve various objectives (arguably not unlike Trump's case leading to intense media coverage and his impeachment). I do not see in the tapes something direct on the war in Donbass (we know about US "Javelins" sent, of course); or something on Biden which we did not really know already. Meaning of this stuff still depends on interpretations and judgement. Western media does not give this coverage that Derkach and co would like to see. Despite the obvious fact that under Biden's watch Ukraine indeed became a failed state dedicated to be a thorn in Russia's side, which should (in a better world) imply questions on Biden's leadership. Noted, not sure where "everything is fine with the Dutch" in the typed version is coming from, could not quickly find the bit in audios presented.19 Jun. JCCC video report from the scene, Zolotoe 5, LPR: one civilian killed and two wounded and hospitalized as a result of Ukrainian mortar shelling. OSCE did not arrive. DPR ombudsman: "From January 1 to June 19, 2020, 66 people received wounds and injuries of varying severity as a result of armed aggression from Ukraine in the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic: 39 Republic soldiers and 27 civilians, including 6 children and 8 civil women. From June 12 to June 19, 2020, four soldiers were killed in the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic. From January 1 to June 19, 2020, in the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, 26 military personnel of the Republic and 4 civilians died as a result of armed aggression from Ukraine. We clarify that since the beginning of the armed conflict in the Donetsk People’s Republic, 4927 people died, including 81 children".14 Jun. Opolchenie: seven fighters of the 1st Slavic battalion of the 7th brigade were killed by Ukrainian fire at positions "240", "Kikimora" and "Kupola" (Domes) near Sanjarovka, including 3 platoon commanders and 4 privates.4 Jun. DPR: Ukrainian forces fired 12 RPG grenades on residential area of Tavricheskoe settlement. Ukrainian position was suppressed by return fire from "adequate weapons". One UAF soldier is killed and 2 wounded. At 17:26 Ukrainian forces opened fire on Tauride village, Telamnovskii district, using SPG-9. A civilian woman, 1940 DOB, living at October st., 58 suffered a concussion. 31 May. Opolchenie published names of 10 soldiers and a civilian woman (Nadezhda Ivanovna Minaeva, 1955) killed in May in Donbass. A reader added names of 4 more KIA soldiers.29 May. US air force conducted a "training mission" over Europe and "the Black Sea region", with US B1B bombers accompanied by Ukrainian, Polish, and Turkish planes (and no best friends of Russia). US release does not explicitly say whether or not US planes entered Ukraine, but a photo with accompanying Ukrainian fighter planes is provided by Ukrainian air force. A Russian blog is claiming in a well-cited post that B1B bombers entered Ukrainian airspace, almost up to Kiev. US planes were eventually intercepted by Russian fighter jets, providing more viral photos/videos. This follows US reconnaissance plane interception by Russian jets (and does not appear to attest to the friendliness and warmth of the relations). 24 May. JCCC: “At 11:30, UAF opened fire on Staromikhailovka using heavy machine guns and small arms. As a result of the shelling, transformer substation located on Dnepropetrovskaya street was damaged. At the moment, two streets are completely de-energized - Dnepropetrovskaya and Chkalova." DPR Militia: DPR troops prevented further shelling of Staromikhailovka, suppressing the firing point of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Opolchenie: In the evening and at present, Ukrainian forces are not intensively firing small arms on the Volvo Center, Donetsk filtering station, the industrial zone, Gospodar', Vasilyevka. Yesterday, during the evacuation of civilians of Krutaya Balka settlement, Artyom Mertsalov is killed, 07.20.1992 - 05.23.2020.23 May. Documentary film is published on the 5th anniversary of the murder of Alexey Mozgovoi, commander of "Prizrak" battalion. 22 May. DPR: Today, fighters from the 10th mountain assault brigade (UAF) launched an anti-tank guided missile in the direction of the positions of the People’s Militia in the area of Leninsky settlement in the south of our Republic. The rocket exploded without reaching the target. By returning fire from not outlawed weapons, the enemy firing point was suppressed (events follow some changes in rhetoric and declared posture by LPR and DPR)19 May. Following Ukrainian shelling which damaged critical electric power line and failure to honor security guarantees to repair crew, LPR issues a warning and appeal to international signatories of Minsk agreements, saying that LPR forces are placed on full alert and may take actions, including moving separation line away from the affected power line. (DPR went on full alert shortly thereafter). Ukrainegate: Ukrainian MP Andrey Derkach presented and Ukrainian sources published audio of conversations "of people with voices resembling Joe Biden, Petro Poroshenko, John Kerry." It is said that conversations took place "at the end of 2015 and in 2016", were provided by some "investigative journalists", and that recording was "made by Poroshenko himself" (Ukrainian 112.ua video, titled Deal fixing between Poroshenko and Biden. Recordings of conversations. Briefing on corruption and external governance. Text version here). 18 May. Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon interview with Igor Strelkov, 3h 41m. 16 May. LPR soldier is killed when Ukrainian forces fired BMP guns on Donetskii settlement.15 May. DPR ombudsman: since the start of the year, 23 people (19 soldiers, 4 civilians) were killed, 59 people (33 soldiers, others civilians, including 6 children and 6 women) were injured (noted, civilians injuries number is given as 24 which does not add up to 59 total). 14 May. Opolchenie: At night and in the morning, Ukrainian forces shelled: Panteleymonovka (120 mm), shell shock injuries received by a woman living at 52 Vinogradnaya st., apt. 10., Zaitsevo (120 mm, large caliber machine guns), Red Partizan (122mm artillery), Yasinovatya checkpoint, industrial zone (82mm, small arms). Throughout the day and in the evening Airport, Spartak, Debaltseve district, south-west of Gorlovka, Staromikhaylovka were shelled (120 and 82mm mortars, BMP, large caliber machine guns, small arms), five houses were damaged.13 May. It is reported that Dmitry Kozak, assistant Russia's presidential administration chief (replacing Surkov in the post-Soviet and Ukrainian affairs) made a trip to Berlin to discuss Donbass conflict. Further it is reported that Ukrainian delegation at the trilateral contact group in Minsk will be extended to include 10 displaced persons from Donbass (supposedly selected to back Ukrainian positions). Unenthusiastic response from L/DPR mentions that Minsk agreements call for creation of consultative council, to include 10 voting representatives each from Ukraine and LPR+DPR, with consultative votes given to OSCE, Russia, Germany and France. Those plans were "blocked by Ukrainian radicals" but current developments can be "an intermediate model" towards creation of "a full-fledged consultative council" 1, 2, 3.9 May. 75-th anniversary of the Victory Day: Moscow (video), Minsk, Donetsk and Lugansk 1, 2, Odessa, Kiev.7 May. Opolchenie: At night, Ukrainian forces shelled: Zhabichevo (AGS, SPG, large caliber machine guns, small arms). Petrovskoe: (AGS, large caliber machine guns), Spartak, airport district, Yasinovataa checkpoint (82mm mortars, RPG, large caliber machine guns). In the morning and throughout the day, Ukrainian forces shelled: Zhabichevo (RPG, machine guns), Sakhanka (SPG, machine guns); as a result of the shelling, one soldier was killed, one soldier wounded, and civilians were injured: male, born in 1971 (shrapnel wound to the lumbar region); male, b. 1976 (multiple shrapnel wounds to the chest and right shoulder); woman, born 1977 (brain concussion); boy, born 2006 (fracture of both bones of the right lower leg, right elbow, multiple shrapnel wounds of the left lower leg and foot); girl, born 2006 (fragmentation non-penetrating wounds of the temporal region on the left, concussion, abrasions of the left thigh. Video from hospital, here. DPR/JCCC report here.5 May. DPR: explosions reported at the Ukrainian position involved in the attack which wounded children a day earlier. 4 May. DPR: Ukraine shelled a residential area, in Alexandrovka, near the separation line; as a result, three girls were injured - 7-year-old Milana (shrapnel wound to the back), 10-year-old Sofia (shrapnel wound to the head), 7-year-old Anastasia (shrapnel wound to the leg). In addition, a man, 1965 DOB, was wounded by shrapnel while he was in his room. 2 May. DPR: Today, by order of war criminal Goncharuk, a mortar platoon from the motorized infantry battalion, armed with 60-mm NATO-type mortars, delivered as part of aid from Canada, arrived at the forefront of the 128th brigade, and at 14.00 they launched targeted fire at our positions in the area of Yasnoe, firing 30 mortar shells. As a result of this insidious provocation, the defender of our Republic, who was at that time on a military post, received injuries incompatible with life.Reports, photos, videos on the 6-th anniversary of Odessa massacre : Rusvesna (Rus)., (robo-Eng.); Strana.ua (Rus).An interesting interview with Vladimir Grubnik, M.D., from Odessa, supporter of the pro-Russia movement since 2014, who was at the Cathedral square (Sobornaia ploshad) during May 2, 2014 events and escaped the Trade Union building massacre. He apparently became supportive of active resistance, and in any case was arrested and kept in solitary confinement since 2015, prior to his released in one of large prisoners exchanges. He calls himself a political prisoner, and so may be not involved in any actual violent acts, although he was charged with preparing some. Now stays in DPR. Comments on Novorossia (including lack of organization or support, lack of an able fighting force on their side or police protection during May 2, 2014 events, etc).1 May. In a serious, possibly fatal blow to "North stream 2" Germany denied excluding the project from EU requirements prohibiting supplier to own the pipe, extended to sea pipes in April, 2019. "North stream" argued that financing of the project should be considered completed in May 2019, before the changes were in force. 29 Apr. Opolchenie: Yesterday, during the day, Ukrainian forces fired not intensively upon: Trudovskaya minepit settlement (RPG, large caliber machine guns), Aleksandrovka (RPG, small arms), Gagarin minepit settlement (RPG, large caliber machine guns, small arms), Yasnoe (82 mm, small arms). At night, there was not intense, sporadic small arms fire at: Volvo Center, Promka (industrial zone), north of Gorlovka, Sahanka.27 Apr. Dmitrii Aksenov, one of the first volunteers of Mozgovoi's "Prizrak" battalion, who later served elsewhere, is killed in Donbass, 03.01.1991-27.04.2020, according to social media reports, with photos. 26 Apr. Throughout the day and in the evening, Ukrainian forces fired upon: west of Gorlovka, 6 district / (AGS, RPG, large caliber machine guns, small arms), Gagarin minepit settlement (82mm, small arms),Petrovskoye (RPG, large caliber machine machine guns), Yasinovataya checkpoint, industrial zone (small arms). Pavel Molchanov is killed, 19.12.1981-25.04.2020.19 Apr. Opoclhenie: "Throughout the day, UAF periodically conducted non-intensive shelling: Veseloe, Spartak, Yasinovatay checkpoint (YaBP), industrial zone, Staromikhaylovka, Krutaya Balka, (82mm, BMP, large caliber machine guns, small arms, SPG). Today at about 6 a.m. in Yasinovataya, DPR air defenses discovered and shot down an enemy UAV with an explosive device suspended from it, flying in the direction of the school at number 4 School street. "Ukrainian knights" thus decided to "congratulate" the people of the DPR ... Killing someone on Easter is their tradition ..." (as per the source). Another report claims that: "In the course of deciphering the data from the UAV, it was established that the purpose of the deadly “gift” launched by the criminals of the 54th UAF brigade was not an educational institution, but located in the immediate vicinity the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. " Ukrainian 'Joint operation forces' reports that 3 of its soldiers were wounded yesterday. 16 Apr. Prisoners exchange took place today. It is reported that eventually 10 people returned to DPR (and one declined) in exchange for 9 Ukrainians. 4 people were returned to LPR (3 more declined), in exchange for 11 Ukrainians. Further exchanges hoped for "after the quarantine."15 Apr. Opolchenie: Throughout the day UAF conducts single, non-intensive shelling: Yasinovataya checkpoint, industrial zone, airport district, Spartak, Vasilyevka, Aleksandrovka, Staromikhailovka, mine settlement 6/7,Petrovskoe, Kominternovo (AGS, 82mm, 120 mm, small arms). Alexander Sidorenko is killed, 28.5.1998-15.04.2020.13 Apr. Second week of forest fires near Chernobyl: photos, aerials, video. Radiation measurement in Chernigov, some 70 km away, with wind blowing towards it, shows around 10 (and the range 7-14) microR/hour according to the video, which would be at the level of maximum acceptable radiation. Sucking in air by vacuum cleaner through a filter, to capture possible radioactive particles, shows about 11.6 microR/h, on the same video. Official measurements in the area are in the range 8-132 microR/h ( 100 nanoSv/h = 10 microR/h). Miroslava, killed by UAF drone or shelling9 Apr. Opolchenie: at night and in the morning, Ukrainian forces shelled: Zhabichevo, Yasinovataya checkpoint (YaBP), Airport, Staromikhaylovka settlement (BMP-2, SPG, large caliber machine guns). In the afternoon, UAF fired on: north-west of Gorlovka, Shirokaya Balka, Michurino, 6/7, Staromikhaylovka. Damage to houses at addresses: Pervomaiskaya St., 50 (roof); Zhukovsky St., 41 (roof); Zhukovsky St., 42 (roof); Zhukovsky St., 43 (roof)), Gol'ma. (BMP, SPG, AGS, large caliber machine guns used). At the moment, the shelling of Gol'ma, YaBP, industrial zone continues. Fire intensity is low.Miroslava Vorontsova is killed by Ukrainian fire in Shirokaya Balka while Ukrainian drone operated in the area; a young man Mikhail A. is wounded.1 Apr. at about 7 pm Ukrainian forces fired on residential areas of the LPR. In Golubovskoye village, 4 Kochenkoko Street, Maria Volgina, 1940 DOB, was wounded and died the next day in the hospital of her wounds. 31 Mar . Ukrainian Rada adopted in the 2 reading a law allowing sale of land, insited upon by IMF. Factions of Zelensky, Poroshenko, Vakarchuk voted for the law, which is vigorously oppose by opposition as giving control to foreigners of Ukrainian most valuable asset; Ukrainian agricultural land is of prime quality but is considerably cheaper then in the West.21 Mar. 15.10 A woman, 1976 DOB, is wounded by Ukrainian small arms fire in Trudovskaya minepit settlement 19:00 school n. 1 is damaged by Ukrainian RPG and AGS-17 fire; 19:25 a girl, 2020 DOB, is wounded by Ukrainian fire (while BMP-2, grenade launchers, and large caliber guns fire is reported). 28 OMBR is blamed for all 3 incidents. 14 Mar. Ukraine shelled Gorlovka; civilian couple, both 61, and their grandchild, 13, are wounded, houses are damaged 1, 2. At 11:05 Ukrainian forces opened 82 mm mortars fire from the area of Slavnoe settlement towards Signalnoe settlement; as a result a civilian man received shrapnel wounds to the abdomen and was hospitalized in critical condition. A man has died of his wounds in Dokuchaevsk central hospital9 Mar. A civilian man is wounded by Ukrainian fire in Zaitsevo, near Gorlovka. He is hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the abdomen in critical condition.8 Mar. Opolchenie: From about 20 hours and until now, Ukrainians are firing (BMP, mortars, grenade launchers): Spartak, airport, Volvo Center, Yasinovataya checkpoint.7 Mar. An article appeared alleging that a young couple of chess players found dead in Moscow in suspicious circumstances could be killed, with a link to Ukraine. Stanislav Bogdanovich was born in Odessa and played on the Russian team against Ukraine. His name is said to appear on the notorious "Mirotvorets" site 2 days prior to his death. He and his Russian girlfriend, also a chess player, were found dead with bags of "laughing gas" (nitrous oxide) over heads, and injection marks on bodies but no injectors or needles. 6 Mar. According to CNN, US plans to provide $125 mln in new military assistance to Ukraine, including armed Mark VI patrol boats (apparently to make sure that the warfare between close peoples is unabating). 28 Feb. Civilian, 1960 DOB, is wounded by Ukrainian fire near Yelenovka (said to be in provocation designed to draw return fire).23 Feb. Ukraine once again shelled Gorlovka, on the once shared Red Army day, showing once again its newly acquired nasty nature; several homes are damaged - detailed by Prihodko (Eng.) 20 Feb. Ukrainian nationalist attack busses carrying Ukrainians evacuated from China because of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak‎ while they are transported to quarantine.18 Feb. Sharp deterioration of security situation is reported in LPR, including Bahmut motorway. Opolchenie sources tell this has to do with Ukrainians earlier capturing areas in grey areas in violations of the agreements.Several homes in Zaitsevo, near Gorlovka are damaged by Ukrainian shelling.Putin signed a decree relieving Vladislav Surkov of his duties as presidential aide. Interview with Surkov, afterwards (Commenting on the interview Peskov denies change of course on Ukraine; while Strelkov comments on 'leaving the boat').16 Feb. Semyon Pegov with some predictions on future of Surkov (apparently implying that he will remain, in some capacity). 15 Feb. Civilian man, 1959 DOB, is wounded by Ukrainian sniper fire in Trudovskaya minepit settlement. There was a problem evacuating the wounded man, ceasefire (in 'ceasefire') had to be requested over 5 times. Eventually the man was evacuated in critical condition. 14 Feb. Zelenskii-Putin phone call (Kremlin), (Zelenskii).11 Feb. Peskov said that Ukrainian policies will be led by Kozak, while there is no presidential decree on Surkov yet (1, 2).Zelenskii relieved of his duties his chief of administration Andrey Bogdan and appointed another man Ermak; reasons are unclear, some theories why here and here. 7 Feb. Four LPR soldiers were killed and 4 wounded by Ukrainian 122-mm artillery strike near Zolotoe, LPR. (Vladlen Tatarskii comments). Lukashenko and Putin meet in Sochi; Lukashenko comments about 'moment of truth'. Relations and oil/gas sales to Belarus' are on agenda. Meeting was quite positive, despite fears of otherwise, but on practical side, things remained largely unchanged. President Trump fires Alexander Vindman, the Ukrainian mole deemed traitor embedded in the White House. (Noted, neither Vindman, nor Democratic or Republicans leadership or the establishment objected in principle to military aid to Ukraine, prolonging and feeding the conflict). 5 Feb. Ukraine shelled Gorlovka, homes and a school used as bomb shelter are damaged, 6/7 Mine-pit settlement lost power (Prihodko updates 1, 2, 3, 4).3 Feb. Despite the agreements Ukraine shelled Staromikhailovka (western suburb of Donetsk), 2 houses are damaged. 1 Feb. After visiting Ukraine to offer US backing, Pompeo visits Belarus, offers US oil, etc, as if trying to insert himself in a gap developed due to some disagreements between Belarus in Russia (on Russian oil price, future of the union state, etc). Belarus and USA do not have respective ambassadors for 12 years, and the last visit of a secretary of state was 26 years ago. 30 Jan. One LPR soldier is killed and two civilians are wounded by Ukrainian shelling. Several homes and electric power lines are damaged. 28 Jan. It is said that negotiations involving generals from Iraq, USA, Britain, Czechia and Ukrainian representatives took place in Kiev on 12-14 Jan. (soon after the Ukrainian plane shoot-down) on possible participation of a Ukrainian contingent in NATO operations in Iraq/Middle East 1, 2.24 Jan. Heavy shelling resumes in Donbass, including Donetsk suburbs, 208 mortar shells, 167 grenades, 300 BMP gun shells fired in the past week (1, 2, 3). DPR ombudsman: One DPR soldier is killed and 2 wounded in the past week. Peskov "did not confirm" rumors of Surkov resignation or of change of policies with respect to Ukraine. Those opinions were expressed by well-connected political scientist Alexey Chesnakov, quoting Surkov himself. In a similar vein is Ishchenko article -Minsk agreements are said to be dead.23 Jan. Zelenskii, as the Poles, is a no-show in Israel on a made-up excuse, leaving it to Russia's Putin to mark 75's of Auschwitz.22 Jan, DPR soldier is killed by Ukrainian fire on Dolomitnoe, northern Gorlovka. DPR says he is killed by sniper fire by arriving special operations sniper group armed with Barrett M82 12.7 mm sniper guns; calls one more time for OSCE to ensure that ceasefire is observed and violators punished. It is said that Putin and Zelenskii may meet in Israel. 21 Jan. Impeachment trial of President Trump starts at the US Senate.20 Jan. Aleksei "Green", deputy commander of "Piatnashka" Spetsnaz regiment of interior troops of DPR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and opolchenie member from the beginning, is killed in Donetsk. Blogger Donetsky comments and a linked video with Alexei's interview made in 2018 (he is deputy commander of "Piatnashka" battalion of the same regiment back then. "Piatnshka" commander "Abkhaz" recently led protest in Abkhazia which ended after Surkov's visit and Abkhazia leader Raul Khajimba resigning). Flightradar, playback Ukrainian Boeing: burnt engine11 Jan. Iran acknowledged shooting down Ukrainian Boeing "due to human error". Ali Hajizadeh EngRus: air defense unit lost communication with higher command when it discovered a target 19 km away; it had only 10 s. to make a decision, and they made a bad one (as translated). This all but excludes Tor-M1 missile engine on at impact (=impossible with description taken literally) and suggests that the NYT video is fake or misrepresented (missile with engine off will not be seen), or that details of Iranian version are not accurate. Iranian-version map with partial Eng. explanation is at around 0:40 here, in RFE/RL article describing follow-up protests in Iran. Full video here, with details a bit confusing in Eng translation, but apparently launch is 12 km away horizontally (not 19 km, in print in the same source), on approaching courses. This makes things trickier, but still Tor M1 engine would be off, with a narrow margin. And doubtful somebody would be there to videorecord.Ukraine published photos and claims that the lower part of the pilots' cabin was hit by a missile; SNBO head Danilov says it was discovered before the Iranian announcement and before Western countries started to publicize (the missile version), but was kept quiet to continue the investigation. It is also said that no distress communication calls were received (consistent with the cabin hit).AP: New questions rise10 Jan. Fars News made a preannouncement. Ukr FM Pristaiko at his 30 min long fast-fire Ukr/Eng press conference gives no hints about the crash causes; confirms that intelligence info is received but provides no details. Zelenskii conversed with Pompeo.Zelenskii: The missile version is not ruled out, but it has not been confirmed yet. Iran: plane was on fire for 1.5 minutes. We estimate that it makes it on fire well before NYT video BC geolocation. However the 1.5 minutes claim was made before black boxes were analyzed, on unclear and unconfirmed basis.9 Jan. NY Times publishes a video claiming missile hitting Ukrainian Boeing. Initial poster first said he did not have metadata, then said NY Times published video. It is not clear how the video was verified. Video, actually, may be genuine, but what does it show? It could be the plane climbing up with lights on, or having engine fire (appearing as "a missile"), and then the engine exploding, blowing a burning and visible piece back (uncertain; can't exclude either this or a missile climbing; we do not have a good scale useful to infer velocities. Roughly 11 s. for the sound to arrive, the distance to the explosion is roughly 3.8 km straight. There is residential area with look-alike houses and camera could be on either SW or NE side from the path. Video can be mirrored easily. Also the plane could be returning back to the airport while it's path on Flightradar an extrapolation. So either above is not excluded). It remains unexplained why the video author was recording on his cell phone at about 6am local, apparently expressing no emotions and then apparently abruptly stopping the recording.Another video emerged, shot as the very first one from a car/dashboard camera. It appears to give backing to the burning engine version. 8 Jan. Ukrainian Boeing 737-8KV (Flightradar; delivered 19 Jul 2016) crashed in Tehran, said to be because of engine fire, killing all on board, including 11 Ukrainians. Putin sends condolences to Zelenskii. Pompeo sends a Twitter. Videos. Crash visualization. (Noted, engine on fire, Boeing 737, Rwanda Air, the same day). BBC starts to peddle MH17. Pictures noted media reported engine overheating reports quoting Western intelligence. Newsweek has proverbial unnamed officials backing missile theory. CBS News quoting US intelligence said a satellite detected infrared "blips" of two missile launches (BBC), followed by another blip of an explosion (that is more serious; but did it?). Trump got "suspicions".4 Jan. Strelkov publishes a list of 13 soldiers killed defending DPR, 1 Dec.'19 to 1 Jan.'20.3 Jan. Denisultanov is interviewed, quoted telling a different version of a shootout (see 1 Jun 2017) involving Okueva and Osmanov in which Denisultanov received multiple gunshot wounds. Promises more details including something to do with Nemtsov in another interview.1 Jan. 2020 A video showing 268 soldiers killed defending L/DPR in 2019. DPR ombdudsman data, see 27 Dec. Cassad's count here. Ukrainian losses in six years may be over 40,000.Highlights from the past30 Apr. U.S. Confirms Delivery Of Javelin Antitank Missiles To UkrainePoroshenko announced end of ATO and start of 'joint operation of armed forces', which is aimed at 'defending territorial integrity' and will only end 'when the last piece of Ukrainian land is liberated, including Crimea', which is somehow supposed to happen by 'political-diplomatic means'. VideosFamily of 7 home hit by shelling in Donetsk, published 11 May 2017DPR Sakhanka: life goes on under shelling, 11 Oct. 2016'Suburbia of life', about the effect of the war on life in small villages and towns. Shelling, destruction, economic hardship. Slow running, in Russian. Sept. 29, 2016.More videos on talk pagePhotosRecent history in a nutshell in those photos to the right: Poroshenko, Kiska - EU entry at Uzhgorod Alley of Angels, in memory of killed children of Donbass. Ukraine "über alles"?-Donetsk Partisan Ukrainian AF killed and wounded in 'ATO', Maidan, KievAftermaths of Ukrainian shelling of the village Zheltoe (Yellow), LPR, 29 Nov. 2016 lug-info.SourcesNote on sources. At present, pro -Ukrainian and pro-Russian sources more often than not offer opposing claims on events, and a choice needs to be made. Currently factual part of reporting by pro-Russian sources appear more accurate, complete, and closer to truth, out of the two available alternatives. It is also less known, as the other side has greater support by the Western mass media. For that reason, a lot of reporting here is based on Russian sources. It is not done for the sake of supporting any pre-determined narrative. If and when Ukrainian sources appear more accurate, they will be used without a reservation.Some Ukrainian source reporting is very good, for example Tatyana Montyan numerous videos, some of them translated, are spot-on and at times appear closer to reality than any pro-this or that narratives. However the bulk of Ukrainian media is unreliable, and often just unbelievable, not passing cross checks (e.g. as was illustrated numerous times by well-read on both sides Ukrainian journalist Anatoly Sharii); or else, is filled with hate and may cheer more people harmed or killed (any of such sort, from any side, is totally unsupported here).SMM UkraineOfficial Ukrainian sourcesATO press releases and maps, Ukraine Crisis Media Center(google search; sample schedule search).At about 30 April 2018, replaced by Ukrainian 'joint forces operation' (Facebook).Official website of Ukrainian presidentNational Security and Defense Council of UkraineVerhovna RadaUkrainian mediaNewsone.uaStrana.ua112.uaTSNinter.uakyivpost.comdumskaya.net (Odessa, pro goverment)DPR and LPRDPR: DAN news (Eng).; DPR MOD, Russ.; DPR ombudsman, Russ.DPR MoDLPR: lug-info (Eng).Donbass international news agency, DoNi news (Eng.)Minsk Agreements Safety zone (no heavy weapons) agreed at Normandy format meeting in Minsk, 12.02.2015. Black: current front line; red-19 September line. At the bottom it says: source: the web site of the President of RussiaAgreements22.7.15 Under-100 mm weapons withdrawal was agreed Poroshenko statement: ' I hope it will be the real beginning of the ceasefire'.12.2.15 Two documents were agreed: on measures on implementing Minsk protocol (English language PDF here).ACLOS has covered events in Ukraine since the 2014 regime change and through the ensuing conflict. Three most important subjects among many considered: Maidan snipers February, 2014 Analyzing the mysterious February, 2014 shootings that helped demonize Ukraine's government at just the right time.Odessa Trade Union massacre May 2, 2014 Analyzing the killing of dozens of pro-federalism activists in Odessa, which the civilized world shrugged at and ignored. (based on numerous videos of the event, documented authorities response, and witness interviews; still mostly on talk pages).MH17 (2014, July - Today)Followed from the very beginning. However still remains mostly on talk page, sub-pages, and sub-page talk pages. Kobane (2014, July, September - Summer 2015)Main article: Assault on KobaneA very similar chain of events like years before in Ras Al-Ayn (see below), only this time it made the news (months after we started the article). Not least because this time, the attackers call themselves part of ISIS, the "newly arrived" enemy of all that's good and decent. Ras Al-Ayn (November 8, 2012 - Summer 2013)Main article: Assault on Ras Al-AynRas Al-Ayn, directly at the Turkish border in the north-east, early November 2012: The Kurdish dominated and mostly self-governed town gets assaulted by hundreds of Islamist fighters coming across the border from Turkey, under the eyes and with help of the Turkish military. After typical sectarian assaults on the civilian population, Kurdish militia takes up the fight against the foreigners. In the process of the following weeks, the town sees shelling by both the Syrian and the Turkish army, several defeats of the Islamists with retreat behind the Turkish border, and finally a fragile truce. On January 16, again large groups of foreign fighters with tanks cross the Turkish border and heavy clashes break out. After a month of heavy fighting, another peace agreement is signed on February 17. Five months later, following an Islamist attack on female Kurdish fighters, heavy clashes lead to the final conquer of the border station by the Kurds, which leads to increasing tensions in other parts of the region. Tremseh (July 12, 2012)Main article: Tremseh massacreWhen news of this alleged massacre reached the media, it came with alarming numbers of up to 300 civilians murdered in the small village of Tremseh northwest of Hama. In the following hours and days, both pro- and anti-government sources helped to clear the picture of what is now mostly called the "Battle of Tremseh" between the army and anti-government fighters who had used the village as their base for operations in the region. The real death toll seems to be some civilians caught in the crossfire and a couple of dozen killed anti-government fighters. In addition, many including foreigners were arrested and their arms and equipment confiscated. Other research... This page was last edited on 21 December 2019, at 08:00. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 unless otherwise noted.

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