Blog of The Happier Abroaders - Better Dating, Social Connection and Freedom Overseas

Web Name: Blog of The Happier Abroaders - Better Dating, Social Connection and Freedom Overseas






Why Date Foreign Women? 15 Major Reasons and AdvantagesLiberating truths and comparisonsthat the US media will NEVER tell you!See our compelling PowerPoint PresentationWhy date Foreign women rather than American women? This is one of the most important questions you could ever ask if you are a single male. But it s a taboo question. No one in the media will touch it, not even the alternative media. That s why you are lucky to find this page, because such taboos are not feared here. All that matters are life-changing truths here. Now I don t mean to generalize, but there are definite major PATTERNS of differences that are very real and noticeable when you date women abroad. So I am here to define them as best I can. (After all, if I told you that people were the same everywhere, like the politically correct crowd does, then not only would that NOT be true, but what would be the point of this site?)Important message for everyone:Hi everyone, I just remembered something. There are many documented cases where mass prayer delivered an outcome and made a difference. It seems when critical mass is achieved in prayer, God either hears the prayers (Christian teaching) or it causes a co-creation in reality that changes the outcome (New Age teaching). If you do the research you will find many inspiring cases of divine healing and miracles from mass prayers. So mass prayer does make a difference it seems. Especially if done in the millions.Well President Donald Trump needs your prayers right now. So please pray for him constantly the next few days. The corrupt politicians in Washington and the deep state are throwing everything they can at him now, in a vindictive, unjust and unfair manner. We need to hold a mass prayer movement now to protect him. We need to ask God to intervene and block the bad guys from doing their bad immoral deeds. Ask God to put a protective shield around Donald Trump. Ask God to let the good guys win for once. Let God know you are praying on behalf of millions in America who feel the same way and dont want their freedoms and rights to be taken away by this leftist monster hydra that is entrenched into everything right now. The bad guys cant always win. Ask God to let the good guys win for once.If millions of us ask earnestly with a strong heart and feeling it will affect reality and change the energy in the world and get results. So please participate and ask everyone u know whos on our side to do the same.For your inspiration please watch the 1939 film "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" or the 1977 remake film "Billy Jack Goes to Washington". President Trump is a lot like the noble protagonist character in those two films, fighting heroically to the end for whats right and just and true, and persisting with everything he can. But he needs your help and the help of millions. If all our prayers for him reach critical mass it can make a difference.Mr. Trump has put his life and reputation on the line for us. Now we need to do what we can to help him. We need to keep praying fervently from the heart. Please urge everyone you know whos on our side to do the same.Thanks and God bless.Dear Reader,If you are one of the many Westerners who harbor the myth that most or all Russian women are desperate to leave their country or want a green card, then please read my article below and consider the 12 points that I make which prove it to be a narrow-minded egocentric American myth. These points are based on my experiences of being many months in Russia, visiting 12 cities, and meeting hundreds of people there. Note: If at any time while reading this, you wish to accuse me of stereotyping or generalizing, or you wish to protest that you know exceptions to what I describe, please click here Regards,Winston Wu Winston Wu asks a taboo question that no one dares to touch: Why was flirtation in America normal and acceptable before the early 1990 s but became a taboo, transgression, creepy and a form of harassment after that? And why is flirtation still acceptable in saner foreign countries like Brazil, Colombia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, Philippines, Thailand, etc? And why does no one dare to touch this question or bring attention to it? Why is it an even bigger taboo than anti-semitism? Yet this should be an important topic because natural flirtation between men and women is an important part of life and a fun joyful part of the courting process. See this video below where Winston discusses this taboo topic that no one dares to touch, not even in the alternative media.Did you know that NO ONE told you that between 1985-90 in America, talking to strangers, making friends and meeting people in America gradually became TABOO? It just happened yet NO ONE talked about it or dared to. Well we are here to change that today. Here Winston Wu elaborates on a BIG change in the social atmosphere and culture of America during the 1985-90 era that no one ever dares to talk about for some reason. Gradually, talking to strangers became taboo, and the social climate became very closed, cliquish, non-inclusive, and trying to make friends felt awkward and unnatural. People became very closed in a bubble and had this "leave me alone, don't bother me" attitude. All this became the norm, yet no one dares to call public attention to it, because you are expected to pretend that all this is "normal" when it was not before the mid 1980's. Those who grew up in the 60's and 70's and early 80's can tell you that, but no one dares to mention it openly or publicly. Winston is the only one that's brave enough to. As of now, there is no human connection at all in America, but no one dares to say that due to a loser stigma attached to it. Because you are never allowed to say that people are closed or unfriendly no matter how true.Fortunately though, most other countries are not as socially disconnected, particularly outside of North America and NE Asia. And that's the good news. See Winston Wu's audio rant about this topic in the video below. He says things that NO ONE dares to say.Feel free to discuss this topic in our Forum here. For more taboo truths, observations and comparisons that no one else dares to make, visit Winston's website and forum.Note: I wrote this comparison in 2005 while I was in Russia and had met and dated hundreds of girls since 2002. It was later revised in 2007 and 2009. So I am now posting it on my blog for your edification and because articles posted on modern blogging platforms like Blogger get ranked a lot higher in search engines. Since this is a key important article that proves our claims with inspiring photos, it needs to be ranked as high as possible. It was very groundbreaking in 2005 and the first of its kind, so it s worth posting on a modern blog platform for maximum SEO (search engine optimization). Hope you enjoy it and find it useful.Russian Women vs. American Women7 Major Differences I Noticed After Meeting Dating Hundreds of Russian Women/Girlsaverage American doesn t know and will never hear from their politicallycorrect media)By Winston WuAbove: Amanda Knox s devious mischievous smile during trial If you ve studied the infamous and controversial Amanda Knox true crime case, involving her and her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito s public trial, incarceration and acquittal for the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher, you may confused because the evidence doesn t stack up and seems conflicting and confusing. However, if you weigh all the evidence and arguments on both sides, the evidence and case for her guilt seems stronger than her innocence. This suggests that she was at least involved in the murder at some level, even if she didn t commit the murder herself. See the Murder of Meredith Kercher Wiki Site.Since researching this case is time consuming, I thought I d help you out, if you re interested, by posting the best summary lists of the case for her guilt or involvement that I found and collected from YouTube comment sections and other sites written by true crime buffs. They will give you an idea of the big picture and see what I mean. Keep in mind that while each piece of evidence individually can be explained away with alternate theories, when added up cumulatively it paints a very strong big picture of guilt, hence the preponderance of evidence definitely points to her guilt or involvement in the crime. This is what the pro-innocence crowd that defend Knox doesn t understand or consider. They nitpick and cherry pick flaws in the prosecution case due to their biases, but don t look at the big picture. In America, you always hear Patriots, Truthers and Trump Supporters say something like: America is the last bastion of freedom. If America falls, the whole world will fall too. They always say that as if it was some type of religious mantra that the hive mind of Americans chant without basis, just because everyone else is chanting it. But it s just not true, for many good reasons that I will give you below. America is actually one of the least free countries in the world, but not just because of government policy taking away your freedoms as they chant, but for a lot more reasons for that, some of which are taboo and not supposed to ever be mentioned. Now before you get offended and condemn me for not conforming to the hive, please hear me out first. If you do you may change your mind and agree with me and hence no longer be offended. So hear me out first. If you re a foreigner or local in Taiwan, and you feel lonely, alienated, depressed and unable to connect with others because they seem cold, distant and ignore you and exclude you, well then please understand that you are not alone. You may think you are alone though, because nearly everyone on the internet seems to be describing Taiwan as friendly, wonderful and a hidden gem , which makes you think you must be crazy to feel the way you do, or that there must be something wrong with you because everyone else claims to feel the opposite. But you are definitely not crazy or the only one that feels this way. It s just that almost no one dares to be honest about it or some people are just closed and don t even need social connection because they are unsocial and not outgoing like we are, so it s not even an issue to them. Overall, from talking to foreigners and travelers who have been to Taiwan, I would say that at least 25 percent of foreigners in Taiwan feel the same way I do, and another 25 to 50 percent partially agree with me but are not as vehement about it. But the rest think I m crazy and totally disagree and have a very positive view of Taiwan it seems.Back in 2004 I complained about Taiwan on the internet and thought I was the only one too. No one else dared to. Now though, more and more are speaking out their true feelings about Taiwan, such as in the comments below from another blog about Taiwan expat life. Read them below and you will see that others feel the same way too, including myself.

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