Gigal Research Archaeological and historical research about the pyramids

Web Name: Gigal Research Archaeological and historical research about the pyramids






Researcher and Author in egyptology. Antoine Gigal is for 20 years working in Egypt, knowing the most remote archaeological sites. She published  hundreds of articles in French, English, Italian, Dutch and did a lot of lectures worldwide as well as international radio shows. Her goal is to reveal the comprehensive, fascinating vision that suddenly comes into focus when one is able to understand Egypt as a whole. She likes to work mainly with geologists and engineers. Ancient Egypt holds in her point of view, the secret of secrets because it has been the depositary of mysteries concerning humankind for a long time and there are quite a lot of things to elucidate. With the help of academic sources, very necessary in order to find the original texts and translations she works again, and with excavation reports, thesis and books in several languages and facing the reality of the fieldwork, the « terrain », because it is necessary to efficiently compare and immerse oneself in the sites, she is trying to discover the true legacy left by the ancient egyptians for the benefit of humanity. She not only use to come back dozen of times in a same site to compare Geology, hydrology, ancient maps and to day satellite views but she also works with an indispensable element that many scientists ignore too often the famous oral tradition that still endures on the African continent. That morning, the wind of the great Egyptian Ancestors was strongly blowing at my ears, the wind which is said that it is responsible for their messages, their will, their blessings, as I walked in the sand of Sakkara... I had an impossible desire to achieve but curiously I already knew that it would be accessible, that it could not be otherwise... >>> Read more What surprises me a lot is that hardly anyone has questions or answers on the crown of the pharaohs, while these crowns not only had the reputation of having magical properties but none of them have been discovered so far…>>> Read more I really like to think that in the same place than in the Past,where the young maiden Kore was picking flowers with her playmates: the nymphs in a meadow near Enna, Sicily, in that precise place where she was abducted by Hades to the underworld... >>> Read more In my path inside the whole of Egypt for twenty years, a tree always caught my attention and I've never even dared to touch it because it inspired me such respect mingled with astonishment... >>> Read more HERE and now", "Back in the 1960s","Going forward"... Western languages are full of spatial metaphors for time, Most of us describe the future as ahead or in front of us, and the past as behind us. >>> Read more The ANGELS are with EGYPT - MIRACLES of Every day LIFE in EGYPT >>> Read more Tahrir Square is considered as the birthplace of the Egyptian revolution, and the museum is like a thermometer:"It gets affected by the political situation at the square," said Sayed Amer, the director of the Egyptian Museum, >>> Read more Message from the Egyptian TA people, Guardians of the Tree of Light which has its roots in the neither world, Keepers of the Sacred Oral Tradition from : TAMery our beloved Egypt met by Antoine Gigal the 3rd of July 2013>>> Read more Topics: Developments from Egypt: Research from the Shifting Sands.- How is Egypt situation today? How is Archaeology today in Egypt? What is the Future for Egypt? Gigal's research in the Emirates: what she is doing? What is her discoveries? What are her goals? What are / or / what has been her difficulties? Why Ancient Egypt is so important?>>> Read more Very rare and precious wonders are found in one of my favourite place in the Arabian peninsula in the magnificent still preserved Sultanate of Oman... >>> Read more In the mysterious Kingdom of Sheba/Saba mentioned by many sacred books (1) and different ancient authors, was found years ago , an incredible bronze altar depicting rows of sphinxes... >>> Read more Here it is the seal on the tomb of Seti first :the scarab and the ram headed Energy of Khnum. The scarab : Khepri Khepera "He who comes to life" as the Bearer of the Rising Sun who was originally ... >>> Read more Two fish were very powerful symbols in ancient Egypt and as I often repeat the simple iconography of ancient Egypt has far more knowledge than it looks. The representation of these two fish and their .... >>> Read more An Experiment I did in a lab environnement of a friend to find again a technique I think was used in ancient Egypt for copper plating of statues. For that I built a gravity pile they could have created with ... >>> Read more On the day of the festival of Soker, acoffer was lifted off at the moment of sunrise by the High Priest of Memphis, and carried in a procession circling the temple of the deity. This represented the common rotational... >>> Read more In a country where sand is everywhere the folding chair was considered one of the most important furniture in Ancient Egypt. Not only because it was transported around by the Egyptian army... >>> Read more Looking at the column I am watching in the picture, you will say: « I see a Pharaoh offering a branch of flowers and three geese or ducks to a god ... it's nice... » and after... >>> Read more All of this occurred after the death of Horus’ father Osiris fragmented into pieces . In all ancient Egyptian texts referring to ancient times we speak of the eye "associated with the word planet".>>> Read more The Godess Mut was a fierce defender of Egypt and had a human and a feline form. And she was known also as protective mother.>>> Read more The Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara or blue eye of Africa, is a prominent geological circular feature in the Sahara desert in Mauritania near Ouadane. it is nearly 50 kilometers across and very visible from space.>>> Read more In the Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC), you can find in this Bronze Age culture of Central Asia, dating: 2300–1700 BC, and located in the present day Turkmenistan,>>> Read more The Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, said :“There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.>>> Read more This head of a leopard was discovered with many others in the antechamber of the young King TutAnkhAmon (He reigned for 10 years and died at the age of 19 (1341-1323 BC)) tomb with his ceremony wardrobe.>>> Read more The Egyptian geologists located a possible harbor at the foot of the Sphinx temple and Khafra valley temple in 1978. In1994 the digs were showing first >>> Read more I am very happy of that following good news and I am less sad now :The Sultan Mohammed Al-Qasimi III, of the Sharja Emirate, has declared that >>> Read more Fayum lake and hydraulic systems – Hawara Pyramid – Illahun Pyramid – Lahun – Meidum Pyramid – Dashur – Bent Pyramid – Red Pyramid – Golden Temple of Qasr es Sagha – Memphis – Sakkara – Serapeum – Abusir – Abu Ghurab – Giza three pyramids – Sphinx – boat pits – boat museum – Nazlet el Saman – Cairo museum – Saladin Citadel – Mokkatam. >>>Read more A fascinating discovery at the Menkaura megalithic temple(MT), sheds a new light on the amazing technical, mathematical and geometrical knowledge the Ancient Egyptians possessed. >>>Read more Don't miss the last interview of Antoine Gigal on Blog talk Radio.>>>Link to the interview We will ask Antoine about the Egyptian "Elixer of Life," the subject of her upcoming book. You can see on the ceiling where there is the blue color a huge  round Mirror with Inside the Eye of Ra and Thot-Tehuti beside, watching it . The meaning of this is that mirrors were everyday ...>>> Read Please join them to comment deep questions and answers about ancient Egypt all this month of July. Come to the forum : (log in and then just wait to a confirmation e-mail and then you will be able to comment too) Événement de Giza For Humanity le 3 Juin 2011 de 14h à 21h à La Résidence Internationale de Paris (possibilité de chambres sur place, prendre contact avec la Résidence Internationale de Paris) This is a special opportunity not to be missed as Peter will discuss with Antoine Gigal aspects of Egyptian and megalithic civilizations never before revealed. Antoine is one of the few people in the world who can translate the Egyptian hieroglyphs directly and she has offered to do some unique research to address some unanswered questions specifically for our show! Interview of the 28 of March 2011 on SA FM RAdio (South African main radio). Direct at 2pm. The article "ABU RAWASH: A pyramid that was “lost” - and has now been found!" is now translated in English. >>> Read interview of Gigal by Sovereign Mind Radio about : The Giza Secrets Chronicles . >>> Listen in English Tonight she discusses ancient Egypt with a twist, elongated skulls, blue lotus, a culture that predates the biblical flood, and more! >>> Listen now A convincing clue proving that the Giza plateau was once covered by the sea is being studied, along with other evidence of erosion due to saturation by deep water of the surface of the plateau. An echinoid (a type of sea urchin or shallow marine creature) petrified in...>>> To continue Antoine Gigal discusses her research on ancient Egypt, pyramids around the world, underground activity, subterranean chambers and boat pits on the Giza Plateau. Listen now (1st hour of interview available free.) Hour 1: Red Ice Radio Antoine Gigal talking about the Pyramids, ancient Egypt, origins of ancient Egyptians, archaeology today, subterranean network, Western Desert, whales, boat pits, the Ark, the Flood. My 3-hour lecture in Cavaillon about my latest discoveries was a success. See the pictures The latest Megalithomania conference was a big success thanks to the organization of Hugh Newman and his team. I was very honored to talk with the famous Robert Temple for several hours, and had a nice time with Robert Bauval. >>> Read more. Ancient technology and pyramids, ancient technologies in Egypt by the author and engineer Christopher Dunn, the Pyramids of Bosnia by Dr. Osmanagic (...) >>> Read more. AUBREY BURL - Megalithic Observations of ArchaeologyROBERT BAUVAL - Black Genesis: The Origins of Egypt, PAUL DEVEREUX - Archaeoacoustics & Altered States, ANDREW COLLINS - Beneath The Pyramids: A Lost World (...) >>> Read more. There is a human presence in Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean (26,000 km2), from the late Pleistocene. Indeed, on this island located at the crossroads of many civilizations, drawings can be found (...) >>> Read more.

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Archaeological and historical site of Giza in Egypt and on any sites in the world where there are pyramids.

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