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A recent lawsuit illustrates yet again that the Biden administration makes false claims without evidence. On June 4, the Biden administration issued a notice calling for new federal policies about school discipline, in light of the fact that “students of color” are disciplined more often than “their White peers.” It cited a controversial report by [ ] Read More A scorched-earth campaign by Woke “anti-racists” is laying waste to America’s education and future. Part II offers a sobering update on the rapid progress the Left has made, as well as some thoughts as to why this has happened. Far-Left progressives are rapidly eliminating all disparate racial outcomes, regardless of merit. At an accelerating pace, [ ] Read More As a new academic year begins, one hero’s journey has ended. Recently as I checked my email, I was stunned and saddened to see that one of my longtime work colleagues had died in a tragic auto accident. I had worked with this person for the past twenty-three years, and while other colleagues and friends [ ] Read More The modern West is unique in being grounded not in a specific land or property, but in a theory of property. A couple, actually. What used to be well-known as the Classical Liberal theory of property—stretching back to Locke and Hobbes—holds that property is the first line of defense of the individual against a potentially [ ] Read More The L.A. Times’ Attack on a Volunteer County Board of Education A few weeks ago, the Los Angeles Times editorial board published a scathing editorial criticizing the Orange County Board of Education (OCBE), two weeks after its special board meeting on ethnic studies and critical race theory (CRT). The editorial accused the OCBE and its [ ] Read More Editor s Note: The following is a public comment sent by Professor David Richardson to the leadership of his community college system, the State Center Community College District in central California. It has been lightly edited for readability. Board of Trustees, College Presidents Chancellor, Thank you for allowing me to offer a public comment on the [ ] Read More A scorched-earth campaign by Woke “anti-racists” is laying waste to America’s education and future. Part I offers an overview of the philosophic underpinnings of a calamity in the making. America’s education system is at the edge of the abyss. Warning signs are flashing red. The sustained focus of Woke elites on purportedly “rooting out systemic [ ] Read More The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was sued on Monday by the Bader Family Foundation, for illegally refusing to comply with the Freedom of Information Act. The Commission claimed that a FOIA request for the outgoing emails of two Commission officials over a six-month period was too non-specific to qualify as a FOIA request, because [ ] Read More The way we teach history matters. If nothing else, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have taught us that. Natural rights, it turns out, don’t always come naturally; when given the free choice, people will not always choose the same universal truths that we, as Americans, hold to be “self-evident.” Universal reason isn’t as universal [ ] Read More Editor s Note: This article was originally published by The Pipeline on August 17, 2021 and is crossposted here with permission. A cosmic storm is roiling the Astrophysics community. Focused on the name of a NASA space telescope, the controversy is one more in a decade-long whirlwind of accusation that has made clear to straight white [ ] Read More The Taliban has now captured Kabul, a huge setback for women in Afghanistan. For many reasons, one may criticize the U.S. mission in that country, but some facts are undeniable: during the occupation, life expectancy improved by six years, and women’s time in school increased by at least four years. The Taliban is assuring girls [ ] Read More When the Woke Left destroys the dignity and futures of blacks, Latinos, and other marginalized minorities, they call it equity. But racism by any other name just plain stinks. In a year of Woke racist government actions targeting whites and Asians, one of the most unsettling acts of government bigotry instead targets the dignity and [ ] Read More Like the seasons, friendships come, and friendships go. It is a melancholy fact of life that around the world at any given moment, thousands of new friendships are born, and thousands of old friendships are dying. Bitterness may remain in the carcass of some expired relationships. For most of us, there is little that we [ ] Read More The progressive state of Oregon is getting rid of reading, writing, and math requirements for high-school graduation, in the name of helping “Latinx” and minority students. As Jazz Shaw notes, it’s doing this “based on allegations of racism.” The “governor’s deputy communications director said that dropping the requirements ‘will benefit Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, [ ] Read More Editor s Note: This article was originally published by RealClearPublicAffairs and is crossposted here with permission. America’s Founders understood that political change is inevitable. They thought it must come about through constitutional mechanisms, with the consent of the governed, and must never infringe on the natural rights of citizens. Progressives – rejecting the idea that any [ ] Read More On July 13, the Governing Board of California Community Colleges (CCC) voted to approve two new requirements—one adding ethnic studies as a graduation requirement for students seeking an associate’s degree and another mandating the incorporation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and anti-racism in the schools’ employment procedures. Given that all existing collegiate-level ethnic studies [ ] Read More Nicholas Lemann, former dean of the Columbia School of Journalism, currently a professor there, and author of The Big Test: The Secret History of American Meritocracy (2000), has a long new article in the New Yorker, “Can Affirmative Action Survive?,” warning ominously—or hopefully, depending on your point of view—that “The Court may signal that it [ ] Read More Georgetown study shows that racial preferences deny admission to more than one in five qualified Asian American applicants to selective colleges. You didn’t hear that from Georgetown. A substantial number of Asian Americans oppose racial preferences in college admissions (otherwise known by the euphemism “affirmative action”). In a transparent effort to dissuade them and courts [ ] Read More In February 1988, as the world watched the Calgary Winter Olympics, the youngest child of a middle-class American family, whose father was a law enforcement officer and whose mother was a nurse, headed north to compete for the United States. Dan Jansen had taken up speed skating as a child, inspired by his older sister, [ ] Read More A well-known podcaster has the custom of going “off the grid” for a month each summer, to gain some perspective. I can beat that: I have been retired from academic teaching and research for nearly 14 years and have rarely visited my campus during that time. But last year, I finally encountered the university first-hand, [ ] Read More Supporting MTCMinding the Campus, the website written mostly by courageous professors who choose to educate rather than proselytize students to their world view, needs your help. Even a small donation makes a big difference. Click here to donate now.Sign Up for Our Weekly Newsletter First Name Last Name Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: Write for MTCInterested in writing for us?Calling all professors, students, and concerned citizens who believe in diversity of thought. Minding the Campus aims to expose the single-lane thought highway at today’s universities and find solutions to the growing monoculture of ideas that silences the contrarians. If you're interested in joining the conversation, click here to read more.Education RoundupThe Limits of Free-Speech Dogma: Questioning Decades-Old Conservative Wisdom“In an ironic way, modern universities have begun to mirror the older universities under monasteries, except they do not preach Christianity but progressivism, which has its own heresies. ... And this is perhaps the most valuable wisdom in Knowles’ new book. True neutrality never really exists unless from time to time there is an authority willing to bring down the hammer against ideological forces and back up that neutrality by force.” - The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, 9/15/21Congress must extend this critical measure to keep kids connected to learning“Certainly, distance learning because of COVID-19, fires or floods is not an ideal situation. But it may be the 'new normal' for the foreseeable future in America. In order to equip teachers and caregivers to keep everyone learning during these unsettling times (and beyond), Congress must extend the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) in the budget reconciliation package. The Energy and Commerce Committee is off to a good start, including new ECF funds in the bill it approved this week. The ECF is a learning lifeline for millions of vulnerable students.” - The Hill, 9/15/21A Bold Catholic Investment in Inner-City Education“It takes vision, courage, and faith to launch a multi-million-dollar adventure in top-flight inner-urban Catholic education under these circumstances: the kind of vision, courage, and faith that led a poor black immigrant to start a new religious order for African-American women in the antebellum South; the kind of vision, courage, and faith that has now led to the opening of the well-named Mother Mary Lange Catholic School in Baltimore, my beloved, if hard-pressed, hometown.” - First Things, 9/15/21Senate confirms James Kvaal to Ed Dept's top higher ed post“The U.S. Senate on Tuesday approved James Kvaal, a lawyer and longtime policy adviser, as undersecretary for the U.S. Department of Education, the top post overseeing higher education. The 58-37 vote ends a running battle between the White House, which nominated him in February, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat who impeded his confirmation until President Joe Biden's administration promised to make changes to the federal student loan program.” - Higher Ed Dive, 9/14/21House Democrats press for speedy release of Title IX proposal“Dozens of Democrats in the House of Representatives are asking the U.S. Department of Education to issue its regulatory proposal next month for how colleges should investigate and potentially punish reports of sexual violence on campuses. The department is reworking the rule on Title IX, the federal law banning sex-based discrimination in educational settings. The agency has indicated it would publish a draft regulation in May 2022, which the representatives said was too long to wait. Their request echoes one by several advocacy groups who demanded the department deliver a proposed rule by the first of next month.” - Higher Ed Dive, 9/14/21Days After Biden’s Vaccination Order, Most Colleges Are Still in the Dark“Five days after President Biden announced sweeping Covid-19 vaccination and testing requirements for large employers and federal contractors, colleges and legal experts are still trying to figure out how the new policies will affect higher education. But experts say Biden’s mandates could give many higher-ed leaders the tools — and, perhaps, the political cover — to do something that they already wanted to do.” - Chronicle of Higher Education, 9/14/21Pell Grants have leveled the college playing field for low-income students — let's expand them“Financial hardships created by the pandemic continue to force college students to make the life-altering choice between their basic needs and their postsecondary ambitions. Dropping out costs them the additional $1 million in lifetime earnings expected for a bachelor's degree graduate and hinders the nation's economic recovery. Fortunately, we have a proven, means-tested and equitable tool at our disposal to make higher education attainable: the Pell Grant. But the time has come to do more. There is a concerted national effort underway to ask Congress to double the maximum award to $13,000 to restore its purchasing power and better help millions of students attain a degree.” - The Hill, 9/14/21In college rankings, what we measure highlights what we value“On Monday, university administrators, anxious alumni, and curious parents and students headed to a single source to find the answer to a burning question: How does their school rank on the annual U.S. News Best Colleges list? It’s become an odd tradition, made even more complex by the many other outlets that now calculate and produce their own rankings, which can dramatically differ from what U.S. News feels constitutes 'the best.' One thing I teach my advertising and public relations students is that clarity in messaging builds trust and confidence. Yet the exact opposite is happening with higher ed rankings; there’s a lot of confusion.” - The Hill, 9/14/21Virginia Tech breaks ground on new campus in Alexandria“Virginia Tech on Tuesday broke ground on its 3.5-acre Innovation Campus, a graduate school meant to expand the workforce for Northern Virginia’s booming tech sector — and turn the surrounding neighborhood into a key node in that industry. ... Originally slated for a location just a few blocks across Route 1, the $1 billion project is meant to serve as an educational anchor for National Landing, the Northern Virginia tech hub that local officials have sought to promote around Amazon’s second headquarters in Arlington.” - Washington Post, 9/14/21How Can We Trust Administrators?“Clearly, administrators are evaluating risks to the student body, faculty, staff, and the broader community. But they are not straightforward about how those risks inform the decisions they have made — risks that are particularly acute for marginalized and vulnerable community members. We are being asked to trust decisions made for us, not by us. How can we trust administrators if they do not transparently and honestly explain what risks they have deemed acceptable, and what costs they have deemed too great?” - Chronicle of Higher Education, 9/14/21Article Archives Article Archives MTC About UsDonatePrivacy PolicyTerms of ServiceWriting for Minding the Campus Sponsored by the National Association of Scholars

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