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Literacy is the basis of all other learning. When students' literacy standards are low, they often experience failure in other learning domains. It is necessary then to target literacy issues early to help students experience success from the onset and avoid failure. Torgeson (1998) in the article "Catch Them Before They Fall: Identification and Assessment to Prevent Reading Failure in Young Children", talks of the value in early identification and prevention of reading problems.Researchers in the literacy realm have noted the value in using assessment to guide instruction.Very often when one thinks of assessment, summative assessment comes to mind. When a concept or skill has been taught, students are assessed to see how well they perform. Such assessments come at the end of a unit, programme etc. In this scenario, the purpose of assessment more often than not is to gather information on how well objectives or goals are met. Assessment, however, can be used for other purposes. Data derived from assessment can be utilized in planning instruction to meet the needs of learners. Such assessments are ongoing and diagnostic.The importance of using assessment information to inform instruction is highlighted by Dr Mc Callum in the video titled The Value of Reading Assessment. He looks at assessment as important not only for seeing the end product, but more importantly, for guiding the reading process, assisting in profiling of students, and understanding the whole child.One type of ongoing and diagnostic reading assessment is carriedout throughrunning records.This strategy requires close observation and documentation of oral reading behaviours. This is a form of structured observation of individual students that yields information that can be used to improve reading and writing. The running records of an individual student's text reading could reveal the student's ability for instance, with expressive reading. The student's fluency, pace, word grouping, pauses with punctuation etc. can be observed. As this assessment is ongoing, the teacher over time is able to note the child's progress or lack thereof on different literacy concepts. The information gleaned from such observation and documentation assists in structuring instruction to meet the needs of the child.Diagnostic assessment is used to analyse students' patterns of behaviour. It gives an indication of students' approaches to the text component processes. The teacher gathers information about the errors that the children make, referred to as miscues. Such information can be used to make decisions about instruction content, strategies and the type of groupings and group placements.Interpreting assessment data on the whole child can provide valuable information. A child's socioeconomic and cultural background as well as his emotional and self esteem can impact his literacy growth. Thus assessment data analysis can assist with profiling of students so their needs can be met. The video Coding a running record part 1 shows how running records can be coded.Handouts on coding running records can be found under 'Handouts' in the Links section of this site. Click More in the header to access links.


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SPEAK "N" WRITE is in the Business of Speech Writing and Editing. It also deals with Literacy Matters for teachers & parents.

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