journal of a book sniffer

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journal of a book sniffer

Monday, May 17, 2010
i finished this today, lived with it for three days. this book was an odd comfort, the way he wrote made you a witness, his detail was exact, using all the senses. mostly an uncomfortable witness. there was a hollow in me through most of the book. he told his stories and left out things that you put in, the details being clues, the pauses, the stares of characters.
the richness was in the landscape, the clothes and mannerisms of the folks, mountain and townsfolk, bitter people and dumb kind people.. this was the loudest hum of quiet i had encountered since reading carver and denis johnson's Jesus' Son. these stories colored my days during and after it. i felt unsure and bothered, worried and sad for people. this is the sort of book you take with you if you were going to spend a few days on a drunk in a hotel room in the tenderloin in san francisco or, say, bakersfield.
and here i am empty handed and open hearted knowing that i will not have anything more by pancake to satisfy the void. he shot himself, mouthwise on a shotgun...i think he was 27.No comments: Friday, April 2, 2010 unmute knut


am starting this reading journal with a project! For the last few months or so i have been collecting (thank you ebay, alibris, abebooks and amazon) as many hamsun books i could find. I will be reading everything of his that is currently available in an english translation; his novels, travel writing, short fiction, collected letters and essays as well as the bios available. I will not be looking for nor reading any of his poetry nor his plays because i could care less about them and they probably suck anyways....i will also be re-reading his works i have grown up on...

Of the 30 plus books of his, i have been fortunate enough to track down and buy 28 of them, the last two elusive ones are currently cost prohibitive, but i will win in the end..when i get paid and the girlfriend looks the other way.

in the picture, from left to right:

left hand picture

1. hunger

2. mysteries

3. shallow soil

4. pan

5. victoria

6. in wonderland

7. the wanderer

8. benoni

9. segelfoss town

10. growth of the soil pt 1.

11. growth of the soil pt. 2

12. the women at the pump

13. dreamers

14. chapter the last

right hand picture

15. victoria

16. wayfarers

17. the road leads on

18. under the autumn star

19. on overgrown paths

20. the last joy

21. look back on happiness

22. tales of love and loss

23. night roamers and other stories

24. knut hamsun remembers america

25. knut hamsun selected letter vol. 1

26. knut hamsun selected letters vol. 2

27. a norwegian farm - marie hamsun

28. hamsun bio - hanna larsen - 1922

29. hamsun bio - enigma - robert ferguson - 1988

30. knut hamsun: dreamer and dissenter - ingrid kolloenNo comments: starting with marie

A Norwegian Farm - Marie Hamsun - Cadmus Books - Copyright 1933 J.B. Lipincott.
Abridged and translated by Maida Castehun Darnton, Illustrated by Elsa Jemne

This is children's literature, but by no means should this be used to pigeonhole it. the innocence in this book is so charming and heartfelt it gives me supergoosebumps. it was such a relaxing read. it centers around, of course, a farm in norway, i am guessing nordland since that is where a good deal of knut hamsun's writings occur. there is talk of frozen ground and bitter cold so there you go. this is primarily the story of Ola and Einar, brothers. they have sisters as well that play supporting roles. Ingerid and Martha. Ola is ten and Einar is eight. Svarta was the oldest and most important of the cows. each of the kids owned a cow, Svarta belonged to Ola and they boys seemed to trade her back and forth for the other cow plus something extra thrown in, a red pencil, a dozen or so buttons, a reprieve from a bloody nose etc...the boys and girls all work on the farm in varying degrees each to their own abilities and temperaments. what makes this sweet is that the children find joy in such simple things, chasing squirrels, collecting buttons, herding, hunk of white cheese or sour cream on bread to them is a particular goodness. the problems in the book are easily solved, one of the boys is playing with a farm girl and she climbs a tree, falls out and breaks her collarbone, the boy after collecting his earnings from herding sends her 5 oer and this settles things. the boys befriend a poor old man and they give him wood that they had collected from a felled tree in the stream,he in turn makes them birch wood baskets,and one of the boys send him letters which a neighbor reads to him and it brings him great joy. simple simple simple.

another wonderful part of this book, which i am ASSuming is as autobiographically slanted as a lot of knut's works is the christmas masquerading where the family dresses up in masks and makeup, knut joining them as a milkmaid in undergarments and all, jesting along with the best of them, makeup, female voice and gestures....a grand time was had by young and old as they went from house to house fooling everyone...dressing up even the horse! it is not all that often we get to hear of the playful exploits of the great and serious knut hamsun himself.

it was neat that i should find in this book about scheming playful children this note...

characters: Langerud farm, cows - svarta (ola's), Kvita (Einar's), Julgaas (ingerid's), stjerna (martha's), potimor (the sexton's heifer - a real asshole), people - Ola - ten, Einar - Eight, Ingerid and Martha. Mother and Father. Pig - Fatty(eats ola's bible history book), Goat - svartkonsta, neighbors: The sexton, anna and jacob from neighboring farm - jacob could not prounounce 'z's..torinus - neighbor they borrowed tobacco from...birch bark lars..kindly neighbor, poor...inger - little girl svarta met first, broken collarbone..adopted by sexton, gusta-gudbrand and gudbrand gusta they mow hay..father of jacob and anna, cousin henry from..... Gulla the hen....No comments: HomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)FollowersBlog Archive 2010(3) May(1)i finished this today, lived with it for three da... April(2)About MeUnknownView my complete profile

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